How Small Businesses Can up Their Game With Quality Shipping

In 2016, nearly eight in 10 Americans shopped online, and that number is likely to rise as e-commerce grows even more prevalent across industries. Now that more customers are skipping crowded shopping malls to order online, shipping has become a vital part of running a business.

Product shipping

Large companies like Amazon have honed shipping into an art. In light of this competition, it can be difficult for many small businesses to develop shipping practices that both satisfy customers and leave room for a modest profit. But to thrive in the digital marketplace, quality shipping practices are essential.

Here are several ways small businesses can improve their shipping strategy to see more success.…

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Create an Effective Shipping System For Your Small Business with These 5 Tips

One of the most important elements of owning a small business is shipping. Customers appreciate it when you ship items promptly and package them well, but poor shipping can also have a huge negative impact on your reputation and sales.

Shipping package delivery

Even if you have an incredibly wonderful product, your customers can still feel cheated or taken advantage of if something goes wrong during their item’s journey from you to them. Slow shipping speeds, damage to the product, and mixed-up orders can leave them feeling unsatisfied.

But keeping everything streamlined and organized can be challenging for a small business owner. Minimizing hassle and costs is important, so here are some tips for you to follow when shipping for your small business.…

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Small Businesses and Shipping Providers: What Are the Options?

Depending on the industry, small businesses usually depend on logistics and shipping services at some point. While some choose to facilitate those functions internally, others might consider outsourcing the work. When juggling between the two alternatives, it is helpful to consider a few key points.

Any small business owner knows today’s market is extremely competitive, and many small businesses continually battle large businesses to try and stay afloat. Mistakes can be very costly and drive consumers away from a “mom-and-pop” operation to a big business they know will deliver products and results they need. If a business is too small to employ accurate and timely shipping services, it might be better to outsource the work.…

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10 Steps to Start Importing from China

When it comes to importing goods from China to the United States, getting started is the most complicated part of the process. Free trade agreements have made business exchanges between the two nations a cinch. By spending a bit of time preparing yourself for the process, you can get started in no-time at all.

tips for importing goods from China

While the process is simple, it is also an exact one. It is absolutely crucial that you follow all customs requirements and do not make any assumptions when it comes to importing goods. A small mistake can be a costly one when it comes to importing goods from anywhere in the world.…

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