eCommerce SEO Considerations for Business Owners

The world is moving towards eCommerce as more and more people are turning to online shopping for convenience and a wider range of options. This trend has accelerated in the recent years, as physical stores were closed and people turned to online platforms for their shopping needs.

Ecommerce store

Online sales have been growing rapidly and are expected to continue to grow in the future. Additionally, advancements in technology, such as mobile commerce and social media shopping, are making it even easier for consumers to shop online.

The Need for Quality Content

A lot of eCommerce websites mean a lot of quality content.…

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How Much Do Real Estate Companies Spend on SEO?

While the idea of improving your SEO is a great one, it’s something that most business owners haven’t done. Why? They are scared of the potential costs. That doesn’t have to be the case though. SEO is fairly easy to do, and the potential benefits are huge. If you are a real estate business owner, you want to increase your exposure, which means increased traffic to your website. There are many ways to do this, and SEO is one of the most efficient.

SEO analytics

If you know that doing SEO would increase your exposure and the benefits are good for your business, what would stop you from making the changes?…

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How Much Does Your Website Design Impact Search Engine Optimisation?

When it comes to improving website performance, there are several factors to keep in mind. Unfortunately, people tend to focus most of their attention on one or two factors they deem most important. In reality, there are several aspects of web design that impact search engine optimisation. In this article, we explore five elements of web design that directly impact SEO.

business web desgin


If you want your target audience to be able to find your website through search engines, it’s essential to make sure your site is designed in a way that will allow them to do so. One of the factors that can impact your site’s ranking in search engine results pages is whether or not it is mobile-friendly.…

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Backlink Building Strategies for eCommerce Brands

The internet is an unparalleled source of information. Anybody can make content about any type of niche. But if you want to rank high in search engines quality content isn’t enough.

Backlink building strategy

photo credit: Pixabay

You need to be an authority on a topic if you want to improve your overall online presence. Backlink building is one of the best ways to do this. But what exactly is backlink building and why do brands need it?

Why Is Backlink Building Important?

Backlinks are social proof for search engines. It signals that a certain piece of content is good enough to link to.…

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Using SEO for Plastic Surgeons – You Can Establish Yourself as an Authority in the Plastic Surgery Industry

Do you own a clinic that specializes in plastic surgery? Are you working to broaden the scope of your company’s online presence in order to attract a greater number of customers? You couldn’t have found a better destination! Even while we won’t physically alter your website in any way here at Brandllift Med, we will give it a new lease on life by applying the most cutting-edge SEO tactics.

SEO for plastic surgeon

You have the most highly regarded plastic surgery practice in the neighborhood. Now, let Brandllift Med a highly revered plastic surgery SEO company assist you in communicating this information to potential customers of your business.…

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Five Things to Consider Before Hiring Shopify SEO Services

Many people may tell you that hiring Shopify SEO services is an easy task, but this is a myth because many businesses who have failed can testify that search engine optimization is not an easy job.


photo credit: Merakist / Unsplash

When you are hiring a services provider for your online business, there is a need to consider a few things that will ensure that your site is properly ranked in the search engine. Now let’s have a look at some of the critical things that you should be aware of before you hire Shopify SEO services.

1. Have a clear Picture of Competitors

Before you start optimizing your store, you should have a clear picture of your competitors.…

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Why Is SEO Important for Law Firms?

Law firms face a lot of online competition when it comes to standing out and attracting clients. A big part of marketing as a law firm is following SEO best practices. For example, SEO for family law means you’re in a very competitive niche, and you have to plan your digital marketing strategies accordingly.

Law firm SEO

When you need to rank for keywords relevant to your area of law, it becomes challenging.

There might be hundreds of other family law attorneys in your area to revisit the initial example.

This highlights part of why you need to focus on SEO, but below, we go into more detail about the value of optimizing your site and content for organic search in the legal industry.…

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How do I Find my Keyword Ranking on Google?

Google ranking

“Where does my website rank on Google?”

That can definitely be considered to be a burning question on the mind of every digital marketer and SEO professional anywhere across the globe. A question that often follows that one is:

“For which keywords does my website rank on Google?”

These two questions might just not be on your mind, but these questions can also be asked by your manager or the clients. And if you are an SEO professional or digital marketer, it is your job to know the answers to them.

No matter how much experience or expertise you have in the field of SEO and digital marketing, and regardless of whether you are running a relatively new website, or one that has been around for a few years, you must know how to check keyword ranking in Google.…

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7 Business Operations that Gain Massive Income Boosts from Quality SEO

SEO has long been a fantastic, consistent, and creative way to majorly boost the visibility, success, and profitability of a business. For industries and services that are hyper-competitive in nature, the importance of having a quality SEO team on your side increases even further. In 2022, some businesses simply cannot function without the proper SEO practices and setup.

Restaurant SEO

Here are just seven business operations that gain massive income boosts from quality SEO:

1. Roofing Companies

Roofing is one of the most competitive home improvement industries out there. When you’re looking to be profitable and successful as a roofing company, you’ll likely be competing with at least two other major business presences (especially if you’re doing work in a highly populated area).…

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Highly Important Off-page SEO Factors

Off-page SEO is a critical component of any successful SEO strategy.

Off-page SEO

If you want your website to rank on Google and increase the amount of organic traffic that your brand receives, you’ll need to look at more than just your on-page SEO strategy for optimization.

Off-page SEO – What is it and why it is important?

The term “off-page SEO” refers to any search engine optimization strategies or tactics that you apply to improve your search engine ranking but that take place outside of your domain.

This contrasts with “on-page SEO,” which focuses on optimizing the pages of your website.

Did you know?…

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