5 Things to Remember in Dominating Long Tail Keywords

For any person who is focusing on SEO campaigns for a business, it is essential to know about long tail keywords. Long tail keywords can be the difference between a successful business website, and one that nobody visits. They are especially important for people running small businesses, as you don’t have some large team handling your SEO efforts.


If you are using long tail keywords in your SEO strategy (and you should be), here are 5 things that you should remember to help you dominate the competition.

1. Stay Focused on Your Subject

The point of a long tail keyword is to find a phrase that people are searching for a lot, but not one that every other company is also going after.…

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Things Small Business Can Do to Jumpstart Their SEO Campaign

As a small business competing in a crowded market, getting that extra marketing edge could mean a lot. The internet is your friend when it comes to marketing your products and services to segmented markets, and with over 60% of traffic coming from search engines, SEO is definitely the internet marketing instrument to use. If you are just getting started with SEO, here are a few things you can do to jumpstart your campaign.

Small business SEO

The Contents That Work

A lot of SEO experts will advise you to produce more contents for your site in order to attract more traffic, but this doesn’t have to be the only way to go.…

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Signs of the Times: Symptoms It’s Time to Seek Professional SEO Help

Many businesses like to take a DIY approach to SEO, and you may be one of them. After all, you can read up on plenty of SEO tips online from all the experts, and many SEO tactics are based on tasks you can do yourself. However, sometimes hiring a professional team can be a very good idea. Here are some of the signs that you may need to invest in outside help.


Your Ranking Is Falling

If your ranking is falling in the search engines, it’s fair to assume that you are doing something wrong. The problem is that you may not be sure what you are doing wrong.

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The SEO Minefield

I met and sat with an account manager from an online digital marketing company about 3 years ago, discussing how we could drive our business forward through SEO and PPC marketing.

Search engine optimization

After a back and forth discussion of our marketing needs and the services the company could provide, we were presented with a package that looked very similar to the one below:

  • 10 Keywords
  • 20 Backlinks A Month
  • 10 Press Releases
  • 50 Facebook Shares
  • On Page Optimisation
  • 1 x 500 Word Article
  • Above Article Submitted To 20 Article Directories
  • 20 Directory Listings


The account manager’s presentation (at the time) was very convincing: he thoroughly explained the benefits of the package, namely higher web rankings in Google and an increase in website traffic and customers.…

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Google Panda 4.1 Leaks Provide More Complete Picture of Corporate SEO

2014 was another year full of computer hacks and data leaks, with more and more confidential information becoming available from every corner of the internet. At a time when giants such as Sony or the United States government are able to be targeted, the internet’s own Google is no exception.

Google Panda

In addition to “Project Goliath”, Google has made the news over the course of 2014 because of other data leaks and reinterpretations of patent filings from their own organisation: The key factors which affect your business websites’ search rank have been revealed iteratively throughout a series of small leaks.

A Matter of Ethics

While some say that learning from leaked information may not be the most ethical -others will argue that Google’s role of self-proclaimed “internet hall monitor” warrants it.…

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White Label SEO: A Sensible Software Solution for SMB

It gets harder and harder to compete on the Internet as more competitors pop up each year. There are only 10 spaces on the first page of Google, and even the slightest bump down can greatly affect sales and revenue. Small businesses have limited marketing budgets, so new ways to compete are always a necessity if you want to stay ahead of the game. White label SEO is a way to branch out, leverage affiliates, and increase visibility across the Internet.

White label SEO

What is White Label SEO?

You can think of white label SEO as reselling SEO or allowing someone else to use an SEO product using a different brand name.…

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Why SEO is an Important Investment for Your Business

Marketing is amongst one of the most important considerations that you should have a small business owner. While your product or service could be amazing, without the right marketing, no one will know about it, and no one will buy. There are several aspects to the marketing mix, but one of the most important is SEO.

SEO for small business

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is the act of optimising your website in order for the search engines to rank it higher and higher in the search engine results pages (the SERPs).

When you search for something online, for example “cake makers in Essex”, a series of different results appear.…

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Google Hummingbird and its Impact on SEO and Content Marketing Strategies

The new Hummingbird update from Google has hit the online marketing world by storm, much like every other update they’ve ever done! Site owners, marketers and search engine enthusiasts alike seem to go into frenzy-mode every time Google changes something. And rightly they should, every update makes a significant leap forward for the actual users.

google hummingbird algorithm update

While it usually sets most marketers back a few, or several steps – where they have to head back to the drawing board to figure out a game-plan to fight their way back to the top of the search engines for terms like “Test fit black elastic underpants sizes 1-20”, or “prefabbed concrete slabs in Glendale”.…

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