Why You Should Consider Using AI in Your Marketing Strategy

Are you struggling to communicate with your customers at all times? Fortunately, artificial intelligence (AI) can help you to improve your marketing strategy. In fact, it is estimated that the AI market will have a $5.05 billion revenue by 2020, and is a factor that will dominate the marketing industry in 2017. So now is the perfect time to incorporate AI into your own strategy.

So what is AI?

The first thing to do is understand what exactly AI is. It sounds like some form of futuristic technology, but it is in fact not a new concept. In fact, the term was coined by Stanford researcher John McCarthy in 1956.…

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Chat Bots 101: Background and Key Issues to Consider Before Incorporating Them Into Your SMB eCommerce Strategy

Thanks to artificial intelligence, chat bots essentially have all the answers. Just ask one for a recommendation on a customer service tool that would allow your business to easily and cost-effectively improve the customer experience by providing instant, automated and personalized interaction at every touchpoint, and it would probably tell you to invest in a chat bot.

Chat bot

Not only would that chat bot be perfectly accurate and helpful in doing so, but it would also make the recommendation without a hint of the annoying false modesty to which humans are so prone. Just one of the ways these tools are, perhaps, our better.…

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Evergreen Content Marketing Strategies That Still Work in 2017

A lot of posts online define evergreen content marketing, but they don’t really offer any real strategies to use. Evergreen marketing at its core simply means using strategies that won’t go stale quickly.

Evergreen content marketing strategies 2017

This excludes pretty much all forms of popular marketing methods such as email blasts, social media posts, trending topics, news, PPC, and promotions/sales gimmicks where prices/products can change or an influencer may lose their relevance with the market (ie., “You Can Get This Right Now For Just $19.97!” or “Kanye West Says Our Vodka is the Best!”).

Evergreen, just like the type of tree, lasts through the ages.…

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5 Marketing Campaigns That Helped These Small Businesses Grow

The goal of a marketing campaign is to help your audience understand the brand, increase awareness and engagement, and of course, generate sales. The best marketing campaigns go above and beyond to resonate with consumers by playing into emotions and generating excitement for a product or service.

Marketing strategy

Regardless of the industry you’re in, there are always unique ways to create effective and relevant marketing strategies. One of the best ways to help business owners think outside of the box is by working with marketing firms like Polar Mass. Often, it’s difficult for entrepreneurs to step outside their comfort zone and devise research-backed solutions to their problems.…

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How Content Marketing Can Reach Targeted Customers

Despite continued reports of its death, content marketing is alive and well and remains one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience. Types and modes of delivery continue to evolve, spurred on by changes in the way consumers engage with brands, but the concept remains the same. Researching your audience, identifying an ideal market and delivering the content they want when they need it influences purchase decisions and builds brand loyalty.

Content strategy

To target your content to the consumers with the most interest in your products and services, consider these best practices as you plan your online marketing strategy.…

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7 Concurrent Marketing Strategies for Your Small Business Success

Your small business success is propelled by several factors. The most significant of which is marketing strategy.

Creating marketing strategy

You may have the best products and the best employees, but they may become useless without some regular and concurrent marketing programs. Selling is one thing, but marketing is something else. If you want to really succeed in growing your business, you should always have two or more marketing strategies that can be implemented altogether at the same time.

In the UK, most entrepreneurs are aggressively implementing various marketing strategies. Some of them give away promotional products, we will discuss this strategy later. Others are doing the same thing along with unique marketing approaches.…

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Marketing Tips to Create Demand for Your Product

In the world of marketing, demand creation is the process of creating demand for specific products where none might currently exist. Sometimes called push marketing, creating demand is far more involved– and perforce, often more expensive– than traditional marketing and branding, which typically seeks to meet or satisfy existing needs.

Create demand and sell!

Often, business or startup owners realize they need to generate demand when their innovative and new service or product sits on the market with only a few, intermittent buyers. Even if it could be an industry game changer, it’s not uncommon that only early adopters will take a chance with an unfamiliar brand.…

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Print Marketing: Why it Matters and How to Use it

Large format printing

While champions of the digital era will have us believe print is dying out, you only need to look around you to see that print marketing is still very much alive and well. On any given day, we’re bombarded with billboards, magazines and posters – all pointing us towards a product, service or brand – and whether we realise it or not, these marketing materials influence our buying behaviour.

Today, we’re throwing the spotlight on the print industry. We’ll be looking at everything from high street flyers and business cards to retail window clings and magazines – exploring how and why print still works as an effective marketing strategy.…

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How to Win in Retail by Utilizing Shopper and In-store Marketing Strategy (Infographic)

Every retailer in the world works hard to get customers in to their store. Shopper marketing plays a vital role in this area and it focuses on how you need to interact with the customer from the beginning to the end of a transaction. Getting the customer to your store is only half the battle and even when the customer is in your store you still need to tread carefully.


Just because they are in your store doesn’t mean the job is complete and you need to make sure you make their stay as pleasurable as possible. For example, when you consider that 70% of shoppers use a mobile device in a store, how vital does good in-store WIFI become?…

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4 Reasons to Create a Video Case Study for Your Business

Steve Jobs once said that customers don’t know what they want until it’s been shown to them. The late entrepreneurial pioneer used this to Apple’s advantage, identifying a problem and solving it in the simplest, most approachable manner possible. The success of this method is unquestionable – Apple fast became the world’s most valuable company.

Apple Inc

You might have the best product in the world, but if customers don’t know how it will improve or simplify their lives, they will not buy into it. This concept forms the core of advertising and marketing, but is often neglected when it comes to constructing a company website.…

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