When OSHA Visits: Smart Ways to Handle Your Company’s Citation

If you’ve been notified of an inspection by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), you need to respond quickly. You also need to know how to prepare your employees for any questions they may be asked by an OSHA inspector. Here’s how to handle your company’s possible citation.

OSHA inspection

Talk to Your Attorney

If your company has received notice of an OSHA inspection, you should consult with an attorney right away. Your lawyer will help you gather the information you need to prepare for the investigation.

Greeting the Inspector

The inspector will arrive at the company and present his or her credentials.…

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4 Health and Safety Risks When Finding an Office (and How to Look for Them)

Finding an office comes with many requirements. Layout, size and location are things you have to think about. But all of these are secondary to making sure the office is safe to work in. If you haven’t started looking at offices at all, a helpful office relocation guide might be needed. When you’re ready, here are the 5 most important health and safety risks to be aware of before you sign the dotted line.



Even though asbestos was banned in the 1990s, asbestos-related disease still kills more people per year than car accidents. If your potential new office was built before the year 2000, there is at least a 50% chance it contains asbestos.…

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Does Working From Home Negatively Impact Your Health?

Working from home is the dream, isn’t it? The flexibility, comfort of your own surroundings and ability to alter your hours as you please is a big temptation for many of us. Why wouldn’t you want to work from home? You won’t need to face that dreaded 6am alarm, ghastly commute and having to stand for an hour on a train which costs you £500 per month. The advantages are never-ending. Well, so it seems at first glance.

Work from home

A study by Timothy Golden revealed a different perspective on the matter. The findings highlighted that working from home can have a negative effect on both your physical and mental health.…

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Safety First: Ensuring Your Employees are First Aid Trained

Having at least one employee that has relevant first aid training is mandatory in many places, but highly recommended in all. Even in seemingly the safest work environments, there’s always the chance that someone will need medical assistance. If you’re running your own business and have employees, then it’s high time that you did the right thing and got them trained up in first aid.

First aid training

Why first aid training is important

Potential hazards are everywhere; if you work with machinery then you’ll be well aware of them, but you might never have considered the knives in the office kitchen, or the plug sockets under the desk.…

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