3 Financial Tools To Help You Get Your Start Up Off The Ground

Do you have an idea for a business? Reckon your product or service could fill a gap in the market? Always dreamed of being your own boss?

If you’ve answered yes to these three questions, then congratulations – you clearly have an entrepreneurial spirit! Now comes the hard part. More than half a million businesses launch across the country every month and you need all the help you can get if you’re going to stand out from the crowd and succeed – regardless of how good your idea is.

Business planning

The biggest thing to be aware of is money. If you don’t stay in control of this, then you’re never going to get anywhere.…

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The First Five Things You Should Consider When Your Business Starts to Boom

Everyone who starts a business does so with a dream in mind; however, very few actually make that dream a reality, let alone a profitable one.

However, what happens when the seemingly unthinkable happens and the money actually starting rolling in?

Startup growth

Oddly enough, raking in the dough as an entrepreneur can be both a blessing and a curse. After all, there are plenty of options on the table which can be quite daunting as a business owner.

For example, is it best to conduct business as usual and pretend like your profits aren’t even there? Should you immediately invest the money back into your business?…

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5 Business Expenses a Startup can do Without

It can be so easy to get carried away during the initial phases of setting up your own business, but it’s vital that you keep your head. Many new company owners waste thousands that they haven’t earnt yet on illogical expenses, so here are just a handful that you should avoid.

Fancy business car

1. Extravagant “image” purchases

The last thing you should be spending your money on is a fancy suit or designer watch; you can certainly get a smart-looking, good quality suit to match whatever your budget is. As long as you look professional, your client won’t know or care where your clothes are from.…

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Tips to Start Your Business on the Right Financial Footing

Starting a business will be one of the most difficult things that you ever do, so many new things to learn, so much hard work to put in and a lot of pressure on making it a success. The best thing you can do for your future business is to ensure that before you start, you have everything in place that you are going to need, fail to prepare and prepare to fail, this motto could not be more true when it comes to a start-up business.

Startup financial management

One of the key things that you need to have in place is your finances and a plan for your finances once the business starts, here are some tips on how you can ensure your financially prepared to start a business.…

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5 Organizational Tips For Smart Business Money Management

Personal money management is tough enough, but when you try to manage money for an entire business or brand, things become even more complicated and convoluted. And that’s why there are specialized tools and organizational tips specifically for business finance managers.

Business money management

Five tips in particular might include hints like making sure that you shorten your selling cycles, use social elements for natural brand promotion, get feedback from early adopters, keep personal and professional finances separate, and use project management software to help synchronize all of your business communications with respect to money flow.

Shorten Your Cycles

A recurring problem in business finances happens when financial cycles take too long to complete.…

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Limit Expenses as an SME – 5 Actionable Points

As an SME it’s easy to rack up more expenses than what you are generating in revenue. Spending on suppliers, vendors, employee perks and taxes can get out of hand in the blink of an eye unless carefully planned. But there are several ways to limit expenditures that, by focusing on improving efficiency, can even make a company more profitable.

Cutting bills

Palletise large shipments

If you are shipping goods as part of your basic, regular practice, how you do so is a crucial factor in your business’s operations. It goes without saying that a reliable pallet courier that offers competitive prices and excellent service should be used.…

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Forget Banks, Manage your Money in The Cloud

Banks can help you in managing your money passively.  However, you can do better than that: How about actually managing your money better with the help of your stationary, an accountant and the cloud. Interested in learning more?

Cloud piggy bank

If you won the lottery big time, what would you do with your new found riches? I mean after you buy your sexy new Aston Martin and charter a yacht around the Greek islands. Keep the money in your bank account and not only will you have to trust yourself not to touch it, you’ll entrust an investor, an outsider with your millions.…

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3 Tips to Lead you to Financial Success for your Small Business

Owning and operating a business can be a challenge. There are a lot of expenses that you are responsible for. Unexpected things can happen, such as property damage or a bad quarter. For some unexpected things you can simply talk to an insurance agent, but not everything can be solved with insurance.

Businessman creates financial plan

In order for your business to be a success, you have to have a good financial plan. There are a few basic things you can do to help ensure that your business does well:

1. Budget

It can be a difficult task to budget for your business.…

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How to Take Your Finances from Receipts to Balance Sheets

Many people assume that finances can be a confusing and stressful thing to manage, especially if you’re not prepared or educated in how to manage finances successfully.

Doing business finances

Many people just throw their receipts in a box and then decide to organize these receipts when it’s necessary, such as when tax season is approaching. But this is not an effective financial method, whether for a business or for your personal finances. Having organized financial records is essential, especially when it comes to managing cash flow for business or for personal use.

Luckily, you don’t have to be a tax expert in order to manage finances.…

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