Employee Appreciation: A Cornerstone of All Successful Businesses

In many ways, employees are your most valuable asset as a business owner. They are the fabric that makes up your company and has so much of an influence over its relative success or failure. Find a good team of people, treat them right, and your business will flourish. But neglect them, and you can kiss goodbye to both profits and loyalty. Here’s why employee appreciation is so vital.

Employee appreciation


It’s common sense that if people feel undervalued within a job, they are far less likely to put in the extra hours on your behalf. Why would they, if they aren’t getting the necessary emotional or financial return for their efforts?…

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Your Employees are Clients, Too: Why You Should Gift Them Accordingly

Do you remember the last time you received something special at the office? I’ll bet it made your day.

Sending gifts to clients around the holidays or to say “thank you” has become routine, yet we rarely consider doing the same for employees. And if you’re not including employees on your gift list, you’re missing out on an opportunity to add value to your business by encouraging and supporting your staff.

Thank you gift from Superman

Recognizing an employee’s efforts is a simple yet powerful way to boost performance. Employees who feel appreciated tend to work harder and remain loyal to their employers, and giving also works as an incentive for others who see that you appreciate and reward exceptional work.…

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