Cyberattacks Now Cost Companies $200k on Average

Small businesses frequently find themselves in precarious situations, particularly when it comes to money. A recent survey from G2 showed that almost a quarter of SMEs struggle with “access to capital”, with only 15% declaring themselves “financially stable.”

Cyber attack on small businesses

That goes to show that even the smallest knock to a company’s bottom line can have potentially ruinous consequences, and although small businesses may consider themselves immune from cyberattacks, the reality—and financial toll—of the situation may be far worse than many small business CEOs predict.

The impact of cyberattacks on SMEs

In recent years, financial instability has increasingly come as a result of online attacks.…

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What Linux Malware Attacks Mean for SMBs

Recently, hackers attempted to steal data from a North American casino by hacking a fish tank connected to the internet. Once this device was compromised by the hackers, they were able to get onto the network of the casino and find other vulnerabilities.

Linux malware attacks

Not so funny after all

Now stories like this may sound like a joke, but they should worry the leaders of small–medium businesses. The operating system controlling this fish tank is likely to be the same software that controls the TVs, printers and even kettles that they have connected to the internet, or will want to – or have to even – connect in the future.…

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Is Your Startup Prepared for a Cyberattack

Late last month, the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) was hit by a ransomware that completely crippled the operations at India’s largest container port. Besides JNPT, the Petya ransomware is also reported to have hit a number of large corporations including WPP, Maersk, Mondelez and DLA Piper. Just a month earlier, the world was hit by the WannaCry ransomware that infected more than 230,000 computers including those of UK’s National Health Service (NHS), Fedex, Honda and Renault.


Computers getting hit by spyware and ransomware is no longer a hypothetical. If you are a startup, the risks are relatively higher given that you may be dependent on third party tools and services for all your business needs like email, web hosting, file sharing and project collaboration.…

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