Reinventing Your Career at 40: The Ultimate Guide to Reskilling

Navigating a career change in your 40s can seem daunting. Whether it’s due to a shifting industry landscape, a personal desire for change, or the necessity of adapting to the modern job market, reskilling is a powerful way to ensure your continued relevance and success in the professional world.


This guide provides you with practical steps, motivational advice, and strategies to successfully reskill and reinvent your career after 40.

Reskilling: The Why and The What

Embarking on a reskilling journey starts with a deep understanding of your motivations and the potential paths ahead. This foundational knowledge not only guides your decisions but also aligns your efforts with your long-term professional goals.…

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The Difference Between a Finance Degree and an Accounting Degree

Are you trying to choose an undergraduate major or thinking about going back to school for a career change? If you have an analytic mind and enjoy working with numbers, you might want to consider a finance or accounting degree.

CEO earning a college degree

Finance and accounting are both math-focused careers that are integral to the success of all types of institutions. Finance and accounting degrees both afford great job security and job satisfaction. In fact, both professional areas are expected to see job growth of at least five percent over the next decade, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Those who work in finance and accounting can pursue diverse specialties in their fields, so there is plenty of opportunity for continued personal growth.…

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How to Get Off to the Best Start in Your New Job

A new job can be an exciting and daunting thing, especially if it’s in a position to which you’ve always aspired. Getting off to a good start generally means making a positive impression on those around you, familiarising yourself with the technical details of the work itself, and avoiding ruffling feathers.

Contemplating Career Change

Be aware of the most annoying habits

According to research commissioned by instantprint, a Rotherham-based printing company that creates flyers, leaflets, and posters, almost eight million workers in the UK have had to work alongside a person who annoyed them every day. If you’re that annoying person, then you might find your progress impeded.…

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8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making a Career Change

A career change is an interesting journey — it always begins with the same question: what to do next? That’s the very first question one asks his or herself before considering a career transition. But how does that question come up? Well, first it’s a matter of how you feel. You are unhappy with your current daily bore and want to start again in a new exciting adventure.

Contemplating Career Change

The trick is that it takes a lot of thought when making such choices, and a career change is one of those delicate life shifts that can change your life for better or worse.…

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Why Many Small Business CEOs Fail At Job Search

Have you had enough of being a CEO of a small business?

(Maybe your official title is not CEO – it’s probably MD, GM or similar – but in this article I’ll use CEO as an umbrella term for all of those to aid consistency and comprehension).

Often the pressures of running a small business to small business CEOs and they begin to dream of having a “normal” job.

At least for a little while.

CEO job search

However, getting a job after being a small business CEO is not always easy.

Press any recruiter and they’ll (grudgingly) admit that CEOs who have been running their own business for the past 10+ years often get overlooked during job search.…

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