How to Take Your Finances from Receipts to Balance Sheets

Many people assume that finances can be a confusing and stressful thing to manage, especially if you’re not prepared or educated in how to manage finances successfully.

Doing business finances

Many people just throw their receipts in a box and then decide to organize these receipts when it’s necessary, such as when tax season is approaching. But this is not an effective financial method, whether for a business or for your personal finances. Having organized financial records is essential, especially when it comes to managing cash flow for business or for personal use.

Luckily, you don’t have to be a tax expert in order to manage finances.…

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5 Tax Pitfalls to Avoid This Year

Most entrepreneurs shudder at the thought of dealing with their taxes. With their eye firmly on growing their business and forging ahead the idea of meticulously tracking and recording every aspect of their business is at the very back of their minds. But if anything is going to take the wind out of a business’ sails it’s not keeping everything in order.

Business taxes

Here are five of the most common things that tend to trip up entrepreneurs. Make sure you avoid them this year.

1. Claim Your Legitimate Expenses

Make sure that you claim for every item to which you are entitled.…

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Dear US-Based Small Business Owner: It is Time to Get Your Books Ready for Year End

Profits, depreciation, travel costs, healthcare, startup costs, training expenses, charitable donations – all these and more represent little numbers on a page that can save you money if you have your books in order when the “Revenue Man” comes a calling in the next couple of months. Rules and paperwork vary significantly from one country to the next, however most do employ many of the same basics.

For those of you with businesses based in the good ‘ol “US-of-A”…

It’s crunch time!

working with business tax documents

If you don’t have your tax paperwork in order, then you’ll be in for a real slap in the face when business resumes full-swing in the New Year, and your accountant starts hassling you for the receipts from that big move you made to a new location this year, so they can deduct it from your individual 1040 return.…

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