Modern Software That Can Help Businesses Boost Income

Money, money, money – it makes the business world go round. Without it, how is a business meant to stay afloat? Unfortunately, it probably won’t. That’s why, with your expenditures, ensuring you get your money’s worth is vital for your business to succeed, especially in the early days.

Businesswoman using business software

Therefore, we have compiled a list of modern software you can utilise to help to boost your earnings, as well as save you precious time.

Revenue Operations and Intelligence

Having an intelligence platform allows you to access insightful data regarding your sales, marketing, and revenue operations. What exactly does this mean? It means that you can forecast what your business needs to focus on, what’s working and what you’re better off avoiding.…

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Why are Manual Timesheets a Waste of Time?

Timesheets are the data table that measures how much time an employee spent on his work.

People say Timesheets don’t help them track the exact working hours. Using this as an advantage, some easily manipulate their clock in and clock out in a manual timesheet (which we talk about in detail in the article.)

Manual timesheet

photo credit: Mitrefinch

An improved version of this system is the timesheet management software. One of the major problems of making wrong time entries is that it affects the payroll as well.

Here are some of the problems with manual timesheet management software.

Inaccuracy in tracking

Isn’t it weird when you notice timesheets with on-time entry to work?…

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Foolproof Your Content: The Best Proofreading Software All Small Businesses Should Use

According to Grammarly, they have 30 million active users who use their automated proofreading software.

However, that’s one of the only software options out there that you can use for proofreading your emails, documents, or posts.

But what is the best proofreading software? Keep reading to find out!

Proofreading using software


As we mentioned earlier, Grammarly has millions of users, making it one of the most popular automated proofreading software.

One of the reasons so many people like it is because it’s so easy to use. It’s designed well for people who aren’t used to using these kinds of software. However, it can easily catch all of your grammar and spelling errors.…

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Things You’ll Love About Processing DJI Footage with VideoProc

It’s no surprise that DJI is one of the most popular choices when it comes to drone technology. We absolutely love their various ranges of drones and cameras, which truly do offer the best in video and photography technology in small, economically priced packages. So, when it’s time to edit all the stunning imagery you’ve been capturing, where can you turn? After extensive testing, we have to recommend VideoProc.

Process DJI 4K

In this article, we’ll share the key information we discovered as we tried out VideoProc for ourselves.…

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Understanding Inventory Management Software

If you have been in one of your city’s larger supermarkets, take a look around you. Right in that moment, you are bearing witness to one of humanity’s largest victories in logistics.

Using inventory management software

All these big shops move products around and across multiple storage units and store fronts from all corners of the world. One of the biggest retailers we know today has been reported to own warehouses in at least 50 countries. And when we convert these numbers into money, we could probably come up with a number similar to a the GDP of a medium sized country.

Given these huge numbers also comes immeasurable complexities.…

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CRM: Why You Need To Learn The Basics Of This Software

CRM software is the primary automation tool that’s used for customer relationship management in a business organization. In a more profound sense, it also refers to the strategies and technologies that companies use to reach out to customers. Not only does CRM software apply to their existing customers, but also to those they’re still trying to target.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

The general point is that with CRM, it’s easier for companies to build strong relationships with their customers, as well as to foster loyalty and customer retention.

That said, here are compelling reasons why it’s imperative to learn the basics of CRM for small business.…

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Tips To Consider Before Purchasing a Budgeting Software

Budgeting software is essential for your business if you desire to keep track of your revenues, customer information, along with other financial data. Therefore, you must purchase the best budget software you can. For this to happen, you need to do in-depth research on which properties will best suit your business needs.

Businessman using budgeting software

Having a good idea of what your business needs will allow you to find the budgeting software that will best cater, for your day to day operations. Here are a few tips that will guide you on what to look for before you commit to purchasing your budgeting software.…

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4 Reasons to Use Event Planning Software

Regardless of the size or type of business, you run, hosting events can be a very effective way to promote yourself. They enable you to reach out to potential customers. Or, if you prefer, connect with and reward those you already have.

Businesswoman using event planning software

You can use events to grow your business in all sorts of ways. But, you do need to stay organised. If you are not careful, things can get out of hand and you can end up with a flop on your hands. Using good-quality event planning tools is the best way to avoid this happening. Below, we explain why they are well worth using.…

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MRP vs. ERP: What’s The Difference and Which Solution is Right for Your Company?

At some point in time, most manufacturing companies realize the need for a software solution that allows different operational departments – procurement, production, warehousing and others – to share information. And it wouldn’t hurt if the same software could also loop in sales and finance. Any search for solutions raises a question almost immediately for most executives: What do the acronyms MRP and ERP stand for, and what’s the different between the two?

Management team using resource planning tools

The terms are sometimes used interchangeably, and there is no standard definition for either. As manufacturing firms look to invest in and implement a software platform, it’s important to realize that each software solution is distinctive, and it does matter which one is chosen.…

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Can You Start a Business Using Free Software?

We live in a kind of golden age for amateur entrepreneurs. Thanks to the plethora of online resources available to anyone with an internet connection, it’s possible to learn the basics of entrepreneurship and business ownership. And since it’s possible to build a business based on digital goods and services, such as an online blog or reselling operation, overhead isn’t as big of a limiting factor as it used to be.

Businessman using free business software

In the pursuit of starting a business as cost-efficiently as possible, millions of entrepreneurs turn to free and open-source software to manage things like accounting, project management, or even inventory management.…

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