Hiring for Your Vacant IT Positions: Contractors vs. Permanent Employees

The shape your hiring strategy takes, whether you are building an IT or any other part of your organization, is frequently determined by one key question: should I hire permanent staff or use contractors?

Hiring IT person

photo credit: Pexels

Both types of workers have roles to play in the modern organization, and both may be useful to your company in specific positions and at various times. It is a matter of analyzing the advantages and drawbacks to determine which is the best fit for your organization or a specific function within it.

With that in mind, below are the pros and cons of hiring contract vs permanent employees for your vacant IT positions.…

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How to Cut Network Downtime Through Network Monitoring and Management

The anticipation of errors always makes it easier to see one coming and prevent it beforehand or be prepared to actively manage to do so. When one is facing downtime, the business comes to a halt in most cases. Network monitoring makes it easier and more flexible in terms of productivity and management helps even the lows to be balanced with the highs.

Network monitoring and management

Read on to know more about cutting network downtime through in this kind of a situation.…

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Reasons Why Managed IT Should Be Your Business’s Top Priority

Managed IT service is a dream come true for organizations that look forward to minimizing IT problems and making the other departments run smoothly. The service providers take care of all the loopholes and continuously work towards up-gradation.

Managed IT service

No business, regardless of its size, wants to stay back from reaching its best potential because of petty problems like crashes, downtime, and viruses in the IT department. This is why managed IT becomes a priority. For example, IT Support in Boston is in great demand. It must have some reason behind its popularity.

Let’s have a look at some of the benefits that having a managed IT renders –

Complete Support

Every business faces situations when a sudden glitch in the IT department pours water on the efforts of the hard work of other departments.…

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Does an In-House IT Team Make Sense for Your Business?

For most companies, IT underpins everything. Even if your core business doesn’t involve a desk, there’s almost always a team of people backing up your efforts – sales, marketing, accounting, payroll – and so on.

In-house IT specialist

The trouble with IT is that it doesn’t really do a good job of looking after itself. Sure, you might have someone who knows there way around your router and has the patience to talk to your internet service provider – but the complexities of an IT network will require specialist professional support – and that support can often be costly if you want it in-house.…

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The XaaS Model for Small Businesses – Produce More with Less Costs

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) enabled access to software services over the Internet on a subscription model. Platform as a Service (PaaS) made available the software and hardware tools needed to develop and deploy applications. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) allowed companies to access operating, storage and networking systems on demand.


These services were a boon to organisations in terms of cost savings, ready access to software and a lot more. But now comes in the X factor. The XaaS, or Everything as a Service.

The Incredible X Factor

Lesley MacDonald, Programs Manager at Dell EMC explains what XaaS is: “From its early origins of software-as-a-service (SaaS), the cloud-based on-demand services category has evolved into anything- and everything-as-a-service that isn’t nailed to the floor.

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Home Business IT: Guide to Secure Your Wireless Home Network

There are so many users looking for securing their wireless network because they want their Wi-Fi network protected from Wi-Fi theft; this includes for those who work in a home office. Here in this article, we are going to discuss about ways to secure your home business’ 802.11b/g/n Wireless home network.

Home business IT

It is very important that you secure your Wi-Fi network because this way, your neighbours do not only borrow your internet connection, but also be able to access your files and check activities you are doing on your network. Sometimes, it is even worse, when hackers use your internet connection and doing some illegal activities online, this way any legal action that higher authority takes, you will be in fault.…

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5 IT Solutions for Common Small Business Issues

It used to be that small and large businesses were separated by a lot more than just size, but technology has leveled the playing field. As small businesses seek to increase their tech budgets, they’ll find several innovative solutions to some common business problems.

Business people using IT solutions

1. Problem: Secure Storage

Small businesses are at higher risk for security issues than many believe. A majority of small businesses operate under the assumption that they’re not at risk because of their size. However, small businesses are at greater risk for storage breaches than they realize, and it’s essential that they become informed.

Solution: Adopt Cloud Storage Solutions

Cloud storage is a great, affordable option for small businesses.…

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What Type of Tech Support is Best for Your Company

If your company uses any type of technology – from laptops and printers, to network routers and phone systems – then you are going to need some type of technical support. It doesn’t matter if your company only employs four people, or if your workforce is several thousand strong.

Tech support officer

However, while the size of your company won’t determine whether or not you’ll need technical support, it can play a role in the type of technical support that you use. However, the type of support that you use is not always the best choice.

Types of Tech Support

There are several tech support options available and they all have their strengths and weaknesses.…

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Don’t Let Your IT System Become Your Business’ Downfall

Technology is now an integral part of all businesses, no matter what the industry.

Without the right technology, your business is likely to fail, which is why many small business owners are keen to invest in the latest IT systems and electronic devices. This, they assume, will help increase staff productivity, business efficiency and the overall quality of their customers’ experience.

IT system breach

Despite the necessity of having a comprehensive IT system in place, there are problems and issues which your business’ IT presents. There have been many horror stories over the last few years about large companies becoming the victims of hackers; their customers’ private information and business’s sensitive data being accessed by third-parties.…

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