The Power of Video for Growing Businesses

When it comes to successfully growing a business in the age of the internet, few tools are more powerful than video. It can be used in dozens of different ways and is exponentially more compelling than any other form of marketing or branding.

Vlogger creates a marketing video

Unfortunately, with so many different possible strategies, brands often get confused by which ones to implement for best results. In order to point you in the right direction, we’ve uncovered some of the top-returning strategies for 2016 and beyond.

1. Develop a Robust YouTube Channel

YouTube is the place to begin. Despite the fact that there are 4 billion video views per day, only 9 percent of small businesses leverage the platform.…

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3 Tips for Managing Growth of your Small Business

The main goal of any small business is to succeed and to succeed well. Despite this being a universal and common goal, many small business owners are caught unawares when their company begins doing extremely well. Rather than being a pleasant surprise, this has a tendency to diminish the reputation of the business.

Growth management

This is typically because small businesses are unprepared to cater to an increase in customers or demand. This is why authorities in the industry such as Global Resources LLC insist of being equipped with an adequate strategy. Here are some things that you need to keep in mind when dealing with a sudden influx of consumers, requests, and profit:

Flexible Plan

The plan that you have for your company should be flexible.

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Identifying and Removing Major Roadblocks in SMB Growth

Thousands of small business enterprises are being founded and closed every day in this modern era of startup. This makes almost every niche highly competitive and company growth needs to be fast and continuous, since even the smallest oscillations and breakdowns can cause major loss of customer trust.

Business growth

In this article I’ve reviewed some of the most common problems small business entrepreneurs face during their road to success.

1. Problem: Not having enough funds

This is a very common problem that affects many small businesses. In most cases good idea and hard work are not enough to turn innovative startup into a multi-million dollar business.…

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5 Ways to help your Small Business Successfully Grow

As the owner of a small business, growth is at the forefront of your mind. Once you’ve established yourself as a local retailer and are making comfortable profits, the next step is growing your small business further.

Business growth

Here are 5 ways to help you grow your small business today:

1. Launch a new product

Although, ‘if it isn’t broke don’t fix it’ is a good business motto, a great way to try and grow your business is by launching a new product line. This doesn’t mean letting go of your original successful product but my launching a new line you’ll get the chance to attract new customers and create a buzz about your business again.…

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Financial Ebb and Flow: Dealing With the Ups and Downs of Doing Business

Business slowdowns affect nearly every industry. Sometimes, these slowdowns are seasonal — a dip after the holiday shopping season is common in the retail industry, for instance, and the fast food industry tends to see a slowdown in the first few months of each year, when people are fresh off their New Year’s resolutions.

Businessman riding the wave

If you’re a small business that hasn’t been around for very long, these slowdowns can seriously affect both your cash flow and your bottom line. Owners of new businesses tend to freak out when such slow periods come around, often rushing out with unplanned marketing advertising rejigs and hastily done layoffs.…

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The Top 3 Small Business Problems That Are Keeping You From Growing

In today’s economy, it can be hard for a small business to succeed. From bigger competitors to an ever-changing consumer space, getting your small business to effectively grow can be a real challenge. However, there could be things you’re doing as a small business owner that’s making it even harder for you to find the success your company needs.

Business growth

To help get you on a more upward trajectory, here are three of the top reasons small businesses aren’t growing and how to fight against them.

1. Lack of Liquid Funds

One of the biggest reasons small business can’t grow at the rate they’d like is a lack of funds.…

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Investing your Capital for Maximum Business Growth

Growth should be a core part of the business plan of any organization serious about success. Whatever its size, a business should always be thinking about the future in order to stay relevant and competitive, and the future should always include a vision of growth.

Small business investing

This is a particular challenge for small businesses, which always run the risk of not growing beyond the size they were when they started up, and stagnating as a result. There are many examples however, of small businesses that bucked this trend and achieved remarkable growth against the odds.

Investment is critical to growth and small business owners must understand how various aspects of investment work.…

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5 Major Concerns of Small Businesses as They Grow

All businesses begin small. And it is these small businesses that are incubators for innovation in any economy. They foster new ideas and generate employment opportunities.

Coffee shop owner

While a business owner might control many things in his business, the larger aspects that drive or doom businesses are beyond an owner’s control. These factors include natural disasters, economy shift, change in government regulations and tax policies, healthcare policies, etc.

Here we will discuss some of the major concerns that torment small business owners in 2015.

Economic and Regulatory Changes

Market conditions and changing economy steer the companies from running into losses to progressive heights.…

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Grow Your Business in Ways your Customers Will Appreciate

In today’s competitive global business environment, pleasing customers is no longer just about providing quality products and services. Winning customers’ loyalty requires you to engage them and stand out from the sea of other businesses. This is the key to success, and it’s no secret – Nine out of ten American CEOs say they are are building stronger client engagement programs, according to PWC.

Hot dog truck and the happy customer

As you grow your business, it’s critical that you do so in a direction that your customers will appreciate. Here is a look at some of the ways you can expand your business and please your customers at the same time:

Humanize Your Brand

Branding is more than logos and flashy commercials — it’s a way of communicating your values and identity in a memorable way.…

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How Do You Know When it’s Time to Expand?

This is a tricky question since there is no universal answer. Expansion is a gamble, and a lot of entrepreneurs are hesitant to pull the trigger when they aren’t 100% sure they’ll do enough business to make the expansion worthwhile. And while it’s easy to say you should expand when you find you’re doing a ton of business, even that may be pre-emptive.

Business growth and expansion

The first thing you should trust is your gut – if you feel like it is time to expand, then seriously explore that option. But you should also consider a few other factors.


Has your competition recently expanded?…

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