Business Intelligence Consulting: Unlocking the Potential of Big Data

Data-driven decisions are critical to the success of any business. Yet, many organizations struggle to unlock the 100% potential of their data. That’s where business intelligence (BI) consulting comes in. Business intelligence consulting services help to make sense of data to make better decisions.

Business intelligence consulting

There are many different types of business intelligence services. Of course, it is best to get assistance with every business aspect. And here are the key business consulting services an entrepreneur might need soon.

1. Business Strategy Development

Many advisory materials will yell that you need a strategy. But where to start, and what does that vague concept mean?…

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The Rise of Data Science and Big Data: Everything You Need to Know

Everything we do produces data. In the past, that data has to be recorded to be useful in any meaningful application. Today? Today you cannot escape it. Apps track each other, information that you gave to one site might be available to others, and of course your behavior, your accounts, and more are all logged. Your behavior is worth money, and today they can quantify it and commodify it.

Big data science

There are new privacy laws coming into effect that are set to improve the control you have over how other company’s track you, but they are still slow coming. What is more, the power and potential of what data science and Big Data can do for the world mean that it is in everyone’s best interest if certain types of data are universally available – albeit not connected to you.…

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The Benefits of Using Big Data

Big data is one of those buzzwords in the business community that everyone is racing to try and use to their advantage. The sad part is, not everyone even knows what it is, much less how to analyze it.

Big data for business

Big data is a set of data that is either too large or complex for a normal data processing system to analyze. The old way that a data processing system would function is to analyze data and information in an organized spreadsheet, but with big data that is not possible.

Big data can be emails, texts, and other forms of communication and numbers that we can start to use to dive deeper into analytics for business advantage.…

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What Are the Costs of Big Data?

Big Data has taken over the mainstream headlines for the last decade or so, and continues to be one of the most featured technologies in the headlines today.

Cost analysis of big data

Forget the attention-catching headlines and talk of a new dot com collapse for businesses that don’t adopt Big Data for a while. Think of the other implications of adopting Big Data for your business. Surely, a massive undertaking such as a whole network of servers dedicated to crunching your data isn’t going to be cheap, right? Well don’t be so sure about this as web scraper websites can fetch all this data for you in a fraction of time.…

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What Is Big Data? Understanding the Role Data Plays in Modern Business

Are you trying to figure out the true significance of big data to your business operations, but feeling overwhelmed by the answers? Use this basic primer to learn its value and how it’s used. It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is. If you don’t make proper use of data, then you can’t make smart decisions.

Marketers analyzing consumer data

The introduction of big data has been changing the way businesses operate for years now. Some 97.2% of companies are now investing in big data and AI to help them run their business. So now you have to answer this question: what is big data, and how can it help?…

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4 Ways Big Data Has Changed Fleet Management Forever

Fleet management is no simple task; it’s tough to balance vehicle acquisition, repairs & maintenance, as well as disposals. All of that’s even before you consider the knowledge and effort it takes to be in full compliance with regulations and state laws. Without fixed parts, fleet management is a complex and ever-changing process.

Fleet management

Fortunately, today’s fleet managers have a distinct advantage: big data. The advances made possible by big data have ushered a new era of fleet management. Today we’ll examine four ways that big data forever changed the world of fleet management.

1. Improved Efficiency

Naturally, one of the most important aspects of fleet management is the ability to ensure drivers are on the right route at the right time.…

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5 Data Management Issues Small Businesses Have to Deal With

Data management is a problem for every business, but big businesses have more solutions for their problems because of the range of tools aimed at them and their larger checkbooks. Here are five data management issues small businesses have to deal with, as well as explaining the impact these problems have.

Data management


Big Data is a problem, not a solution. That’s why we pay people who can wade through the data and find exactly the information we need. You can try to collect less information, stop backing up information that isn’t important, and avoid backups of backups except where redundancy is essential to keeping your business alive.…

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The Top Mistakes Businesses Make with Big Data

The explosion of software, applications and overall technology designed to help with the management and usage of big data have had businesses of all types and sizes getting in the game. Big data isn’t exclusively reserved for big business, and it’s becoming the leading way organizations are better targeting their desired audiences, tailoring their marketing, and improving their efficiency.

Big data mistakes

While the above-mentioned software and technology do simplify how businesses of all sizes are able to collect and analyze data, this doesn’t mean it’s an obstacle-free experience for all of them. If you’re considering adding or growing big data into your overall business strategy, below are some common mistakes to avoid.…

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How to Support Data-Driven Decision Making in Your Organization

Today’s IoT-driven landscape requires you to make data-driven decisions quicker than ever before. While companies have been collecting customer data for some decades, they’ve only recently realized that insights from big data can help them make predictions and identify trends that lead to long-term success.

Data-driven decision making

However, cultivating such a data-driven mindset is an obstacle for several organizations, particularly the ones that are just beginning to unlock and analyze the data accessible to them. In such enterprises, top managers shrug their shoulders when they’re asked to connect the dots from multiple data sources to make decisions that will optimize their company’s growth.…

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How Big Data is Helping Small Companies

The potential of solutions associated with gathering, deploying and analysing data on a large scale is steadily becoming clear to more and more companies across a broad range of industry sectors and right around the world. But while the use of big data is particularly big news for large companies, there are also lots of useful ways in which it can be deployed by smaller scale operators as well. Here’s a look at just a few.

Big data analysis

Support for strategic decision-making

Having good judgement of where market opportunities are or where they might emerge has always been a key asset for small business leaders and the companies they run.…

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