5 Ways To Use Google+ For Business

5 Ways To Use Google+ For Business

Google Plus is not only for social communication but has proven to be an effective tool for business. Whether it is used in cost reduction efforts or to save time, Google Plus has numerous features designed to improve business productivity and efficiency. Businesses should try Google Plus to determine how the tool can facilitate business growth.

1. Google Plus Hangouts for Video Conferencing

Google Plus Hangouts allows users to collaborate and meet with remote clients and employees. A face-to-face meeting is often more personal than just the phone. Google Plus Hangouts will facilitate videoconferencing when business people cannot reach a central location for a meeting due to budget constraints, schedules or flight delays.…

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5 Ways Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners Are Bootstrapping Their Companies

5 Ways Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners Are BootstrappingStarting a small business is hard. And in today’s economy, getting the most for your money often equates to the creative distribution of your financial resources.

That’s why so many entrepreneurs and small businesses are inventing ways to bootstrap their operations.   Luckily, there are a number of affordable tools and strategies that cost little but deliver big, which is ideal when your business is on a budget.

As a provider of business services and entrepreneur myself, here are five resources I’ve found that are currently working well for small businesses.

  • Inventive marketing – Generate interest in your business through creativity. For example, try promoting a contest like The Royal Society of Chemists.
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Top 7 Gmail Tips and Tricks

Top 7 Gmail Tips and Tricks

As a loyal Gmail user for many years, I have watched Google’s golden child evolve into an incredibly efficient and functional interface. Most of the savvy user “hacks” from the good old days have now been built right in to Gmail, but this old dog is certainly able to learn new tricks.

Here are the top 7 ways to improve your Gmail experience, from Labs and other add-ons to hidden features and hacks.

1. Remove ads with Gmelius

Gmail’s text banner advertising is fairly non-intrusive, but sometimes the ads displayed are so similar to the email you are reading or writing, it’s just plain creepy.…

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Considerations For Social Media Use In The Workplace

Social media has become so commonplace that many employees engage in its use at work on a daily basis.   Unfortunately, many employees demonstrate poor judgment while using social media by assuming that their posts are private and sharing confidential information they would not share in other formats.

social media in workplace

Company use of social media in the workplace is also increasing.   Human resource and other company professionals are using social media sites to screen potential employees, monitor current employees and obtain information about competitors or customers. This practice can create liability for a company absent a policy or set of guidelines for such professionals to reference, allowing them to make sure their behavior does not violate applicable law or expose the company to legal action.…

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How Could Going Green Benefit Your Small Business?

The reasons to go green are often pitched as necessary changes for the continued existence of the world with growing populations and pollution. While not wrong, going green often comes with a stigma of raising costs of business, and in an unstable economy it can seem dangerous to go through any dramatic change in doing business.

How Going Green Could Benefit Your Small Business

Here are some examples of ways going green can save you money and be good for business, all while helping the environment.

Any PR is Good PR, but Positive PR is Better PR

While it may seem like a bad way to think about going green, the fact is that it can easily turn into a great marketing campaign.…

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5 Tips: Choosing the Right Team to Support Your Local Business

When we begin our journey as local business owners, we often go it alone for a bit and find that we wear a lot of the department hats ourselves. We’re the CEO, the accountant, the marketing team, the human resources team, and then some.

But at some point, we’re ready to hire a team of consultants, contractors, and/or employees to support our goals and vision. At this exciting and pivotal point in time, our business’ success largely hinges on whether or not we hire the right people to support us and our business.

Tips for Hiring Team to Support Your Local Business

It can be helpful to keep the following in mind when you’re recruiting a team to support your company:

Interviews Matter.

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8 Factors That Determine Whether Your Company Would Benefit From a GSA Schedule

Regardless of your industry, if you do business or have thought about doing business with the government, there is a strong chance you have heard of the GSA Schedule Contract.   However, if you are like many companies, you may be uncertain whether your company is eligible to participate in the program and if you should invest the time needed to obtain a GSA Schedule Contract.

would your company benefit from GSA schedule

So, how can you tell if your company would benefit from holding a GSA Schedule?   Here are eight factors to take into consideration:

1. Does your company currently do business with the government?

If you have a D&B D-U-N-S Number, are registered on the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) website, and have already been contracting with the government, a GSA Schedule Contract is the next logical step.…

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What Is Zurker And Do You Need To Know About It?

Not one to miss out on an opportunity to stay in the loop with all things social media, I have decided to keep a very close eye on new social networking site Zurker. Since the name first started circulating around in February, there has been much speculation and interest in the new start-up and it has only continued to grow.


The name Zurker will frequently come up in conversation or I’ll stumble across another article on my internet travels.   I can safely say that I am both curious and fascinated in Zurker. Here’s why:

Zurker is owned by their members

The first thing that comes to mind is some sort of secret members society.…

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3 Critical Financial Steps to Starting a Local Business

3 steps to starting a successful local businessStarting a business is an exhilarating time. It can also be a very stressful and busy time. As a local business owner, you often end up wearing all of the hats (CEO, Accounting, HR, Marketing, etc.) in the beginning due to lack of funding early on.

In all honestly, this isn’t such a bad thing because it’s nice to know how things work and how all the pieces fit together if you’re the one running the business. At the same time, the goal is to be able to hire experts to handle other departments at some point in the future so you can focus on building and growing the business.…

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College To Work – Building The Leader In You

preparing for job interviews after college

I was recently asked to help a college student prepare for interviewing, and it reminded me of how important it is to be well-prepared when looking for a job, especially transitioning out of college. In this blog post I provide several tips for the earliest leaders – those entering the professional workforce for the first time. This is your first shot at presenting yourself as a leader to your desired place of work.

Make your resume “pop” with accomplishments and leadership.

It’s very important to show all of your work experience that includes summer and seasonal jobs and internships. Organizations look for good work experience.…

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