Useful Tips to Become A Better Networker

If you want to get anywhere in the business world, you have to know how to network. And more than just being familiar with the basics, you have to know how to network better.

For inventors, networking can be such a valuable asset. It can get them access to investors, prototype makers, media, and customers! This is why everyone can use tips to become a better networker.

Useful Tips to Become A Better Networker

While you may already know how to do some things, there are always improvements that can still be made. Follow these tips and watch yourself improve as a networker, and as a business person too!…

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5 Reasons To Migrate To A Paperless Office

Have you ever waded through stacks of files only to discover what you’re looking for is in another filing cabinet? It’s times like these you wish you had a paperless office. You’re not too sure about the hype though.

5 Reasons To Migrate To A Paperless Office

Surely, you must be giving up something when you make the switch, right? Maybe, but probably not. Here are five reasons why you should migrate to a paperless office:

Your Costs Go Down

Paper costs money. It costs money to make, ship, store, print, mail, and it even costs money to throw it away. When you go paperless, you eliminate all of those costs.…

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How To Start Succession Planning

You’ve invested so much in building your business – time, money, effort and talent. Whatever type of transition you’re considering – whether it’s retirement, selling to a third party or handing the business down to a family member – succession planning is an important piece of the puzzle that can set your business up for success – or failure – in the future.

The first step is looking at your business and – based on your objectives – determining that you need to start succession planning. There’s a lot of elements to think about – your personal goals, the status of the business and how children or other family members will come into play, to name a few.…

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The Anatomy Of Startups

The Anatomy Of Startups

So you’ve just graduated from a reputable university and already wasted the whole summer celebrating. Now, you have this great idea for a product and sitting in an office is not an option for you.

With start-ups being all the rage right now, why not start your own company? After all, Zuckerberg made it with Facebook. We’ll, here’s a preview of what needs to be done and how not to fail.

Idea and Product

Ideas often come to people in strangest places and strangest times. You might be commuting when you suddenly thought of the next Facebook or taking a bath when an idea of a resort came to you.…

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Small Business Owner’s Guide To Turning Your Web Content From Drab To Fab

For small businesses, online marketing is their one chance to reach their target audience. Unfortunately, most small businesses forget online marketing begins at home first.

Let’s face it, no matter how awesome your online marketing efforts are, if your website’s copy is drab, it’s never going to convert visitors into customers.

Small Business Owner's Guide to Turning Your Web Content from Drab to Fab

Luckily, turning your web content from drab to fab isn’t hard-if you know what to do.

If you’re not happy with the results of your web copy’s performance, try doing the following to improve it:

Write for one person – Instead of writing to a group of people, write to one.…

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Why Your Small Business Needs to Optimize for Mobile Browsing

According to the Pew Research Center, 56% of adults own smartphones in the United States. There are also an increasing number of teens and kids using smart phones as well, for better or for worse. That’s a whole lot of people using smartphones.

This infographic from Microsoft indicates that by 2014, mobile internet should take over desktop internet usage.  That’s a huge change from even five years ago when mobile browsing was cumbersome and awkward on tiny smartphone screens.

Why Your Small Business Needs to Optimize for Mobile Browsing

Now with giant smartphone “phablets” like the Galaxy Note II, mobile browsing is an ease and even a preference over desktop browsing for some users.…

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What Is Working Capital Financing?

Working capital “¦ the lifeblood of growing companies, and a term every corporate accountant and analyst must have an intimate understanding of. Easily defined, working capital is simply the difference between current assets minus current liabilities, or the cash on hand for a company to use as necessary.

For any successful business to thrive, it must have ready reserves of working capital, which can be utilized at a moment’s notice. Without sufficient working capital, an organization is doomed to fail – regardless of the quality of its goods and services.

What Is Working Capital Financing?

There are plenty of options when it comes to acquiring working capital; one of the more popular ways is a commercial term loan.  …

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Does Your Business Need To Use A Transcription Company?

Whatever industry you work in, the chances are there is a lot of administrative work which is required in order to keep the business ticking over. For most people, documenting and paperwork are some of their least favorite tasks, even though they might be vital for the company to remain compliant.

Does Your Business Need To Use A Transcription Company?

But there is an alternative to trying to slog through everything yourself: using the services of a transcription company. You may never have considered using a transcription company; we take a look at whether your business would be benefit from employing their services.

Maintaining records

Running a company inevitably means there is plenty of red tape and the need to keep accurate and up to date records.…

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Sun Tzu and The Art of Startups


Sun Tzu and The Art of Startups


[Click to see full size infographic]

Beginning a new business venture can be unsettling. Entrepreneurs have to possess courage and bravery to embark on a voyage filled with lack of certainty and unknowns that come with starting a new business.

The marketplace in today’s business world can feel similar to a battle that is dominated by strong incumbents whose objective is to maintain dominance and thwart any new entrants. New entrepreneurs must be crazy to go into battle against them.

How does a startup have a shot at success when entering a new market battling against the established competition?…

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Beating Networking Nerves

Effective networking is an essential to furthering your career as well as being vital to the success of your business. From building up a strong client base to creating opportunities for new ventures and collaborative projects, good networking skills will help you to make your business grow and thrive in this competitive commercial environment.

Beating Networking Nerves

However, a surprising number of professionals find it difficult to strike up conversation with people they don’t know, and many people admit that they would rather just get on with the job. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to overcome barriers to networking, so you can relax and reap the rewards of meeting new people in your industry.…

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