Top 4 Tips for an Eco-Friendly Office

Most office workers nowadays will recognise that sustainability within their workplace is far more important that it was a decade ago. With the growing acceptance of climate change, eco-friendly practices are no longer just a lifestyle choice, they are a global responsibility. With that in mind, here’s how you can do your bit to reduce the carbon footprint in your office.

Solar panels on the roof

Use Solar Power

Not all bosses will jump at the idea of having to shell out a sizeable wedge for solar power. But here’s how you can sell it to them. Despite the fact that solar power is expensive to install, the financial rewards over time (as well as the obvious eco benefits) are significant.…

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The Benefits of Efficient Business Storage for Independent Ventures

For small and medium sized business owners, there must always be a drive to minimise costs and maximise profit. This is important even in a prosperous economy, as otherwise they are likely to lose ground to rival firms and miss out on a viable market share. This philosophy can occasionally be taken too far, however, so that decision making can begin to impinge on productivity or the quality of product or service being delivered. This is where cost efficiency can become a false economy, and one which ultimately costs businesses vital revenue.

Business storage

3 Main Benefits of Investing in Business Storage as an SME Owner

The decision of whether or not to invest in business storage provides a prominent example, as it is something that some entrepreneurs that they can do without with.…

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The Benefits of Owning a Commercial Fleet

In the modern age, there are a vast number of commercial fleet management solutions for small and medium sized businesses. The majority of these revolve around leasing models, as business owners have the opportunity to take temporary possession of high quality vehicles without assuming the burden of ownership. This is considered to be extremely beneficial, especially when you consider that cars tend to depreciate in value and the associated cost of pre-planned maintenance.

Commercial fleet

The 3 Main Benefits of Owning your Commercial Fleet

With asset finance available from Maxxia and similar firms, however, it is important to note that taking ownership of the vehicles in your commercial fleet can deliver genuine benefits in a flourishing economy.…

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How to Start a Haulage Business

With increasing demand for consumer goods in all kinds of different places, there is a large market to be targeted by anyone looking to make a start in the haulage business. A competitive industry with large players jockeying with smaller start-ups, it is a trade in which those who find a niche while managing to keep their costs as low as possible will be rewarded.


Right Qualities

If you want to start a business in the industry then you ought to have a keen eye for efficiency so you can make sure your services are profitable. You need to know how the cost of commodities like petrol is changing on a daily basis and what they mean for your business as well as your ability to turn a profit.…

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5 Gadgets Your Employees Will Love

In the 21st century, a connected workforce is almost expected. Every industry seems to have found ways to incorporate some types of gadgets to make the job being done more efficient. From fast food workers to the mailman, employees are equipped with technology designed specifically with their jobs in mind. How is a small business to decide what gadgets your company should be equipped with? Check out these suggestions to see if one of these hot new tech tools would be a fit to your company.


Beam robot

Beam is one of the coolest gadgets to hit the market over the last few years, and will make your Skype meetings seem like a thing of the past.…

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Businesses to Watch Out for as 2015 Approaches

There’s lots happening in the world of ecommerce development, mobile technology and social media advertising right now. Billions are being invested, made and lost.

Here’s just a few major companies that you should be keeping a close watch on over the course of the coming year.


Binny and Sachin Bansal started Flipkart back in 2007. To say they’re the largest ecommerce store in India would be a serious understatement. The company just received $1 billion in investor funding, based on a whopping $7 billion valuation! (source)

Flipcart packaging

They started out selling only books on their site. And much like Amazon’s rise; they’ve grown into selling electronics, accessories, clothing, housewares, and even recently ventured into the mobile market – releasing their own signature mobile phablet: the Digiflip Pro XT 712.…

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Exclusive Q&A with Shane Caniglia, CEO of Torn Screen Entertainment and Rich Dad Interactive

I’m into gaming and am a big believer that business people can learn better through games. I personally play business strategy games, city building games and biz/finance educational games. One of the latest games I play on my smartphone and tablet is Capital City, a Rich Dad‘s financial education game app developed by Torn Screen Entertainment, Inc.

Capital City financial strategy game app

Today, I have a privilege to have a Q and A session with Torn Screen Entertainment, Inc.’s and Rich Dad Interactive’s CEO, Shane Caniglia. Enjoy!

Shane, many thanks for the opportunity to have a little Q&A session with you! Here are some questions I’m sure our readers are dying to know the answer:

Question (Q): Please tell us a bit about you and your company, Torn Screen Entertainment, Inc.

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How to Get Your Employees to Like You

Business owners and managers worldwide all know there are few things easier in this world than the ability to get your employees to HATE you. In fact, it often requires no effort at all.

The fact that you’re at the top and they’re at the bottom, or somewhere in between, is enough reason for most employees to sneer at you behind your back and act with a certain level of defiance when you address them.

Bad management by a bad boss

Getting employees to LIKE you is a skill that is naturally in-born to some. To the rest of us, there’s an inevitable learning curve. Some employees are going to hate you no matter how hard you try.…

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Software Law Students Should Start Learning to Use

Being a student has its perks: you get structure with freedom; people don’t judge you if you still live with your parents; and companies and organizations still offer you a whole lot of freebies. To make the most of your time in university and get ahead of your cohort, take advantage of those freebies – especially by learning to use software and programs that practicing lawyers employ every day. It will give you a leg up on your competition because you will have already developed an efficient way of working when it comes to your articling years.

Blacks Law Dictionary for iOS

Here are some of the most common applications and software that you should start using while studying:

Research and Note-Taking

Research will continue to be an integral part of your legal practice, so why not make it more efficient?…

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Growing Your Text Marketing List: 6 Essential Tips

If you want to grow a text marketing list into one that’s truly successful, don’t assume that you know all the right ingredients. All too often marketers make the mistake of assuming, and their efforts end up wasted. If you want to ensure success now and in the future, consider these 6 text message marketing musts.

Texting in a cafe

Offer an Incentive

But not just any kind of incentive. Ensure that you are offering something truly valuable to those who opt in to receive your messages. Most businesses find that offering something free is a great way to get people to opt in. That free offer pays off long –term, as long as you continue providing valuable offers.…

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