Why SEO is an Important Investment for Your Business

Marketing is amongst one of the most important considerations that you should have a small business owner. While your product or service could be amazing, without the right marketing, no one will know about it, and no one will buy. There are several aspects to the marketing mix, but one of the most important is SEO.

SEO for small business

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is the act of optimising your website in order for the search engines to rank it higher and higher in the search engine results pages (the SERPs).

When you search for something online, for example “cake makers in Essex”, a series of different results appear.…

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London: How to Find Tenants in a Stifled Market

It has just been revealed that the house prices in London have increased up to £43,115 in the first six months of the year. This inflation has forced many potential home-buyers into the rental market, but recently, even rent prices have gotten too much for many.

For rent sign

So if you’re a potential landlord, how can you ensure that you can find somebody who’s going to be willing to live in your property, despite the stifling market? There are some tips you can follow to give yourself a better chance of having a stable rent income coming in. Here are just a few.…

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How to Host the Perfect Meeting

If you’re presenting a meeting – whether to attract new business, or for existing clients who want to get a sense of your business environment – there are a few things you need to consider carefully. A meeting isn’t just about the meeting of two groups or individuals; instead, it’s more of an art in getting tone, setting, presentation and equipment all right to create the perfect impression of your business and your products and services. So, what’s the magic formula to the perfect meeting?

Important business meeting

Knowing Your Audience

Before you can start planning anything, you need to understand your audience inside and out.…

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What is a Pop-up Business: Innovative Commercial Models for Beginners

There is no doubt about it, the nature of business and commerce has changed considerably during the last two decades. While this may have coincided with the evolution of the Internet and online interaction, the changes go far deeper than this and have impacted on everything from the nature of commercial investment to the types of business models applied.

BoxPark pop-up shops

One of the most influential recent trends has been the emergence of pop-up businesses, which are essentially temporary and short-term entities that are established to achieve huge profits within a short and predetermined period of time.

Understanding the Pop-up Business Model: 3 Key Elements for Novice Entrepreneurs

If the concept of establishing a pop-up business appeals to you, however, it is important to learn more and understand its core elements before making a financial commitment.…

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Understanding Business Insurance as a Fluid Concept: 3 Products to Keep in Mind

Recently, it was announced that the majority of insurance price comparison sites were failing in their attempts to meet the needs of both commercial and residential users. More specifically, the report conducted by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) found that these sites are more likely to confuse and disorientate users rather than helping them to choose viable insurers and policies. This is a particularly concerning state of affairs from British business owners, who must often consider a number of insurance needs simultaneously if they are to adequately protect their venture.

Business insurance coverage

3 Key Financial Insurance Products for Business Owners

Such a task is made even more complicated by the fact that not all businesses are created equal, as this means that entrepreneurs must also seek out to niche products that meet their precise needs.…

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Running a Business in The Present – Planning for The Future

For the owner of a small business, it’s easy just to concentrate on the day-to-day operations of the organization, especially if it’s doing well or in the throes of expansion. Responsibilities include looking after employees, creating detailed business plans, and drawing up budgets. It can be hard to look into the future when everything is so busy, but it should be an important consideration for any business owner to contemplate and plan for retirement.

Plan for the future

Business owners need to realize that it’s likely that the bulk of the funds for retirement will land on their shoulders, so some long-term thinking and preparation should enable them to benefit from the fruits of their labor when they decide to retire.…

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Need a Job: Read This

If you’re looking for a job and struggling, I can help you. What I’m going to reveal to you in this article a lot of people overlook when applying for a job. I never really paid it much attention until I saw this infographic that gives out lots of facts on social media use and its role when employers are considering hiring people. You can learn a lot and drastically improve your employability rate.

Social media job search

Let’s start with the basics. The majority of employers will spy on your social media profiles before hiring you. This is a fact and it’s one you need to be well aware of.…

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How ERP can Help my Business

It’s a tough job running a business – many outsiders simply don’t realize how time consuming it can be. What can come as a shock to many business owners, however, is just how much of that time is spent on small repetitive tasks such as employee coordination and data management. It’s so easy to get into the habit of dealing with these on a day-to-day basis that managers lose track of how ridiculous it is – after all, most of them don’t require a great deal of skill, and it’s amazing to think about what might be accomplished if that time were spent on something else instead.…

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ReachLocal’s guide to Online Reviews

The proliferation of the Internet has made it easier for consumers to conduct their own research and inquire with other consumers. In the same token, it has made it easier for anyone and everyone to become publishers in their own right. However, the anonymity of the online space also opens this up to deception and fakers who write embellished reviews beyond what they can show factually. In the legal sense, this is often referred to as defamation.

Online review guide

As the Internet industry matures, so do the legalities surrounding many variables that can happen in the online space – in most cases, the law simply extends itself to online.…

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How to Make Your Small Business Marketing More Interesting

Marketing a small business is absolutely essential. Whereas larger companies tend to have already made a name for themselves, it’s usually the case that smaller companies have yet to achieve widespread recognition. Marketing your business is the best way of growing your company’s reputation and winning more customers.

Shop mascot

Keeping the Customers You Have

Before you go off hunting for new customers, it’s important to make sure you’re retaining the ones you already have. It’s actually much more cost-effective to keep existing customers than it is to try to gain new ones, so you should concentrate some of your efforts on improving and maintaining satisfaction and loyalty.…

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