Five Businesses You Can Start Almost Immediately

Setting up a new business, whether as a solo venture or with a partner, is an exciting opportunity but it can take a lot of effort. Sourcing funds, creating a budget and just organising the general running will eat into a lot of time when you’re eager to get out there and start making money.

Hard working entrepreneur

There are a number of business options which don’t take as long to set up for those with an entrepreneurial itch. Many can be done from home and around another part-time job, with little set-up time or equipment required.

Child Minding

The go-to option for many teenagers looking to earn extra pocket money, babysitting or child minding is also a quick and (fairly) easy way to make money as an adult.…

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Smart Tax Strategies for Audit-Proofing Your Small Business

Going through an audit can be nerve-wracking and time-consuming. Most business owners would rather pull their own teeth out than deal with the IRS. Here’s how to survive the ordeal and avoid future audits in the future.

Small business tax woes

Outsource Your Accounting and Tax Work

If you want to avoid a lot of trouble with the IRS, pay someone else to deal with them for you. Outsourcing your tax and accounting work is one of the best moves a small business can make. Too many businesses mistakenly believe that they must do everything themselves.

In some ways, their entrepreneurial spirit “forces” them to “take on the world.”…

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The 3-Dimensional Roles of Exceptional CEOs

Being a successful small business owner is about delivering results consistently through your products/services to those you serve. It demands a high level of coordination and execution of several key activities.

Exceptional CEO

These activities cannot be handled successfully by only one person over a long period of time without creating an operational structure/system. Being small is no excuse for wanting to be a one-man army. Someday soon, you will no longer be able to do all the things you so easily do now as a result of age, so what will become of your business then?

By then, you’ll suddenly realize that all your I-can-do-it-all-by-myself attitude as a self-employed entrepreneur is counterproductive.…

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6 Secrets to Achieving a Good Work-Life Balance for Busy Mums

When done solely, having a job, managing a household and raising kids are all extremely time consuming and sometimes difficult elements of everyday life. But what happens when all of these elements are combined together and one person is required to do all three of these things? For many busy working mums, it can all become a little too much sometimes which is why achieving a good balance between work and home life is extremely important and essential for success in all parts of life.

Busy mom's Work life balance

If you’re a busy working mum who is struggling to get that balance, we’ve compiled the below list of 6 secrets to achieving a good work-life balance.…

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Three Simple Ways to Supplement Your Income

Keeping a small enterprise afloat with a limited income is an unenviable challenge, yet it’s one faced by many businessmen and CEOs. The current commercial climate is highly competitive, and keeping the wheels turning whilst make a tidy profit is incredibly hard work.

An entrepreneur works on additional income for her business

This is why many entrepreneurs are beginning to look outside of the box, beyond traditional methods of increasing turnover. They’re turning to the many skills that their experiences have endowed them with, and putting them to good use in order to increase their incomes. If you’re one of their number and you’re looking for inspiration, here are three ideas that you might like to consider…

#1: Sell Your Products Online

Whilst almost every modern business will have an online presence, not all of them are utilising the internet to its full advantage.…

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Staying Connected in Australia During your Business Travel

It sounds cliché, but we really are in an age of constant connection: video chatting on trains, emailing in cafés, watching YouTube in the bath (not advisable, but it can be done). Our smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices’ wifi and data capabilities let us access anything, anytime, anywhere. In fact, there is a growing number of business owners who work solely on their mobile devices.

Sydney Opera House, Australia

Whether you’re scouting out the best free wifi or trying to find the fastest speeds, here’s your guide to staying connected in Australia during your business travel. Indeed, staying connected in important, whether you work from a garden bench or renting shared and private offices in Adelaide by the hour.…

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What are The Benefits of Happy Employees? (Infographic)

All businesses are constantly seeking ways to improve their levels of productivity. After all, with higher levels of productivity come higher profit margins. Fortunately, one of the best ways to improve productivity is by making sure your employees are happy. In fact, with unhappy employees, you can take it to the bank that the entire success of your operation will be greatly hindered.

Happy employees

What unhappy employees can cost companies

Did you know that about 33 percent of business bankruptcies take place due to employee theft? If an employee were to get upset and steal from you, your business could face an unpleasant outcome.…

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Printing Made Simple for SMBs

Brought to you by Brother International Corporation

Simplicity overrides complexity when trying to get things done effectively. Brother™ wants to help ensure that small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have the right solutions in place for optimal productivity and cost saving. Replacing underused print devices with more effective printing solutions can result in an optimized printing infrastructure that delivers increased productivity and lower operating costs. Whether it’s replacing printers or finding compatible software and services to improve a business process, Brother is at your side to help find the perfect solution for your business printing needs. 
For more information visit Brother’s website

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5 Major Concerns of Small Businesses as They Grow

All businesses begin small. And it is these small businesses that are incubators for innovation in any economy. They foster new ideas and generate employment opportunities.

Coffee shop owner

While a business owner might control many things in his business, the larger aspects that drive or doom businesses are beyond an owner’s control. These factors include natural disasters, economy shift, change in government regulations and tax policies, healthcare policies, etc.

Here we will discuss some of the major concerns that torment small business owners in 2015.

Economic and Regulatory Changes

Market conditions and changing economy steer the companies from running into losses to progressive heights.…

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Grow Your Business in Ways your Customers Will Appreciate

In today’s competitive global business environment, pleasing customers is no longer just about providing quality products and services. Winning customers’ loyalty requires you to engage them and stand out from the sea of other businesses. This is the key to success, and it’s no secret – Nine out of ten American CEOs say they are are building stronger client engagement programs, according to PWC.

Hot dog truck and the happy customer

As you grow your business, it’s critical that you do so in a direction that your customers will appreciate. Here is a look at some of the ways you can expand your business and please your customers at the same time:

Humanize Your Brand

Branding is more than logos and flashy commercials — it’s a way of communicating your values and identity in a memorable way.…

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