Online Marketing Versus Traditional Marketing – What Should You Choose?

Marketing a product or a service is a necessity for every single business out there. If nobody knows about a product, sales will not be generated and profit does not exist. Marketing is vital but few business owners actually have the necessary knowledge to make correct choices.

Online marketing for local business

The biggest debate that normally appears is using online marketing or traditional marketing. We can say that online marketing is rather new, although it has been used for some years now. It practically refers to using the tools that are offered by the internet in order to promote the services or products of a company.…

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5 Accounting Tips for Overwhelmed Small Business Owners

When you run a small business one area that many do not enjoy to do but is vital to the on-going operations is accounting. It can often be tedious, boring and isn’t what you imagined your time would be spent doing when you started your business.

Regardless, it still needs to be done, but there is help at hand!

Stressed out business owners doing accouting

The following list of hints and tips will hopefully help you reduce the stress and time it takes to do your accounting and make it much less of a chore.

Related: Accounting Tips for New Small Business Owners

1. Keep Records of Everything

It is extremely important to keep good records and be able to trace all aspects of the companies spending.…

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4 Reasons Why SMBs Need to Invest More in Safety and Sustainability

Safety and sustainability are two things that small to medium businesses just don’t think about enough.

Warehouse management

Being a small to medium business (SMB) is hard work. Markets can be inconsistent, money can be stretched, and the slightest setback can be devastating. For this reason, too many SMBs are not investing enough in safety or sustainability. However, there are several reasons why they should. First of all…

Now is the perfect time for rack inspection training and green initiatives!

If there’s one thing that SMBs always need, it’s security. There are so many question marks in the business world, and what small businesses need is some kind of guarantee.…

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How to Choose the Best E-Commerce Platform for Your Online Store

Opening an online store gives you access to the global marketplace. If you are able to grow a successful business, you can potentially reach millions of customers, which is very exciting for entrepreneurs with lots of ambition. However, before you can reach such heady heights of success, you need to actually build a functional online store to showcase your products.

So what are your options?


Using an e-commerce platform is appealing to many people because you don’t need any coding knowledge. Popular e-commerce platforms provide a drag and drop interface where you can personalize your website and add or remove features to suit your personal requirements.…

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Tapping Into Emerging Markets to Give your Business Start-up a Boost

Anyone starting a small business knows that being open to trading to the widest possible markets is an essential part of having an all-encompassing view of the future for the venture. With so many emerging markets around the world and the ability to reach out and connect with them online, it would be senseless for a new concern to constrict itself to more limited operations.

The idea of tapping into emerging markets might be something that a start-up should embrace, but how exactly should you go about doing it as a new entrepreneur?

International markets

There are a number of countries and regions around the world that have “come through the ranks” to take their place as important members of the global trading economy in recent years.…

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Four Marketing Tactics that Should be Employed on Your Website

When it comes to having a business website, it is important to understand what the purpose of your site is for. Basically, a website is an advertising and marketing tool that is a hub for a business’ online presence. That sounds important, right?

Business owner accessing business website

Well, it is. Take a look at this example of a well put together static website page. You don’t need to click anywhere but that page to see many examples of what your website should have if you want it to be an exceptional marketing tool.

1. About Your Business

Even though you don’t need to provide all of your information on one static webpage, you do want to make sure that your lead in page has links to the other places you really want people to see on your website, and that you make sure those links are visible so that they are easy to find.…

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5 Pieces of Equipment that Make The Dental Business Easier and Better

You will most likely make it through your life without ever knowing someone who enjoys going to the dentist. From our earliest memories, we remember the awkwardness, the pain, the too hotness, the too coldness, and the numbness of our dental experiences.

Dental business

But, at least in the past decade or so, dental technology has been getting better, equipment has been getting smarter, and dentists have been improving their techniques to make the whole endeavor more palatable. Consider dental cameras, sonic toothbrushes, better fluoride buffers, new substances for fillings, and less conspicuous braces all as things that are helping the dentistry business out.…

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How your Business Location Effects the Perception of your Business

Think about some of the top tier businesses in the world. Yes, any kind of business – just bring to mind the first few that spring into your head when you think ‘prestige’. You might have thought of Google, or Facebook, or any kind of dot-com company, or perhaps you thought of a financial services business that’s a real heavy hitter. No matter what kind of business you thought of I bet there’s one thing that unites them all: they have a great business address.

Virtual office location

What do I mean by that? Well, a dot-com company is going to reside in Silicon Valley or New York, and the financial company might be in Washington.…

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Finding New Ways to Bring Business Through your Doors

Sometimes getting new business doesn’t just revolve around the things that you are doing online to attract customers. If you run a brick and mortar business in a local area it can help to do things to cater to the local folks as well, as they may be the majority of your sales.

Price tag

That doesn’t mean that you should close down your website or ignore your social media accounts though. In fact, they can be just as much help on a local level as they are on a global level, you just need to be using them right.

1. In Store Coupons And Discounts

One of the ways that you can use your social media accounts for your actual local business is to post coupons and discounts that people can only get when they come into your store.…

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Marketing your Small Business – from Online to In-House

The internet has become such an extremely viable way to market any type of business or venture, and because of that many businesses forget about the traditional ways of marketing and attracting sales. While being online and mobile is important for all businesses, big and small, it’s still just as important to market locally if you do any sort of business on a local base.

Vinyl records shopping

That local base doesn’t necessarily need to be an actual storefront. Maybe you sell items at flea markets or art shows. That still counts as being local. So why would you miss out on great opportunities to increase client counts and sales?…

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