The Only Trade Show Marketing Checklist you Need (Infographic)

Did you know that 59 percent of trade show attendees buy after the show is over? This is the reason why many businesses do trade shows wrong. Let me explain.

Trade show rocks – but…

I attended trade shows, particularly those related to real estate, tech, and business opportunities. I enjoy looking for opportunities (and something to buy!) while observing the current state of the industry.

As I visit booths after booths, I can’t help noticing that not all the staffs are engaging, knowledgeable and helpful. I end up getting boring pitches – including those that seem to come from a snake oil salesman, to be honest with you.…

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CEOs: Here is How to Set goals – And Stick to Them

Goals: everyone does it, but how many people are actually accomplishing anything? Most likely, you’re doing it all wrong. It’s important to set goals in both your business and personal life.  It doesn’t have to be New Year’s Eve for you to need to make a change or to want to do better; this should be happening everyday.  In fact, 92% of New Year’s goals fail by January 15th, which warrants the question: what goes wrong? Why aren’t people following through on their resolutions?


There can be several different reasons for why people don’t stick to their goals, but many of these failures stem from setting the bar too high.  …

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4 Fun Office Activities to Help Bring Your Team Together

Team building activities are extremely rare in businesses outside corporations. It seems like the rich corporate giants of the world, like Walmart for instance, are more successful than small businesses for a reason.

The main reason is that despite the fact that many don’t pay their lower-level employees really well; they do know how to increase employee’s sense of morale and togetherness rather effectively.

In the context of an office environment, it’s evermore important to make sure your employees are working together cohesively, that they’re at least content working next to one another.

The following 4 team building activities are great for a spur-of-the-moment morale boost for your entire staff:


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Powder Coating Defects: How to Prevent and Repair Them, DIY-Style

If you are tasked with powder coating a surface by a client, you will probably do well to accept that no matter how diligent you are with your application process, there are regularly going to be some imperfections and defects that need further work.

Powder coating service

Using someone like Reliant Finishing Systems for equipment and training services will help to ensure that you are ready for the job in hand, and can help to reduce the number of surface defects that need correcting.

Preventing a defective substrate

One of your primary objectives is to try and implement a series of process controls which are upstream of the coating line, in order to eliminate or reduce the prospect of a defective substrate from entering the line.…

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Should A Small Business Outsource Their Digital Marketing?

While it might seem like the best way to handle a digital marketing campaign is through an in-house team already integrated into your business, this method is actually more limiting and often less successful. In an ever-evolving world of technology developments and marketing trends, outsourcing your digital marketing to skilled experts is becoming a more practical idea.

small business marketing outsourcing

If you are thinking about outsourcing your digital marketing to help grow your business, a few reasons that it might be a good choice include:

1. Outsourcing Provides Access To Highly Skilled Talent

You will gain access to an entire team of high-quality, skilled marketers.

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Government Health Insurance Entities Need Renovation to Counter Private Players

Health Insurance is one of the basic needs of an individual, critical to safeguarding short and long-term health contingencies in the midst of an ever-increasing rises in the cost of healthcare. Global healthcare spending is slated to accelerate further, according to a report by Deloitte, where it has been stated that it is expected to rise at an average of 5.2% a year between 2014-2018, to $9.3 trillion. While the governments of countries like France, Germany, UK and Australia provide national healthcare services through taxation, regulation and legislation, many other nations are still to catch up.

Female doctor explaining diagnosis to her female patient

Though health insurance has been a commodity provided by Governments at large, over the past decade, private health insurance has been playing an increasingly important role in the world.…

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How Wireless Broadband Fits into the Internet of Things

Today, our Internet connections aren’t just more reliable. They’re also more secure and faster than ever. And thanks to wireless technology, we can now also connect a large number and variety of devices with each other.

But that’s not all. With broadband internet becoming more readily available, connecting to the web has become much easier. All of these conditions are perfect for ushering in a new generation of internet-capable devices. We are now entering the world of the Internet of Things (IoT).

The Internet’s Next Frontier

Basically, the IoT involves the concept of connecting any device to the Internet and with each other.…

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Working Remotely Should Be Earned

Founder owners care about their employees. We would like nothing more than to provide every perk and benefit imaginable. The reality is we are running a business (i.e. profit matters), and most companies outside of Google and Facebook can’t afford it.

Remote working

Flex time and the opportunity to work remotely is often cited as a perk that can actually reduce payroll. In reality, working remotely can have a significant negative impact on an organization, and a company needs to put in the effort to structure its organization before pursuing flexible working environments.

I say company not employees because much of the work to enable remote work needs to be done company-wide.…

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3 Tips for Setting Realistic and Beneficial Business Goals

As a small business owner, setting and achieving realistic and beneficial business goals is necessary for ultimate business success. Without having goals for your business, you run the risk of never reaching as far as you could with your organization or pushing yourself to your professional limits.

Business goal

However, setting business goals isn’t just about thinking about something reasonable you want to achieve and hoping that it happens for you. So to help all small business owners make the most of their business goals, here are three tips that will help you set both realistic and beneficial business goals.

Be S.M.A.R.T.

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Precautions to Take When Marketing Your Home Business

The beautiful thing about living in the modern world is the technological advancements that make it possible for anybody to work from home if they just have the motivation, the right idea, and the tools to do it. Working from home is most everybody’s dream. There is something so appealing about setting your own hours, waking up when you want, doing a couple hours of work, but taking a break and playing with the kids, taking the dog on a walk, or making yourself lunch whenever it pleases you.

However, there are catch 22’s that come with having a home based business.…

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