3 Tips for Finding Success Amid Professional Sabotage

Working at a demanding job is hard enough without having a peer or supervisor who seems to be undermining or even sabotaging you at every turn. While small incidents can often be overlooked as coincidences, if someone you work closely with, especially your boss or other supervisor, is making it increasingly difficult for you to do your job, here are three things you may want to consider trying to allow yourself to find success both professionally and financially for your company.

Business meeting with supervisor

Asking For Feedback From Other Superiors

When someone is constantly criticizing your work, it can be very hard to feel confident in your abilities to perform your job adequately.…

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The Integral Nature of Optimized Internet Presence

Crunching Some Numbers

Approximately 90% of search engine traffic stays on the first Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Making your business appear in the results of the first page can definitely help generate proper leads.

Digital branding optimization

You’re going to need the assistance of a professional marketing organization who specializes in branding for the digital age. To that end, following are a number of things to consider before choosing your marketing agency.

A Wide Range Of Services

Proper branding requires more than one kind of search engine optimization. Certainly, SEO-rich content should be produced, circulated, catalogued, and available on your company website. But you’ve got to have outreach in social media as well.…

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Superior Entrepreneurial Skills that will bring Success to your Business

There are said to be seven business skills that every business man or an entrepreneur adopts to build his empire. These seven skills are more or likely said to be the cornerstones for all the business and entrepreneur success.

Successful female entrepreneur

The seven skill sets are:


Sales is the deportment that generates revenue in any organization. No matter how good your manufacturing operations are, or how cutting-edge your technology is, or how stern your financial goals are, or how progressive your management techniques are, you still must have a powerful and efficient sales mechanism in place, or everything else will be useless.…

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How to Win in Retail by Utilizing Shopper and In-store Marketing Strategy (Infographic)

Every retailer in the world works hard to get customers in to their store. Shopper marketing plays a vital role in this area and it focuses on how you need to interact with the customer from the beginning to the end of a transaction. Getting the customer to your store is only half the battle and even when the customer is in your store you still need to tread carefully.


Just because they are in your store doesn’t mean the job is complete and you need to make sure you make their stay as pleasurable as possible. For example, when you consider that 70% of shoppers use a mobile device in a store, how vital does good in-store WIFI become?…

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7 Ways to Make Your Business Travel More Efficient

Trips are the best. We look forward to them because they offer us a chance to break free from shackles of daily life. But not all trips are vacations. To an outsider, getting a job with a lot of travel seems like a dream but it can get really stressful if not properly planned. Here are 7 ways you can travel for business more efficiently.

Happy business traveller

Be upbeat about the trip

If the thought of going on a trip makes you reconsider life decisions, it is only going to get worse as departure date approaches. It is absolutely essential to keep yourself highly motivated throughout the whole trip.…

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What’s The ROI of your MBA Study? (Infographic)

Statistics show that the average person who has a master’s degree earns about $17,000 more per year than people who hold a bachelor’s degree. Not surprisingly, the prospect of making an extra $170,000 over the next decade convinces a lot of people to enroll in graduate school.

MBA student

Before you go back to school, though, you should think about the return on your investment. After all, you’ll have to spend money on tuition, books, and other materials. A lot of master of business administration (MBA) students find that they don’t have enough time to continue working full-time jobs while they’re enrolled in a graduate program.…

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Why All Small Business Owners Should at Least Consider Travel Insurance

These days, you can take out an insurance policy on everything from your left leg to your labradoodle, but that doesn’t mean you need to. So when it comes to buying insurance for business trips, it may sound like just another silly expense — but don’t turn your nose up just yet.

Businesswoman in a business trip

Sure, as a small business CEO, your financial decisions have farther-reaching implications than they would if you ran a big-wig business. But some of the perks of a travel insurance policy may be worth the extra cost.

Consider, for example, these all-too-common scenarios:

1. You’re heading home with a meeting hangover

Tired doesn’t even begin to describe it, but the weather gods don’t seem to care.…

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5 SEO Instruments to Make your Promotion Easier

SEO is an inbound technique in marketing that involves smart linking, keyword strength, and other methods so as to optimize a website to rank high on search engine. The main goal is to ensure potential clients who search for certain products and services find your business first.

SEO tools

In the modern day world, most businesses have known that Search Engine Optimization is of benefit to them. But the challenge may come in when it comes to cost. It is difficult for the Small business organization to hire an expert; with this, the term SEO becomes confusing to them. Here are 5 SEO instruments to make your promotion easier without struggling or spending a lot.…

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Let’s Talk: What is Conversational Marketing and Why it Matters

Two-way communication is necessary for building any healthy relationship. For business owners, open conversation is vital to understand customer needs and provide services and recommendations that solidify trust and confidence. It’s this understanding and intelligence that make good business owners even better, and make customer relationships strong.

Conversational marketing

These important conversations are probably commonplace in most in-person customer interactions, but when it comes to your marketing communications, does the conversation stop?

Often, when marketing to their contacts, business owners rely exclusively on less effective, one-way communication channels like email. But some successful businesses have begun to leverage conversational marketing to more deeply engage clients, improve loyalty and increase revenue.…

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Small Business Accounting Software Done Right (and Free)

It isn’t often that I run across a new tool for small business CEOs that I can wholeheartedly endorse, but I’ve run across just such a tool in the last little while and I want to pass that on. ZipBooks is a free tool to manage your billing, expenses and time. It tracks everything you need to stay on top of your accounts receivable.

ZipBooks logo

There are a lot of invoicing tools out there where it starts to feel like a flea market–lots of free and cheap options but you can’t quite be sure of the quality until you bring it home.…

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