Does Clothing at Work Impact Employee Productivity?

The clothing you wear at work may have an impact on your daily productivity levels. If you want to do well on the job, you have to plan your outfits out in a meticulous and careful manner. Failing to do so can often lead to results that are less than desirable.

Businessman wearing business suit

It doesn’t matter if you’re a fan of classic mens business suits or more casual and easygoing attire. You have to make sure to dress for success every morning.

Attire impacts productivity

Attire can often influence peoples’ alertness levels. Studies indicate that people may be more alert and vigilant when they’re dressed in less casual manners.…

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Advantages of Home Drug Testing

There are several reasons why a person would opt to use a home drug testing kit instead of going to a lab for testing. Some of them might have tried a puff or two – or even a whole pipe of weed and wanted to know the result before getting sent to the lab by a potential employer, while others just wanted to see if one of their family members has a substance abuse problem.

Home drug testing kit

Not only for home use, a business can also use a home drug testing kit for convenience and ‘localize’ the drug abuse issues with new and existing employees.…

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Look up Loan Facilities from Reputed Nordic Financial Services

Occasional urgent financial requirements may come up. It is a common problem all over the world, especially for small businesses and the average household.

Euro banknotes

Many individuals and businesses in European countries are increasingly facing the brunt of a volatile Euro economy. In a connected common circulation market, economic conditions of one member state inevitably affect another, and vice versa. Furthermore, drastic developments such as jailing of veteran bankers on accusations of fraud and money laundering have affected the market conditions. Usually, you may live normally from paycheck to paycheck, meeting all the bills. However, it becomes problematic when an urgent situation comes up or you spend excessively on credit.…

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Reach the Right Customers with These Search Marketing Tips

Through strategic outreach programmes and carefully tailored content, small businesses can begin to make their online presence felt and climb up the search engine rankings in a process known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Search engine marketing (SEM)

Search marketing enables you to optimise your website to attract the your target audience. As many as 59% of small businesses predict that over a quarter of their revenue will be generated online in the next five years, making search marketing is increasingly important.

But diving in at the deep end and expecting to float is never a good way to begin any venture. Digital marketing experts take years to master and perfect their craft, learning exactly which keywords to target and focus on at any given time.…

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Reasons Why Small Businesses to Move to the UAE

If you have a small business, then you know that trying to go international is a tricky proposition. Let’s face it, it’s the stuff of much larger organizations. Or so you think. In fact, a number of small businesses are taking a look at the opportunities to expand into the UAE.

For one thing, the country is located at a strategic crossroad between east and west. Also, the leadership is pro-western and pro-business. In addition, it is becoming an important financial center. So much so that many are calling it the Silicon Valley of the Middle East.

The name is not without reason.…

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Marketing Tips to Create Demand for Your Product

In the world of marketing, demand creation is the process of creating demand for specific products where none might currently exist. Sometimes called push marketing, creating demand is far more involved– and perforce, often more expensive– than traditional marketing and branding, which typically seeks to meet or satisfy existing needs.

Create demand and sell!

Often, business or startup owners realize they need to generate demand when their innovative and new service or product sits on the market with only a few, intermittent buyers. Even if it could be an industry game changer, it’s not uncommon that only early adopters will take a chance with an unfamiliar brand.…

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6 Tips for Getting the Best Hires for your Startup

For startups, the greatest resource is the employees. The most successful startups are the ones who hired employees who really believed in the mission of the company and feel invested in the product or service being sold. But how do you find these employees?

Hiring top talents for your company

When it’s time to find new staff for your startup, here are a few tips to make sure you are hiring the best of the best.

Don’t be afraid to go remote

Many employers worry about hiring remote employees for a number of reasons, most often because they’re worried about productivity issues if an employee is out of the office.…

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Lessons Small Retailers Can Learn from Giants Like Amazon

The biggest brands in business didn’t become so famous by sheer chance. There are numerous smart decisions and careful planning that helped them achieve this.

Clothing store display

Every small business dreams of the day that their business can reach countless consumers from all over the world, but very few genuinely reach this point. Regardless, there is plenty of room for success further down the mountain; you just have to know which strategies to implement.

When providing retail services as a small business, there are many hurdles to growth and profit. If you learn the right lessons, however, it can be done.

There are a few lessons that any small retailer can learn from major giants like Amazon when building their business.

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Why Should You Invest In a Green Office?

Are you considering getting a green office? Many businesses are investing in greener, environmentally friendly workplaces. This is because green offices have a number of advantages, such as allowing you to conserve energy and giving the employees a clean and pollution free space to work in.

Green offices are become an increasingly popular attempt to help protect the environment by saving energy and reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. Many people think that maintaining a green office is expensive and time consuming. There are also plenty of misconceptions about green energy that prevents people from investing in a green office.

Here are five good reasons to make your workspace a green office:


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A Helpful Guide to Credit Repair for Business Owners

Let’s be honest; it’s not uncommon for business owners to have personal finances which are in the toilet. It’s tough to start a business, no matter who you are.

If you are like most people, you weren’t independently wealthy when you started your business. Your new company was a big risk. It probably still is.

In the early days of a new business, entrepreneurs have to spend incredible amounts of time and energy on their big idea in order to have it take hold in the real world. During this time, it’s common for other aspects of life to suffer as a result: including personal credit health.…

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