Learning to Scale: How to Grow a Home-based Food Business

Many home-food businesses, particularly artisanal producers, fear that there is no way to sustain or scale their food business without investing in their own premises and resources. Thankfully it’s just not true thanks to rental commercial kitchens.

Coffee shop owner pouring coffee

If you’re one of the UK’s 2.9 million homepreneurs, don’t be afraid to grow your food business. Its intimidating at first but perfectly possible, with planning. There are plenty of opportunities to enable your business to grow at the rate you wish it to, even as you make the transition from home food business to stores.

Commercial kitchens are the first step

Graduating to premises is the biggest initial leap a home business will take.…

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Worker Worries – Preventing the Simple Mishaps of Workplace Safety

Workplace injuries are one of the worst things that can happen to your employees and your business. Not only does it cause your employee physical and emotional distress, but it also decreases work morale, and can also put your business in serious financial trouble if something drastic has happened.

Workplace safety

Don’t let your business fall victim to an injury or hazard that can be easily prevented; we’ve put together 5 simple tips and tricks that can help you prevent the simple mishaps regarding workplace safety.

1. Prevent injuries

Believe it or not, the most common occupational injuries are usually ones that can be easily prevented.…

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How to Rank Your Business Website on Google

It’s true, being visible online is the bread n’ butter for any small business owner in the digital age. Although most of us know this, we often find it difficult to allocate time to it.

At No Yelling, we have made point of incorporating SEO strategies into our daily operations, making it easier for us to tackle new locations and grow the business. We rely heavily on SEO to generate leads and have developed some neat little tricks over the years.

Google on smartphone

For any small business serving customers at a physical address or at the customer’s location, Local search optimisation is essential.…

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5 Tools to Protect Your Small Business

Small-business owners are always fighting the clock. But time management isn’t just essential to getting more done. Saving extra minutes here and there can be the difference between stagnation and business growth. That’s why I’ve been pushing my team to build resources that make business owners’ lives easier.

Using tools for small business

Last fall, they built a tool I’m proud of. It’s called Policy Buddy and it tells you in two minutes what type of insurance your business needs. The best part is that, in researching Policy Buddy, my team came across a handful of other great tools every small-business owner should know about.

Here are a few of my favorites.…

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How To Make Sure Your Business Is Creating Happy Customers

Customers are the bread-and-butter to all businesses. Even if you are a business-to-business corporation, your other businesses that you work with are still your customers and you still want to make them happy. If you don’t have happy customers, it’s very likely that you will lose those customers and that they will tell other people that you aren’t a very good business to work with.

Happy customers

It’s really not that hard to create happy customers. Like they say, the customer is always right. While the customer may be wrong sometimes, you need to make sure that you are doing things to make them happy and let them feel like they were right all along.…

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Starting-up in Singapore? Here are the Available Company Registration Options

The biggest incentive attracting people to Singapore is how easy it is to get the ball rolling, and remarkably, this is largely down to the larger authorities.

They maintain a positive attitude toward people wanting to start new companies and often give them a helping hand. It’s one of the most advantageous places on the globe to begin fresh as you can expand through networking with people in South East Asia.

So, let’s take a look at what options are available!

Private Limited Companies

Starting up a PLC is a very straightforward pick. It’s the clear cut way for small or medium-sized businesses to begin.…

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Why Fleet Management is Important for Business Owners

Any business that uses vehicles within their service can make use of fleet management. Notably, fleet management software is readily available and an important tool for business owners, helping to use real data to make informed decisions about their drivers and vehicles that will directly impact the success of their business.

What is fleet management?

Fleet management is used to describe a number of ways to assessing usage of your fleet of vehicles. Typically, this is examined to improve the effectiveness of a businesses spend for cost savings. It can encompass a lot of areas, including fuel efficiency and driver behaviour among others, of which different fleet management software will let you track in various combinations.…

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How to Prioritise Employee Wellbeing in Your Business

Sometimes in the work place the wellbeing of employees is sacrificed in the flow of business. It might sound like something well out of your capacity, but it happens more often that you’d think and generally without anyone even realising. It’s important to stay aware of the spirit of your employees as, apart from the social and moral responsibility that comes with being an employer, maintaining a happy workforce is proven to improve your company’s performance and efficiency.

Employee wellbeing

What is employee wellbeing?

Employee wellbeing is, in its simplest form, all to do with how happy your employees are. There are many factors that could influence this, many of which are, obviously, out of your hands, such as their home and personal life, but employers are often unaware of just how much power they have over their employees’s happiness.…

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The Good and the Bad of Car Title Loans for Startup Funding

For those who have been in operation for some time, it’ll be simpler to take a loan to grow your organization. Without giving a part of your company (like many startups do,) you occasionally need to jump through various hoops. Applying for a loan, they might even need to appoint a cosigner or make extra collateral available to back the loan.

Car title loan

But what if there is no cosigner or collateral available, and your company is suffering from cash flow problems? Seeking instant monetary support for your company, you can either choose the route that many companies take: Sell off your inventory, or your other assets.…

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Ways Smaller Businesses Can Run as Efficiently as Larger Companies

While facing tough competition is a part of any business, it can be intimidating when trying to pitch your small business against a corporate giant. In fact, it might seem impossible, especially when you consider that your small business has a limited number of staff and a tight budget, while larger companies can splash the cash and hire staff when needed.

Running efficient small business

However, no matter how small your company, there are a number of ways you can make your business stand out and compete with the biggest corporate companies.

Upgrade Your Technology

One of the best tools that small businesses can utilise is technology, for two major reasons: efficiency and customer reach.…

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