Using Forex To Supplement Your Income While Chasing Your Dream

If you’re like me, the success of your business is your main priority. That’s what you’ve committed yourself to, and you won’t rest until you’ve achieved your dreams. The prospect of doing “a little something on the side” is anathema to you, especially when spoken by “concerned” friends and family. It can be a sign that they don’t believe in you.

Forex trading using trading software

But that does not mean you can’t supplement your income while chasing your dream. With every new technological innovation, there are more and more ways to make money. This is no more true than with Forex.

Forex trading has become increasingly popular due to its sheer accessibility.…

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Efficient Safety Solutions – 5 Ways to Boost Workplace Wellbeing

For most of us, work is a means to an end. We work to live, not the reverse. Our hard earned pay is channeled into creating a lifestyle for ourselves and our families.

Ensuring employee wellbeing

With this in mind, we expect our workplaces to be designed to keep us safe. Unfortunately, a number of industries are plagued with a greater share of workplace injuries than others. Labourers and workers in healthcare, have over double their share of work related injuries. This is especially so for those labourers within the transport, storage and manufacturing industries.

According to Safe Work Australia, approximately one in five serious claims involve injury to the back and one quarter of serious claims require at least twelve weeks off work.…

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The Business Bloom – Dissecting the Impact of Digital Software on Modern Agriculture

The paddocks, plains and orchards that make up the landscapes of our agricultural industries are not the sorts of places you’d expect to find agile, modern technology. They’re places shrouded in age-old tradition and folklore, linking us back to times passed. This is, at the very least, the lay-person’s’ perspective.

In reality, it is increasingly common to find cutting edge technology introduced into these agricultural landscapes. Traditional processes are being simplified, streamlined, and transformed into repeatable, capturable data to be managed by software programs. Corners of the sector hope that this technology could revitalise the industry, and bring with it the incentive for innovation.…

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Emergency Loan Options for Small Business Owners

In an ideal situation, your small business would generate enough money each month to pay the bills on time and to turn a sizable profit for you to live on. However, running a small business often is financially stressful, and things do not always go as planned.

Emergency loan

Sales may be slow for a few months, or you may have great sales, but your invoices may not be paid on time by your customers. Even when you are generating income, you may have unexpected bills this month that require immediate payment.

There are many situations when a small business owner may need access to extra cash quickly.…

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Your Next Business Card: What You Need to Do Differently (Infographic)

Do you know where your business card is right now? Here’s a hint: it probably isn’t with the person you gave it to. Nearly 90% of business cards don’t survive more than a week before the recipient tosses them into the trash. But what about that other 10% of business cards—and more important, how do you make sure your card is in that category?

Business card garbage

The other 10% of business cards are the successful designs. These are the cards that are so beautiful, clever, or creative that the recipient can’t possibly fathom throwing them away. And with help from Company Folders’ design services, you can make sure your business card is one of them.…

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7 Traits Every Successful Brand Logo Has In Common (Infographic)

Is your brand logo working the way it should? No, it’s not a trick question. This is a serious topic that every business needs to consider. If you haven’t started your business yet, this question should still be on your radar—after all, it’s better to know your logo will work than to just create one and hope it works.

Logo recipe

According to Company Folders, every successful brand icon works for its parent company because it has 7 necessary components for a good logo. But what are these components, and how you can you implement them in your next design?…

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Collaborative Workspaces are more than it’s Quirky, Creative Designs

Google’s office has an indoor slide for their employees and it’s exciting.

But there’s one thing that this tech giant wishes to tell us—there’s nothing wrong with injecting a little fun in the collaborative office environment. It’s good for your employees, therefore good for the entire business.

If we follow Google’s logic, office design is not just a gimmick. It’s a game plan to spike employee productivity to the roof! A recent UK workplace research proves that a well-designed office can boost a person’s happiness by 33%. This means that investing in good office design pays you back with more satisfied customers, bringing profit to the business.…

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To Partner or Not Partner? That is the Question…

When someone starts a new business, one of the first decisions to make is whether or not to form a sole proprietorship or partnership. Partnerships alter the legal structure of the business, taxes and relationships in ways you must consider before you simply assume the best solution is dividing ownership of the business.

To partner or not partner? Shakespeare meme

There are pros and cons of bringing in others as partners instead of hiring them as employees or receiving loans instead of giving away equity.


It is easier to create a general partnership than form a corporation. The biggest risk this creates is personal liability. A corporation is a separate legal entity that has to have its own financial accounts and takes on the financial and legal liabilities of the company.…

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5 Tips For Keeping Good Employees

Finding a good employee is something that you should fight hard to keep. Without a solid team your business runs the risk of becoming a mess full of miscommunications, poor service, and could even lead to loss of money for you.

Retaining good employees

Many people make the mistake of taking a good employee for granted and allow them to slip away only to realize through a long string of employees following that one that it is hard to find good ones. Therefore, follow these tips to make sure you hang on to a good employee when you have one.

Offer Benefits

One of the best ways to appeal to a good employee is offering benefits such as stock in the company or providing medical insurance.…

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How To Hire Help For Your Small Business

So, you started your own small business and now you feel like you can’t do everything on your own. Maybe you just want to find someone to help when you have overflow or many you want to have a steady assistant. No matter what kind of help you need for your small business there are some things you need to keep in mind.

Hiring tips

There is a difference between an actual employee and a contract worker, and you need to know the differences of employing them. This will help you find the right help for your business, and maybe save money while you’re at it.…

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