Par Chadha Interview on Serial Entrepreneurship

Par Chadha is an electrical engineer with a long history of creating innovative companies in the technology arena as well as building bundled industry solutions through M&A of leading platforms.

Par Chadha

Chadha founded Osicom Technologies with his wife in 1981 and drove innovation through the development of numerous Patents: Patent 5343324 – Bias control and method for electro-optic modulators; Patent 6151336 – Time division multiplexing expansion subsystem; and Patent 6400478 – A wavelength division multiplexed optical transmission system with expanded bidirectional transmission capacity.

Par Chadha interview

Q: In your career you’ve ran and worked with dozens of tech startups – it’s not a small feat. 

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Top 10 Responsibilities of a Limited Company Director

Directing a Limited Company effectively can be challenging. Impeccable organisational skills and a competent understanding of accounting – keeping track of all tasks in order to stay within the Companies Act 2006, is vital to guarantee your success.

Limited company director

Deciding to manage your Limited Company by yourself without the assistance from an accountant, it is imperative to know the tasks that need to be completed and when. Below, we have comprised a guide of our top ten most important responsibilities a director of a Limited Company must undertake. For an annual fee specialized contractor accountant firm can assist you with all but one (filling your tax returns) of these responsibilities for running a tax efficient and successful company, making your life as a Limited Company director easier.…

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Great Ideas for Home-based Business Startups

Venturing into the world of startup businesses is an exciting journey, and has the potential to be a highly profitable one. However, determining which goods or services a marketplace needs can be more complicated than it sounds. What any successful entrepreneur needs is a great idea to get them started on the right foot.

Business ideas

More and more people are finding success by choosing to start a home based business. Being self employed requires a large amount of discipline, but when done correctly the income will come pouring in. Here are some fantastic ideas for business startups that you can do all on your own, right from the comfort of your home.…

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Micro-Influencers: What They Are and Why You Need Them on Your Side

When it comes to promoting a business online, marketers and business owners need to get creative and use all the best tools and tactics available to stand out among their competition. In this blog post, I want to show you why micro-influencers can be one of the strongest and most effective tools in your arsenal and how they can help with the growth of your SME.

Micro-influencer pop-art

What are micro-influencers?

Historically, those who were considered influencers, were either the top known authorities in their field of work, or celebrities. Now though, with social media, it’s easier than ever for even regular people to become online influencers, which led to a massive increase in social influencers, of all shapes and sizes.…

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6 Reasons You Should Be Using the Latest Marketing Tools

Do you use the latest marketing tools in your business? Investing in the proper tools can dramatically change the results you get from your marketing activities. However, some marketing systems are better than others, so it’s vital to choose the tools that are the most suitable for your requirements. Below are some of the main reasons why you should be using the latest marketing tools.

Marketing office

Your Marketing Campaigns Are More Organized

From the beginning, you need to ensure that you have full control of each of your marketing campaigns. A reliable marketing project management software system allows you to become much more organized so that you can effectively control every aspect of these campaigns.…

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How Product Reviews Can Benefit Your Business

Many people visit the web every day to research product reviews. Retailers large and small, as well as independent websites, serve as a resource to help consumers make informed decisions about electronics and cellular service, such as our friends at Mobile Specification Pakistan. Read on how product reviews matter.

Product review

Product and service reviews are important to marketing and legitimacy of a brand. They allow consumers to trust your company, product or service, and also allow you to establish how your product is better than others. Reviews can also help businesses get more sales so it is important to encourage customers to leave reviews.…

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Consistent Small Business Branding: How?

When a company is first starting out, they often go through various name changes and iterations before they settle on a consistent branding strategy. If the business is web-based, those various names and websites are still out there, floating around the internet, sometimes with followers left wondering what happened to the new company they were watching so closely or even ordering products from.

Coca-Cola brands

How does a business bring all those followers to one place, and make their branding consistent? Here are a few simple steps:

Choose a Single Website Name

Even if you have tried several different brand names and have websites for each, consolidating them into a single website with consistent brand message not only saves you time, but it produces a much larger pull from Google and other search engines.…

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Price Optimization is a Must for Online Retailers: Here’s Why

The speed of change in technology and business is rapidly increasing. Those who are unable to ride the waves of change risk falling far behind their competitors. E-Commerce businesses are always seeing new trends come and go as the online retail landscape continues to shift. Some of these trends are short-lived, while others permanently affect how you should be doing business.

Price optimization strategies for eCommerce

Pricing Optimization Strategies Predict Trends

Dynamic pricing and price optimization are at the core of essential and long term trends.

They consist of pricing strategies that a company uses to take advantage of what consumers are willing to spend, when they spend the most, and their usual buying habits.…

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Saving Money on Your Startup: 5 Cost-cutting Measures That Will Help Your Bottom Line

Starting your own business is a dream for many business people. After years of making money for someone else, many of us look around and say, “It’s my turn. I want to be in the driver’s seat,” and a new small business is born.

Startup action

The gestation of that business, however, can be a long and difficult road to travel. Starting and running your own business is not for the faint-hearted. It is perfect for over-achievers who believe that sleep is optional, coffee is a basic food group and who have a vision that they can trust no one else to make true.…

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5 Important Marketing Trends for Legal Professionals

There are few industries that move faster than marketing. Especially now that marketing is essentially combined with the even faster-moving technology industry, it can be very difficult to keep up. Legal professionals that stay on top of marketing trends and effectively use the latest strategies can get a leg up on all of the competition. Those who do not keep up and adapt can quickly find themselves left behind.

Legal marketing trends

Judging by the current climate and trends through the first half of 2017, there are some pretty clear themes to the changes in legal marketing. Many of these trends have looked promising to small firms and solo attorneys, and the biggest theme in recent legal marketing is the increased visibility of these little guys and an effective leveling of the playing field in the digital world.…

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