Bright Ideas: 5 Ways That Neon Can Be Used As Effective Visual Marketing

An iconic reminder of bygone business marketing, the last few years have seen neon making a comeback in new and interesting ways. Neon is being used in more artistically-geared, creative ways than ever before, and it’s this new wave of neon usage that has sparked a “re-taking” of sorts by businesses the world over. Illuminated letters can now be seen advertising for extremely high-end restaurants, on the outsides of some office buildings, and in or around art galleries.

Kiehls neon signage

To find out how neon can be used as effective visual marketing for your business, read on.

1. Signage

Signage is a term that refers to the signs indicating the purpose of the building or business.…

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4 Ways Small Businesses Can Reduce Workers’ Compensation Costs

Workers’ compensation costs extend far beyond the cost of your insurance policy. The costs of a workplace accident also include time lost, attorney fees, disruption to your daily operations and medical costs.

Injuries – no matter how minor or severe – can be time-consuming and costly for any business.

Hardhats help preventing costly injury compensation costs

Here are four ways you can reduce workers’ compensation costs.

1. Make Safety a Priority

Failure to make safety a priority can lead to more accidents and higher workers’ compensation costs.

Instead of looking at safety as an expensive choice, look at it as an essential part of your company’s mission and daily practice.…

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3 Content Marketing Strategies Businesses Can Leverage Today

Content marketing is the ideal fit for large enterprise businesses and small mom-and-pop stores. Content marketing can fit into any budget, and if you do the work yourself, this budget can be nonexistent in many cases.

Content marketing

Leveraging content marketing is essential for growth, but how can you incorporate this form of marketing into the mix? Avoid the big strategies that the Fortune 500 companies are engaging in and go a different route.

Our friends at Principality Plastics shared the strategies that have helped the company in increasing revenue, lowering their marketing budget and accelerating growth, outlined below.

1. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is huge, but don’t expect to hire Kim Kardashian or Selena Gomez – their reach is worth over $500,000 for a single post.…

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Tips for Insuring Your Car When You Have a Disability

If you or any of your employees are categorized as a driver with disability, you should be aware of a thing or two about insuring your business vehicle.  Read on for some tips.

Driver with disability

You may not be aware that insurers are not allowed to refuse cover or charge more for disabled drivers. However, it it is essential that any motorist with a disability is aware of how to find the right policy and also if there are any ways that they can reduce their premium.

Insuring an Adapted Automobile

The key factor impacting the amount you pay will be the adapted automobile that you drive.

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Budget Planning: Why Every Fitness Business Owner Needs to Plan Their Finances

If you are the owner and operator of a small business such as offering your services as a personal fitness trainer it can be all too easy for your personal and business finances to mingle.

It can sometimes be the case that a number of small business owners won’t create a budget that creates a distinction between their personal and business finances, but that is not a scenario to be recommended.

Fitness class

Here is a look at why you need to create a budget for your fitness business, including how it helps you to control your spending, plan for emergencies, and see exactly how profitable your business really is.…

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Zeqr Introduces a New Approach to Learning

Zeqr is quite literally the future of learning. Using the latest EdTech (Education Technology) available, this new online education portal allows users to take online courses from “Xperts” in a one-on-one video chat, for rates starting as low as just a few dollars per course. The knowledge sharing hub currently offers over 600 courses taught by 450 experts, with 150 classes currently being tech-based.

Guy Kawasaki - Zeqr Xpert

Groundbreaking e-learning experience

The one-on-one, peer-to-peer aspect offered on the site is ground-breaking. While competition is sure to pop up real soon, Zeqr is the first of its kind to offer a virtual classroom experience with experts in every field imaginable mentoring you in real time.…

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Tips for Helping Employees to Grow So You Boost Retention Levels

There are many costs involved with having a high staff turnover, from the loss of knowledge that occurs when workers walk out the door, to the financial costs involved in finding replacements, and the time it takes to train them up. As such, it is incredibly important for all organizations to have a focus on boosting retention levels.

Fostering employee growth with performance evaluation

While there are many different ways to do this, including recognizing and rewarding workers, creating a positive culture, providing employee perks and the like, one great way that not enough managers focus on is helping people to grow and reach their potential.…

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Business Marketing: Understanding Key Terms and Semantics

Business marketing isn’t what it used to be. Now, particularly with regard to online advertising, it’s more important to understand key terms and semantics than it is to try to push yourself as a brand or product from the inside out. You have to imagine people searching for what you do, rather than who you are.

Digital marketing for small business

To help yourself out with this new age marketing concept, you can do things like learn to use search-centric advertising, work with Google’s algorithms, research expertise and word clouds when it comes to semantics, and embrace all of the spokes on the wheel of virtual branding.…

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Advertising Advice For Small Businesses

Small businesses, by definition, don’t have the same resource base the larger companies and corporations have. That means that advertising can be a little bit more difficult, or at the very least, advertisers have to be more creative and follow different sets of advice.

Barber shop owner doing digital marketing and advertising

If you find yourself in the position of trying to promote your small business, consider following the tips of getting visible, being creative virtually, starting conversations in the social realm, and using your small size as an advantage. Going through that list and figuring out which ones are most applicable to your situation, you should be able to see immediate results.…

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4 Reasons to Use PDF Readers

PDF readers are now found everywhere no matter what type of device you have. They are lightweight softwares that let you read and edit PDF files. PDF readers – try Soda PDF or any other readers you’re interested in – is your best bet when you want to view, edit, share, create and secure content on any file or document.

PDF reader

Without much ado, here are 4 reasons to use PDF readers:

1. They Are Ubiquitous

It is quite common for a document to look strange when you open it on a different device than it was created on. The formatting goes haywire, and the whole document starts to look unprofessional.…

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