Improve Your Business Email List Management with a Reliable Email Validation Service

If your business maintains an email list, you need to make sure that every email is well-validated; or else, you risk your business with potential security risks, wasted resources for managing spams, and many other counter-productive activities.

Email validation

If you’re constantly looking for the right email validation service for your company, I’m sure that you’re overwhelmed with the available choices on the web. Many wastes so much time just for looking for the right one for you.

In this article, we want to help you cut to the chase by recommending a service that we think one of the best in the class.…

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SMB CEOs: Here’s Why You Should Use a Telephone Answering Service

While it isn’t necessarily true for all businesses, answering the phone is right up there on the list of the most challenging daily tasks to overcome. If you’re running a (busy) small business, this job is likely made even more challenging by the lack of staff available to answer the phones and do all the other things that are important to the success of the business.

Telephone answering service staff

Adding administrative staff to your business might not be financially feasible or even desirable (eg., lack of space, no time to train, etc.) Outsourcing this need to an outside answering service provider is often the only smart option for small business CEOs.…

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3 Ways To Use Your Phone To Become More Efficient

With the amount of money it costs to purchase a smartphone and then use it throughout the month, it only makes sense that you want to take care of that investment. And while you can always purchase protection for your phone, those exterior additions don’t necessarily make it any easier for you to use your phone.

Businesswoman using smartphone

So if you’re interested in learning how you can use your phone to help make you a better CEO, read on – here are three ways you can use your phone to become more efficient.

Take Care of Your Battery

Your phone is only going to be useful to you if it has the battery power to be used.…

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How to Effortlessly Control and Track Your Inventory

Savvy inventory management is crucial to streamlining business operations, meeting customer demand, and improving profitability. While many business owners start selling without a clear inventory strategy in mind, keeping track of and controlling inventory levels effectively is vital to growing over the long term.

Inventory management

Here are some of the inventory management considerations every retailer or wholesaler should know.

Key inventory management stages

Foundation: Inventory management should start with a fundamental system of categorizing and naming products. Giving each product an SKU (stock keeping unit) ensures all your inventory is uniquely identifiable and easily tracked. SKUs can easily be created for products using an SKU generator.…

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Security Matters: Keeping Control of Your Site

Cyber attacks have now become a fact of life, and are now something that each and every one of us has to guard against. It’s no good thinking that criminals will only attack the ‘big boys’ – far from it. In fact, smaller businesses are seen as softer targets with weaker defenses to penetrate.


In 2016, it’s said that hackers were able to breach half of all small businesses in the US. Worse still, about 60 per cent of small businesses that suffer a cyber security attack are said to go out of business within six months. This is a clear and present danger to the existence of small businesses and cannot, therefore, be ignored.…

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5 Money Saving Ideas Businesses Can Use To Attract New Users

Are you a businessman? Then your first and foremost objective should be to attract a huge number of customers and earn a massive profit. Right? But, for doing that if you end up spending a lot then is this worth it? Absolutely, NOT!! So, in that context, you need some smart and efficient marketing strategies through which you can save a lot and entice new buyers from throughout the world.

Marketing strategy

Wondering how to do that? Well, that is the topic on which I am going to explain today! Just take a glance over the following points, and I am sure it is going to help you.

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Why is B2B Market Research So Important?

B2B research stands for Business to Business research and is essential when it comes to developing your business. The difference between B2C and B2B is simple. B2B research refers to the end user be an individual while B2B market research is when the end user is another business/ corporation.

Market research

Market research is never really finished or completed as the world is constantly evolving and changing, and as a society we are constantly updating our thinking and discovering new experiences. Media and technology is a huge factor as to why the world is constantly changing. This is because as old habits disappear, new values and behaviours begin to emerge, meaning that we see new customer segments come and go.…

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The Rise of Social Leadership

Social media is becoming a key leadership skill. Social media represents a real opportunity for leaders – a place where they can engage with employees, customers and peers alike. To create a personal brand, keep up to date and to lead with transparency and authenticity.

Social leadership

On a practical level, most leaders can’t engage face to face with the people that work for them. It just isn’t possible. But social media allows leaders to connect directly, regardless of geography and time zones.

We know that there is a digital skills gap here in the UK. Leaders who use social media can provide a role model for the digital and social skills that employees need.…

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3 Ways To Make Your Business Meetings More Productive

The last things anyone wants is to leave a meeting feeling like they haven’t accomplished anything. Or worse, feeling like they’ve taken a step backward or are more confused than ever. If this seems to be frequently happening within your company, it’s time you reassess how you handle meetings and implement ways to improve these meetings.

Productive meeting

While having a room set aside for meetings can be helpful, it’s what happens in those rooms that’s going to have the most impact on their ultimate success. So to help you with this, here are three ways you can make your business meetings more productive.…

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How to Choose a Trusted Importer of Record

When you’re a technology reseller shipping sensitive equipment overseas, the receiving country will most likely require you to partner with an Importer of Record. Without a local, tax-paying customer on the other side of the transaction taking responsibility for the goods, a trusted importer gives authorities the peace of mind that the goods are safe. As well, it keeps their backs covered in case something should go awry.

Importer of record

Receiving clearance for your package however is only one aspect of what some competent global distributions services can do for you. The strongest companies will alleviate many of the major pain point associated with the importing and exporting process, save you money, save you energy, and ensure your goods arrive where they’re supposed to in a timely fashion.…

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