Judging Fundamental Versus Technical When Dealing with Foreign Currency

The foreign exchange market is one that many people utilize as part of their investment portfolio. It can even be a way to build up a nest egg that can fund a small business of your own. But, obviously, that will only happen if you have the ability to judge the intricacies of the market with a great amount of efficiency.

And that often comes down to the strategy that you utilize.

Foreign currency chart

It often comes down to a debate between one of two tactics. Some use technical analysis, which focuses strongly on statistics and trends. Other prefers the usage of fundamental analysis, which is a way of determining the strength, or lack thereof, of the underlying financial instrument.…

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What Your Small Business Can Learn from Cryptocurrency Startups

It can seem at times like every business that ever entered the cryptocurrency market is now minting millionaires. That, of course, isn’t the case. That’s because you are only hearing the success stories. What you’re not hearing is the stories of the hundreds of entrepreneurs who thought they had brilliant ideas related to the blockchain and mined coins to start those ideas up, only to find that they were sadly mistaken and lost everything. Still, as a small business owner, you should concentrate on the success stories, because they are the ones that you’ll want to emulate.

Cryptocurrency startups

The world of cryptocurrency can be a confusing one, and it’s also one that seems to be changing at the moment.…

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Why You Should Use an M&A Advisor to Sell Your Online Business

Of all the possible deals a digital entrepreneur might negotiate over the course of their career, few will be as important as the sale of their business.

Online business for sale

While most business owners have a wealth of experience in their respective industries, only a small percentage of entrepreneurs have a full grasp of the nuances involved in the sale of an online business.

From establishing buyer credibility, to performing an accurate valuation, to dealing with the legal requirements for the transfer of ownership, the sale process is a minefield of potential risk for the seller.

In this article, we look at the different options a business owner has when it comes to selling, the benefits of involving an M&A advisor from the start of the sale process, and share the dangers of attempting a sale without one.…

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How Much Is Technology Too Much Technology for Your Small Business?

The desire to get ahead in the business world is likely one of the reasons that you became an entrepreneur in the first place. For that reason, it’s probable that you aren’t the type to sit around, stand pat and simply let your company marinate without looking to improve things at every opportunity. And, considering the age in which we live, technology has made it very easy to implement all kinds of innovations for your business. Really the only thing that’s limiting you from change is your imagination for what your business can be.

Self-service checkout

But that doesn’t mean that technology is always a good thing.…

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5 Pitfalls of Getting a Personal Loan That You Should Try Avoid

Personal loans are the popular jocks of 2018. A recent survey revealed that almost 24 million consumers in America, which equates to roughly 10% of all American adults have their eyes on personal loans.

It’s no surprise really.

Taking personal loan

These loans are indeed a great way to get some quick cash to help you out of a tight spot. But they do not come without their dangers. Lenders are responsible for accepting or rejecting applications within 24-hours.

You are responsible for your due diligence to help you make sure there are no unexpected nasty surprises lurking around the corner.

Never fear! Through this article, we will go through some of the most common surprise expenses and how you can go about avoiding them.…

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8 Ways to Maximise your Business Import and Export Profits

Opening up your business structure to a borderless playing field is a step that you may have already taken, or have at least considered in your future plan. International trade can be very lucrative, but it is always necessary to properly consider the many financial, logistical and administrative components in maximising your business import and export profits.

Export-import pforiei

1. Consider purchasing power parity

Successful international business products equate to those that are purchased in an offshore market and sold for a higher price. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? However, maximising profit also means taking into account variable factors such as the best exchange rates ie.…

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Three Areas to Expand If Your Business is Ready to Grow

The oft-cited statistic that 90% of startups fail has been attributed to various factors, from not being able to carve a niche in the marketplace to lacking a solid business model. However, in a 2017 article, Entrepreneur noted that most of the reasons that the remaining 10% succeed are related to attitude and flexibility within their staff.

Business team meeting for business growth planning

In a sense, if your startup is lucky enough to be included in that ten percent bracket, you’ve found success. However, finding a way to continue expanding your small business after its initial flush of prosperity is the crucial next step to ensure its longevity.…

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How are Business Analysts Valuable to Companies?

The process of getting insight into business operations to expose the cause and effect relationship behind failure or poor results is often managed by a change expert, known as a “business analyst” (BA). However, a lot of businesses believe hiring a business analyst is irrelevant or simply just an extra added cost, but in actual fact, they are highly valuable to company progression and evolvement.

Business analyst

Business analysts have a wide variety of responsibilities within a business. They not only need to understand the current business needs of an organisation, but they must identify and resolve any problems that may be happening too.…

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The Changing Nature of Transportation Factoring

Ask any business owner in the trucking industry and they will tell you how important financing is to their day-to-day financial strategies. And yet, for years owners of trucking companies were unable to secure funding when they needed it because banks and other traditional lenders often used difficult hurdles and long turnaround times to dissuade the trucking industry from seeking loans at all. This should come as no surprise, considering banks and other traditional lenders consider trucking to be a fickle and high-risk industry.

Transportation factoring

Luckily, over the last few decades, a new type of financing has slowly become more and more popular among trucking company owners.…

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Choosing the Right Payroll Programs for Small Business

Automating payroll processes promises saved time and increased efficiency, however, the process of switching may appear daunting, particularly if there is uncertainty about which payroll program is right for the organisation. Understanding the many options available will give decision makers confidence in choosing the right solution for their business.

Payroll software

Tips on how to choose the right payroll software solution:

Examine the business needs

No two small businesses are the same and a business will benefit from features that cater to its unique needs. When choosing payroll software, consider the following factors:

  • The size of the business
  • Time allocated to payroll functions
  • Budget available that can be allocated to payroll processing
  • Level of comfort and familiarity with regulatory and legal payroll considerations

When needs have been clearly outlined, finding the software that fits the business will become significantly easier.…

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