When Does Office Security Turn Into an Invasion of Privacy?

Offices around the UK need to step up their security game, according to the most recent statistics. There has been a 145% rise in incidents of malware and DDoS attacks to commercial servers across all sectors, and the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry noted that 47% of London businesses have been victim of some form of crime in the past year.

Office privacy

Yet when it comes to both cybersecurity and physical security for offices, many employees don’t actually know what their rights are. Despite workplace monitoring of internet use being perfectly legal, a recent Broadband Genie survey showed that only 21% of workers were aware of this fact.…

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Check Out what’s New with Facebook in 2018

Facebook is undoubtedly the largest and most loved social media platform currently. It attracts billions of users for a variety of purposes. One of the techniques the social networking site uses to get such a large following is by constantly enhancing the website with new stuff to improve user-experience and retain loyalty.


During the 2018 Facebook F8 developers’ conference, Mark Zuckerberg and his team proudly announced plenty of innovative and fresh features that the platform would be introducing before the year ends. These are bound to make the website more valuable and enjoyable to users in spite of the data scandal.…

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When Will New Technologies Impact Small Businesses?

Huge enterprises are already taking advantage of bleeding-edge technologies that cut costs while improving efficiency and customer happiness. Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, big data processors and smart devices may seem too costly for small and mid-sized businesses, but many experts estimate that in the next couple years many once-elusive technologies will be used on a global scale.

Small business technology

Are you interested to learn latest technologies like AI, Big Data,Blockchain and IOT? Then Intellipaat Certification Training is for you. Intellipaat is a popular e-learning and professional certification company who provides training on all latest technologies like Artificial Intelligence Course, Big data, IOT and Blockchain Training Course.…

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3 Changes to Boost Office Productivity

Every company wants to be profitable, and productive employees are key to that success. But how can small business leaders help their workforces become more productive?

Hard working leader

One way is to consider creating a non-sedentary workplace, which research shows can improve group performance. A study conducted by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis found that when people worked on creative tasks in an environment that encouraged standing versus sitting, they increased collaboration and achievement.

It’s clear that the energy of the environment affects productivity. Small business leaders need to begin thinking more comprehensively about how the modern office factors into the success of employees and businesses alike.…

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When Your Business Requires Heavy Machinery or Intricate Designs

Does your company require heavy machinery to do some of its commercial needs, or are there any intricate designs that are part of your product output? If so, you may need to talk to specialists in those fields to get a bulk of your orders completed on time and done to a standard of quality. That means doing some research and homework about who can provide you with those industrial services the most efficiently and on the best budget.

Industrial 3D printer

Some examples of equipment or services you might have to outsource work to include if you need to custom design tables, any heavy equipment that you don’t already own, large-scale 3D printing possibilities, and anything where high-tech robots are going to perform work functions the best.…

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How to Say No in the Business World: 4 Tips


It’s one of the simplest words in the English language. Two letters, one syllable, incredibly commonplace. In fact, it even transcends language. Whether you’re in the jungles of South America, the city lights of Paris, or the plains of the United States, your audience knows exactly what you mean when you say no.

Say no

Why, then, is it so difficult to tell someone no – particularly in the business world? Why would we much rather say yes, even when no is the correct statement? These are questions worth exploring – so let’s take a look.

Why We Avoid Saying No

We all have our own unique reasons for saying no – many of them specific to the situation or scenario at hand – but it often comes down to one of three factors: fear of conflict, unwillingness to disappoint, and a desire to fit in.…

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5 Ways to Turbocharge Your Marketing

You have a great business idea. You have an excellent product that perfectly meets the needs of your target audience. You have smart, ambitious employees. And you even have business systems that work together like cogs in a well-oiled machine.

Yet despite all these things going for you, your business may still not be taking off.

Turbocharge your marketing

In actuality, you may be closer to success than you think. You may simply need to double down on your marketing efforts. It’s difficult to meet your sales quota if only a small number of people know about your business.

Here are 5 proven ideas to include in a marketing campaign:


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4 Ways to Effectively Use CRM to Grow Your Startup

As the CEO of a growing business, you probably already know how a customer relationship management (CRM) system can help you scale your startup. But while you understand that keeping your valued customers happy is important to the growth of your business, you might not be completely sure how to use your CRM to its full potential.

A startup founder is using a CRM tool

In order to stay as connected to your customers as you can and help your new company to flourish, consider these suggestions for using your CRM:

Stay on Top of CRM Updates

If you have invested in a CRM, you know quite well that this type of program is agile and easy to use.…

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How to Choose the Right Kind of Business for You

When it comes to launching a business idea and starting a business, getting it off the ground can be tricky. It takes a lot of hard work and determination to turn an innovative idea into a successful business and there are some big decisions you have to make in this process.

Professional photographer

Here is how you can make sure you choose the right business for you.

Follow Your Passion

Although it may sound like a cliche, whatever your potential business idea may be, you need to ensure that you are passionate about it. If you are just in it for the money, then chances are that you’re not going to have the drive required to sustain the business throughout its early days.…

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How Using Business Self Storage Can Benefit Your Company

It’s a little known fact, but self storage is a godsend for small businesses and ecommerce companies worldwide. These handy units give companies the flexibility, security, accessibility, and space-saving ability that all modern businesses rely on for successful operation – and all at an affordable price.

Self storage

Self storage units are valuable for a broad range of commercial applications – including business storage, retail storage, document/file storage, office storage, or stock storage.

To find a reputable storage provider, see those recommended by an authoritative organisation – if you’re looking for self storage companies in the UK, for example, search your postcode on the Self Storage Association website.…

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