How Much Office Space Do You Really Need?

The cost of renting office space has spiralled over the past year. In 2017, the global flexible office market has grew by over 18% and this growth has continued to soar in 2018. Recent research has revealed New York City to be the most expensive place in the world to rent a desk, with San Francisco, Chicago, Sydney, Los Angeles, and London rounding off the top six.

Spacious office space

With rising office space costs, it’s becoming increasingly important to ensure you’re only renting the space your business needs. According to analysis by Philips Lighting, businesses around the world can save a total of £1.11 trillion in reduced office costs, by simply reducing the number of empty workspaces and meeting rooms in their offices.…

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How to Know Your Business Is Ready to Go Remote

The workplace of tomorrow will probably look like your living room or home office. Or maybe even a local coffee shop. It will look like anything except an office, whether it’s a traditional one with cubicles or the modern one with lots of open space.

Remote working

Remote working is one of the most important business trends this year. It is also one of the things employees want from their employers the most, along with increased bonuses.

Remote business or team setups can be very rewarding. “From the beginning I’ve been designing the dream job, in fact Cloud LGS was born in a coffeeshop.…

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3 Reasons Why It’s Easier Than Ever to Become an Entrepreneur

The economy has been improving for nearly a decade now and unemployment has sunk below its natural rate. This means that there really are no more excuses. If you have a dream of launching your own business, now is the time.

Entrepreneur using digital technology

Entrepreneurship will never be easy in any economy. It takes passion, dedication, hard work, long hours, and an understanding that the struggle may last for years before paying off. But if you really want to take the plunge, it’s time to stop talking and start acting.

Fortunately, there are many reasons that make the modern, digital age the best time ever to achieve your goals.…

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Market Your Business to Success With These Excellent Hints

As a business owner you must surely understand and appreciate the appeal of marketing effectively. In fact, when you run a modern brand, the whole essence of your company is built on the way you market the business. Without the right kind of marketing there is no way for the business to thrive and grow. You can have the best product or service in the world, but if you don’t market properly how can you hope to make any sales?

Digital marketing

That is why you have to do as much as you possibly can to ensure you market the company effectively. There are a lot of things to keep in mind if you are serious about marketing the brand properly and driving it forward.…

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5 Ways to Build a More Effective Web Presence

In today’s business industries, it is vital that you have a plan in place to build an extensive and effective web presence for your organization. Communication and socialization happen on a largely digital scale in modern society, so it is important to tap into the mainline of information flow.

Building a web presence

Building a business website is a great step towards building an online presence, but there is so much more you can do to take a more active role in the expansion and marketing of your business. Here are a few ways to build a more effective web presence, and share the joy of your organization with the masses.…

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Business Advice: Starting, Maintaining, Streamlining

There are many different phases and stages of a business. If you can’t figure out how to work through all of them, of then there isn’t much chance of you having a completely independent entity that exists over time. That’s why you need to look at each of those phases individually even while you are doing your initial planning.

Busy business development team

There is the startup phase. There is the period where you have to figure out how to keep your business going. Once established, you have to become more competitive. Also, it’s essential that you remember that you always need to flex with the times rather than being too static about how you approach different business challenges.…

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Being Comfortable In Your Company Working Environment

One thing that you have to do to run a successful business is to make sure that the idea of comfort is handled properly. Your employees need to be comfortable. Your clients need to be comfortable. Also, there are different kinds of happiness you need to look into. Physical comfort is one. Mental and emotional satisfaction is another. So you need to go through each one and ensure that you’re doing as much as possible to create the best environment in your workplace.

Healthy business environment with happy employees

Fortunately, there are ways that can facilitate that; one example would be allyship training, which is purposed to train employees in such a way that each individual in the workplace can support each other in an effective way.…

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Strategies for Ranking Your Business WordPress Site Using Search Engine Optimization

There are two main objectives associated with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). To ensure your site and pages are easy to find by using keywords and to rank your page high in search results to make it relevant. Ideally, relevant pages rank high in the search engines because they are frequently visited and users find them useful. Optimizing your site is a long process that involves tuning, maintenance, monitoring and continuous testing of the site by an SEO expert.

SEO for WordPress

If you are looking to rank your business high in the search engine, consider using these steps:

Target Market Business Analysis

The first thing you need to do is to analyze your market business to come up with a plan.…

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5 WordPress Plugins Every Business Should Use

If you are a business on WordPress, you are on the best platform for SEO and the ability to customize for what your site needs. You have access to literally thousands of plugins that can do just about anything that you can dream of.

Top WordPress plugins for business

In this article, we are going to show you 5 WordPress plugin you should have and why you should have them.

1. OptinMonster

If you want to grow your list an increase conversions, OptinMonster is a plugin you have to have. There are many functions it performs. Some of the differences you will get with OptinMonster are subtle when you go to compare it to other optin plugins but hands down it has the most features that will allow you to continue to increase your conversion rates.…

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How to Successfully Protect Company Trademarks

Only 50% of patent applications have the potential of being accepted in a good year in the United States. The application process is long and arduous, and that’s if you’re lucky enough not to go wade through an appeal’s process.

After all the frustration and time spent, the last thing a business owner wants to do is leave the door open to trademark cancellation, infringement, and other legal issues.


It is definitely vital that you always have trademarks registered and that you do all that you can to protect your assets in a completely legal way. But for that purpose, without custom logo design, the logo cannot actually be protected by law through registrations and trademarks.…

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