8 Signs You Should Invest in a Virtual Receptionist

Freelancers, small businesses, and other businesses of all sizes and scope are finding value in virtual receptionists. While you might have heard of virtual receptionists, you might be wondering how making this move can truly benefit your company. In this article, we’re going to delve into the signs that you need a virtual receptionist.

Virtual receptionist

What is a Virtual Receptionist?

Before we talk about how to identify when it’s time to hire a virtual receptionist, let’s discuss what a virtual receptionist like RubyReceptionist.com.au really does. As you might be able to guess, a virtual receptionist handles phone calls and communication for your company.…

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Tips for Starting a Medical Business

Healthcare is an essential need for everybody, and as the field advances, there is an ever-greater demand for specialized services beyond simply making an appointment with a doctor. There are countless specialty fields along with a wide variety of care options provided by non-physician caregivers.


This huge field provides lots of opportunities for more than just doctors and nurses. The various medically-based businesses that are utilized by primary caregivers are just as strong of a growth area in the economy as the doctors’ offices themselves.

Here are some things to think about if you’re considering venturing into one of these opportunities:

Have a Plan

Early organization is essential; you’re not running a lemonade stand here, after all, so it’s vital that you build a good strategy early on.…

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Should You Mortgage or Lease Your Business Property?

Running a business can be a challenging but rewarding task. One crucial decision you will have to make as the owner of the company is whether you will lease or mortgage your business property.

Both choices have their pros and cons. Read on to find out which option would suit you best.

Business property - lease or mortgage?

Mortgaged Property Becomes an Asset

The primary benefit of mortgaging a facility is that it will eventually become a prized asset. This will naturally increase the equity of your business.

When you mortgage your business property, the monthly payments will go towards building your company’s equity. Also, business property is highly likely to appreciate over time, and that can considerably increase the value of your company.…

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Creating ECommerce Customer Surveys

People will tell you pretty much anything you want to know—if you ask. Creating ecommerce customer surveys is a great way to learn what you’re doing well and what you could be doing better. While there is definitely a science to producing surveys, it’s far from rocket science—as the following advice will illustrate.

Ecommerce site

Know What You Want to Know

The first step to creating an effective customer survey is knowing what you want to know. A rambling survey with no real purpose is a waste of your customer’s time—and yours. It’s extremely important to have a firm handle on what you’re trying to learn so you can craft questions to glean the information you need.…

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5 Steps to a Successful Marketing Campaign

You’ve got a great product, you’re excited about sharing it with others and you know people need it. Great! But if you don’t get that message out, or worse, get it out to the wrong people, all of your hard work will be for naught.

That’s why creating a successful marketing campaign is so important. Here are 5 steps to do just that:

Successful marketing campaign

1. Know Your Audience

Take some time with this step because it’s the most important. You have to understand your product, what it does and how it helps people in order to come up with your target audience.…

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3 Ways to Get Started in Real Estate Investments

Real estate is a popular form of investment for many reasons. For instance, it’s an excellent way to diversify your assets and enjoy significant tax advantages. Since real estate is a tangible asset, the longer you hold on to a property, the more its value will tend to improve over time. If you buy a home, for example, it’s value will increase over the years, and you’ll also build equity. For these and other reasons, real estate is usually considered a safe financial bet.

Real estate investments

Still, it’s never a good idea to own property in your own name. You will be far better off with a real estate LLC  as it will protect your personal assets from risk.…

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Automotive Tech Trends: Harley-Davidson New Electric Motorcycle

For the first time ever Harley-Davidson announced the development of a new electric motorcycle. This is something the famous firm has never done before. It’s one of the most radical pieces of news to come out of the struggling company in all of its 115 years of existence. Now the big question is, will riders embrace electric motorcycles?

Harley Davidson electric motorcycle

The Electric Motorcycle has been in Development for Years

Harley-Davidson may have just announced this to the outside world, but internally this is no new idea. They have been wanting to make this dream into a reality for quite some time. They have finally committed to some real production events to make the bike a reality. …

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A Beginner Trader’s Guide to the MT4 Trading Platform

Welcome to the world of trading! If you’re reading this article, it’s because you’ve recently decided to engage in trading and you’re in the market for a modern trading platform. Today, we’re discussing the MT4 trading platform from the perspective of a beginner trader.

MetaTrader 4 on Android device

The MT4 trading platform was created by MetaQuotes Software about a decade ago and continues to be a primary choice for brokerages and individual traders alike. Users enjoy the platform’s seamless interface, which is easy to use for beginners and experts alike. As opposed to being an in-browser program, MT4 is a separate program that runs independently of your browser.

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Advantages of Using Linux Servers in Businesses

One of the longest standing debates among IT professionals is whether Linux servers are better than Windows servers are. Windows supporters firmly stand with its familiarity and safety. Moreover, the more open-minded system admins would rather stick with Linux for its open source goodies.

Linux servers

However, is one platform better than the competitor is, or is it just because some businesses have a preference of one over the other? Below is a look at what each of these platforms has to offer and whether the open source option is the best way to go for all types of businesses.

Better Control

The decision to switch over to a Linux server has in the past sparked lots of debate.…

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4 Common Mistakes that Can Ruin Any Business Blog

In the modern business world, information is quickly becoming the most valuable currency. Thanks in part to the rise of electronic shopping, contemporary consumers are accustomed to researching just about every product before they make a purchase.

Businessman reading business blog

Indeed, even B2C transactions have become more complex and nuanced in this digital age. As such, companies that can write quality content –– and promote it effectively –– have a distinct advantage over competitors that don’t. After all, if a customer is willing to read your blog, they’re much more likely trust your recommendations.

Unfortunately, while many businesses understand the need for a professional blog on their site, considerably fewer prioritize their blog-writing process.…

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