Building a Strong Brand Identity: The Key to Small Business Branding Success

If you want your business to succeed, one of the things you need to take seriously is branding. Your company’s unique identity is what sets it apart from everyone else, a representation of your story and goals to your customers. Take Dunkin Donuts’ latest rebranding, for instance — dropping the word “Donuts” from their name. This is their effort to show their vision of becoming the “store of the future.” As a customer, you will not go to Dunkin just for their donuts anymore, but for their coffee, sandwiches, and shakes as well.

As a small business, your job to create the kind of identity that differentiates you from everyone else may be challenging.…

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How to Excel at Spread Betting

Spread betting is a trading method activity that can help you achieve substantial rewards with regards to your capital, if done right. There are many opportunities for trading and speculating in the financial market but spread betting is something special, that requires you to have special skills to speculate on the market and whether you’ll make a profit. Although spread betting comes with high risks it also comes with big rewards.

Spread Betting

To ensure that you do not fall victim like those who have failed at spread betting I’ve put together a list of things to help you improve your trading game.…

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3 Ways to Squeeze Every Penny Possible Out of Your Startup

If you’re looking at setting up a new business, the statistics for success are never great motivation. According to the Small Business Association, 30% of startups fail within their first two years, while 50% fail within five. After a decade, around two-thirds of all new companies will have closed their doors for good. Furthermore, the second most common reason for failure is lack of cash.

Why startups fail?

Managing expenses properly plays a pivotal role in the well-being of any company, but budgeting during the early days of your business’s existence forms the cornerstone of a healthy game plan for long term success. With this in mind, we’ve decided to highlight three easy ways of squeezing every penny, to ensure that your shoestring budget-run business has every chance of being a roaring success for many years to come.…

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5 Reasons Why Keeping Your CSRs Happy is Important

If you are in a position where you generally hire people and enable them to earn a source of income, it is also very important that you put effort into keeping these employees happy as well, and this includes putting in additional effort in order to make sure this is so.

Customer Support Representative (CSR)

If you have customer support representatives it is even more important that you put some effort into keeping them happy. Here are some reasons why this is so important:

#1 Their Mood Affects Tone

A customer service representative who is not happy with the way things are going down is going to have a tough time modulating their tone and making it so that customers feel comfortable talking to them.…

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3 Reasons you should Consider Working with a Social Media Agency

Social media is by far one of the simplest and most cost-effective marketing strategies you could use for your brand. It’s also one of the most difficult to master. Not only that, but many business owners still don’t seem to see it as a valid marketing tool for some strange reason. But with the right team, social media could be your most powerful marketing tool and it will provide a much better return on your investment than any other form of advertising.

Social media savvy people

Here are some reasons why you should consider working with a reputable social media agency.

What do they Do Exactly?

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How to Make Your Business Popular Online

When it comes to running a business successfully these days, you have to have a strong online presence. Maybe, in the past, having a great ad campaign on billboards and mailed out to customers was enough, but now, having a great website and a strong social media presence makes a huge difference.

Whether you’re a dropshipping company that’s always working with wholesalers, or an eco-friendly forward-thinking ecommerce shopping business, you need to get noticed online. And if you aren’t sure how to do this, or you want to revamp your efforts and get your business’s name on the map, you have to use the right strategies.…

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Snail Mail Or Email: The Benefits Of Hand-Delivered Correspondence

Since the beginning of time, people have developed and honed their ability to communicate with each other in written form. Those early pictures and symbols etched in stone developed into a readable alphabet which later turned into writing on early forms of paper. Now, people have many ways to communicate. Whether it be via a postal service or by email, mail is often one of the main ways people stay connected with the outside world.

Air mail deliveries

There are, however, some notable advantages to sending and receiving a hand-delivered piece of mail.

Time-Honored Tradition

Receiving the mail on a daily basis has often been the highlight of the day for many since the days even before the Pony Express.…

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How to Pitch Your New Business Perfectly

There’s no denying we’re operating in a challenging business climate. Competition is healthy, but to stand out from the crowd and nail new business opportunities, you’ve got to do your homework.

Negotiating with new business client

Understanding your own business inside out is only half of the battle —you’ve also got to demonstrate that you have a thorough appreciation of those you want to work with too.

The good news is that in the digital age, it’s much easier to do your research than previously, thanks to the convenient tools and websites we now have at our fingertips.

Research your pitching prospect

When you’re looking for information about the people you’re pitching to, Google is your best friend.…

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4 Risks All Workers Are Most Frequently Exposed to Working in Construction

America’s landscape is changing. While natural disasters are partially responsible for the transformations taking place, manmade alterations are primary factors here as well. New homes and commercial buildings are continually going up across the nation. Though progress is necessary, it often comes at a price for those on the ground fostering those construction projects.

4 common dangers faced by construction workers in Philly

Looking at the Numbers

According to a 2016 report from OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, more than 20 percent of that year’s private-sector worker fatalities occurred in the construction industry. In other words, about one in five work-related deaths was the result of a construction site hazard during that year.…

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