How Vehicle Safety Ratings Are Determined

Buying a car means envisioning yourself behind the wheel, driving to and from various destinations—maybe you even picture the windows rolled down and the radio playing your favorite songs as you cruise across town.

Safety text on top of vehicle tires

But what’s more difficult is considering how a vehicle will fare in an accident before you buy it. Though – knock on wood – hopefully you’ll never find yourself involved in any sort of crash, it’s important to acknowledge that it can happen. Only then can you thoroughly evaluate various manufacturers and models based on their safety credentials.

Here’s more on how vehicle safety ratings are determined, and how you can find a safe car at a price suiting your budget.…

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10 Tips for Beginning Day Traders in 2019

Wondering how to become a modern day trader in 2019? The following 10 tips will have you well on your way to success.

Screen view of stock charts

1. Know what is happening in the markets.

“Knowledge is power” is cheesy but true. You likely already know all the basic procedures and hacks, but you have to stay on top all of the latest trends, news, and events which have an impact on your business. A good daily or weekly review of the situation can make all the difference. Make a list of stock you want to deal in and keep up to date with what is happening with those companies.…

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What Is Big Data? Understanding the Role Data Plays in Modern Business

Are you trying to figure out the true significance of big data to your business operations, but feeling overwhelmed by the answers? Use this basic primer to learn its value and how it’s used. It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is. If you don’t make proper use of data, then you can’t make smart decisions.

Marketers analyzing consumer data

The introduction of big data has been changing the way businesses operate for years now. Some 97.2% of companies are now investing in big data and AI to help them run their business. So now you have to answer this question: what is big data, and how can it help?…

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Visual Communication is Essential for Your Business Success

We often take the signs of businesses for granted because we pass by them every day. Sometimes as we head to our regular stops, the grocery store, restaurant, and gas station, we have stopped noticing the signs that advertise that these businesses are there. When a new business comes to town, we need to see those bright big signs as we discover our new favorite place.

The world of visual communication for business is always changing looking for new ways to get our attention, but there are some things that stay the same. If you want to be successful, you need a sign.…

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5 Tips For Hiring The Perfect Employee

In order for your company to succeed on a day-to-day basis, you need to hire the best possible employees. Thus, here are five tips that will help you find this person in the first place.

Hiring the best employee

First, think about who you need. What role needs to be filled? You don’t always want to hire an individual with the same skillsets; otherwise, you will not have a well-rounded team. Alternatively, you should carefully assess their CV, ask a lot of interview questions, and determine their fit into the culture of the company. There is no doubt that you will also be improving your hiring process along the way, as well.…

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Proven Social Media Marketing Approaches To Skyrocket Your SaaS Business

Social media marketing is important for the growth of any SaaS business. The marketing will majorly involve the emphasis of the value of service that is provided to the users. There are some helpful tips that can be applied to grow any SaaS business through social media.

social media marketing for SaaS

The Pre-Launch Stage?

At this stage it will be necessary to find the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of the business. The questions that should be asked at this point include:

  • What is the aim of this business launch?
  • What makes this product unique in the market?
  • How will the introduction of this product change the general landscape of the business?
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How to Drive Repeat Customers – And Why It Matters

As a business owner, you likely spend most of your time and money finding different ways to drive new business. But how much focus do you place on driving repeat business?

Repeat customers are just as valuable—if not more—as new customers and play an important role in your business. Think about it; repeat customers are easier to sell to because they are already familiar with your product or service. They’re also your most profitable because customers who keep coming back are likely promoting your business to others.

Driving repeat customers

Use the ideas below to drive repeat customers and boost your revenue.

Start a Loyalty Program

Customers love getting exclusive deals with the brands they love.…

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Understanding the Role of a CFO and Its Importance in a Company

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) plays an essential role in a company. It’s the CFOs responsibility to ensure that the company’s finances are utilised properly and report this information to all of the major stakeholders. The business advisory services that a CFO offers to their company are invaluable in terms of keeping everything financially stable as well as growing the business.

Successful CFO

To understand the position of CFO better, let’s break it down into two parts: the duties and the role that a CFO needs to fulfill. Keep in mind that there are different options for hiring a CFO. You can hire one in house or hire a fractional CFO from CFOshare to provide all the help you need at an hourly rate and a fraction of the cost.…

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The Types of Manufacturing Environments and Processes Used Today

Most businesses that manufacture products use more than one type of manufacturing environment to get a single product out the door. For business owners who are considering making manufacturing a part of their business model, getting to know the environment options is a must.

Manufacturing environments and processes

Keep reading to learn more about the most popular manufacturing environments and processes used today.

Increasing Efficiency and Productivity

To achieve the highest level of productivity and efficiency in the manufacturing process possible, it is often necessary to use several of these environments/processes together. Utilizing innovative technology, such as the custom ablation processes, can help improve efficiency significantly.…

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Can You Pick Stocks Better than Your 401k?

If you’ve been reading or hearing about the stock market lately, you may be wondering why you’re contributing a percentage of your monthly income to your company’s 401k plan instead of just putting that money directly into the stock market.

Indeed, stories of people who bought stock in Google or Apple early abound on the internet, as do articles stocks about people who followed a gut feeling and struck it rich.

The advantages of a 401k

While a 401k isn’t as liquid as a normal investment account, that isn’t to say that there aren’t any benefits to 401ks. One of the biggest benefits of investing in your company-sponsored 401k plan is the fact that you will likely get some form of an employer match in addition to the percentage of your income you elect to invest.…

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