5 Questions and Answers About Using Balloons At Your Car Lot

Whenever you drive past a car dealership, regardless of whether it’s a dealership that sells new cars or used ones, you’ll almost always see numerous colored balloons that are tied to the cars, financing signs, and sometimes even the building itself. But if every other dealership is using balloons, then why should yours too? Do balloons really have any effect? How long do they last? What are they made out of? What else can you use them for?

Colorful balloons on car lot

These are just a few of the questions that you may have regarding car lot balloons if you are considering owning your own dealership (or if you’re just curious).…

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How to Create Smarter Inventory Management Solutions

Inventory management is about much more than just tracking down missing items. It’s about increasing your business’s efficiency, keeping shrinkage as low as possible, and ensuring that inventory counts are accurate. With accurate counts, you’ll never over-order, and you’ll always have your customer’s favorite items in stock.

A happy customer is a paying customer after all, so why not keep your inventory counts accurate? Here’s how to create smarter inventory management solutions for your business.

Man pointing at area of inventory management chart

Start with Your POS System

If you’re using a bulky, outdated cash register for your POS needs, it’s time to upgrade and move into the future.…

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5 Ways To Effectively Expand Your Retail Business

Every business needs growth but with growing competition, retail businesses are finding it extremely hard to expand their business presence.

Unique retail store welcome sign

Here are 5 ways through which retail businesses can effectively increase their business.

1. Leverage The Power of Online Marketplaces

An online marketplace is an ecommerce site where you can list your products and generate extra orders for your business. It is easy to list your products on popular marketplaces and you start to receive orders once you products are listed and they become popular. You need to pay a commission to the marketplace on every sale that you are able to generate.…

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Staying Secure When Moving To The Cloud

Cloud computing is irrefutably among the prominent new technologies that are increasingly becoming widespread today. This popularity and increased migration of applications, data, and other vital elements from an on-site data center to the cloud is owed to the benefits that businesses stand to reap.

From allowing you to work from any place and increased agility to reduced expenditure on costly hardware, the list of perks is undeniably long.

Coworkers examining data stored in their cloud based server

With the growing hype surrounding cloud computing, it makes perfect sense to flip the coin and focus on security concerns. Even though you may regulate the information you share with your preferred cloud service providers, you lack control of the parties who can gain access to it.…

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What is a Home Equity Loan and How Does it Work?

If you are a homeowner, you may be sitting on tens of thousands of dollars in cash. In recent years, housing values across the nation have dramatically risen since the housing crisis in 2008. According to Zillow, the upward trend in home values began in early 2015. From 2017-2018, home values increased by 8.7 percent. Home values in 21 of the top 35 housing markets are higher than they were at the peak of the real estate boom in 2006. This is an excellent option if you need large sums of cash for anything, including launching a startup.

Gorgeous house with large lawn

If you were fortunate enough to purchase a home soon after the 2008 housing crash, you can have access to a large sum of money through a home equity loan.…

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Do What You Love (And Make Money Doing It) With These 6 In-Demand Degrees

Can you really earn a comfortable living pursuing your creative passion? Absolutely. Digital arts schools like The Centre for Arts and Technology in Kelowna, British Columbia, and many others across North America offer practical arts and technology degrees for ambitious, upwardly mobile creatives looking to make their mark — and earn real money in the process.

Group of students throwing their grad caps in the air

Let’s take a look at six in-demand degrees for creative professionals.

1. Architecture

If you’re allergic to study, architecture probably isn’t the degree for you. A bachelor’s degree in architecture generally takes five years to complete, after which graduates complete three-year internships before officially setting off on their own.…

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Key Things to Have In Order before Calling a Real Estate Attorney

Nobody wants to have to face a real estate problem, but if the situation arises, you’ll be glad to have an experienced attorney to consult with to help you find a resolution. Before you pick up the phone and call a legal professional, there are few things you’ll want to get in order first. Here are some helpful tips that can enable you to make the most of your initial consultation.

real estate in Phoenix

Summary of the Issue at Hand

This is something that all attorneys wish their clients did beforehand, and it’s honestly something that will save you a ton of money in the long run because your attorney is assuredly charging you by the hour (most commonly in 15-minute increments).…

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Expert Tips for a Successful Business Trip

Going on a business trip is never easy, no matter how old you are and how much experience you have. That’s why you need to get ready in advance and prepare for every step of the way in as many details as possible, from the moment you leave your home till the moment you return.

There are lots of things you need to take care of, especially if you want your business trip to be a total success, so here are a few tips that might help you prepare for a business trip.

Passport and Business Class Ticket

Pack your essentials

Regardless of the length of your business trip and the destination, you’ll need to spend some time packing your luggage – unless you want to do a sloppy job and not know where all your essentials are.…

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How To Diversify Your Investment Portfolio

The importance of diversifying your investment portfolio is something that most investors are already very much aware of. However, the question of what the reliable ways you can actually go about achieving it and the steps you need to take may still be somewhat unclear.

In order to answer those questions, and to help you form a deeper understanding of the issue at hand, here we will look at the best ways to diversify your investment portfolio and the reasons behind them.

Picture of circle graph showing investment portfolio

Why diversify?

Let’s first take a look at what the ultimate goals of diversifying your investment portfolio should be.…

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Considering Buying a Commercial Property for Your Business? Here’s What You Should Know

Commercial real estate is very popular among investors. Investing in real estate, in general, is a good way to build a financially secure future with commercial property being even more attractive. Entrepreneurs are realizing this as well and oftentimes choose to buy their own commercial property instead of spending money on rent.

This is a huge investment but it’s one that almost always pays off in the long run. If you are someone who likes to plan ahead and buy a commercial property, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Large home that doubles as an office

Set your goals

Before you spend lots of cash on real estate, or anything really, you need to identify your motivation.…

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