Why Using Personal Phone Numbers Looks Unprofessional

Entrepreneurs that serve local customers can create credibility for their brand by securing a cost-effective VoIP business number.

Business woman using VoIP

You can’t grow your business using your personal phone. More importantly, if you use your personal phone for business, it will make your business look unprofessional in the eyes of potential buyers.

You can set up a VoIP line and still take business calls on your cell phone. In the future, however, your VoIP phone number can grow along with your business.

As Your Business Expands You Can’t Maintain Control With Your Personal Number

When you use your cell phone number for both personal and business calls, you never know why someone’s calling unless you’re familiar with the number.…

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5 Visual Strategies To Boost Your Sales This Season

The quickly changing seasonal landscape between October 31st and January 1st may leave you feeling like you’re on a roller coaster ride. You’ve barely got into Halloween mode before it’s time to switch it out for Thanksgiving, and then there’s Black Friday ads, Cyber Monday marketing ideas, Christmas posters and Boxing Day ads. Can you keep up with the ever changing lineup of celebrations, and does it matter?

Seasonal marketing planning

The easy way out is to give up on seasonal marketing and keep up your plain vanilla marketing. The benefit of that is much less work—you don’t have to revamp your website content and marketing plan every week, and you can continue using the same advertising that worked all summer.…

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Using Mail Merge to Boost Customer Engagement

When it comes to business outreach, you should never underestimate the effectiveness of email marketing. In today’s world, you might think that social media would be a better approach, and while social media is definitely useful, email remains the preferred method of communication for most business professionals.

Using mail merge

Hero image courtesy of Pexels.

If you’re looking for a way to maximize the efficiency of your email marketing campaign, mail merge is a productivity tool that you want to have in your arsenal. Keep reading to learn how to use mail merge to its fullest potential and how it can boost your customer engagement.…

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Consider Essential Add-On Features when Choosing the Best Car Insurance Policy

If you were contemplating on choosing a car insurance policy, your best bet would be to look for the best car insurance companies in the business. It would be in your best interest to look for all kinds of car insurance needs, such as those offered by www.carbestinsurance.com. They would offer you a plethora of features suitable for your specific needs and requirements.

Car insurance policies

Let us delve on the various add-on features that would be imperative to have in the top car insurance company.

Depreciation reimbursement

The most popularly recommended add-on feature in a car insurance company would entitle you to claim the entire cost of replacing car parts that have been damaged in an accident.…

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Protecting Your Business Against Civil Lawsuits

For any business, the risk of lawsuits is a real one. You do not have to do much wrong to end up fighting one. It is a danger that no business can afford to ignore. Losing just one lawsuit can strip your company of most, sometimes all, of its assets. However, there are things you can do to protect enough of your assets to enable you to continue to trade.

Asset protection from lawsuits

If you are wondering how can I protect my assets from a civil lawsuit all you need to do is to read on.

You need to take action now

The first thing to understand is that once a lawsuit is in progress, it is almost certainly already too late to make changes to protect your assets.…

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4 Essential Questions for New Businesses

Starting a new business is so exciting, but it can be daunting! There is so much to keep track of, so much to do, and seemingly not enough hours in the day. How do you even begin?

New business team meeting

While no one can give you the get-rich-quick recipe to instant success, there are tried and true ways of networking and finding a reliable customer base. Here are 4 essential questions new business owners should ask themselves on their path to success.

1. Traditional vs. Email Marketing

Snail mail gets a bad rap. The truth is that it is easier now more than ever to reach thousands of customers with the click of a button.…

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How to Improve Employee Morale and Productivity

A person’s emotional and mental wellbeing impacts their quality of work. That is a given. It is why benefits extend beyond healthcare and go into what wellness bonuses employees will receive. A gym membership, for example, or perhaps a wellness retreat at the end of the year.

Productive employees with high morale

Improving employee morale and productivity needs to be done in several stages. You need to care for their wellbeing, yes, but you must also help them progress. They need to feel like they have a viable future with your company if they are to stay.

To help you reach the goal of a productive and hard-working staff, you’ll want to follow this guide:

Improve the Office Environment

The office is where employees spend a good chunk of their day and it should, therefore, be one that is comfortable to work in.…

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The World’s Most Famous Scams

Scams are part of the business world.  To keep yourself and your business ‘safe’, you need to be aware of the various types of scams.  One of the best way to get educated in the Scam 101 is by learning from ‘the best’ (read: infamous scammers.)


Here are some of the world’s most famous scams – read on, and learn how to deal with scams better.

Bernard Ebbers’ greed

This former Baptist college physical education teacher founded Long Distance Discount Services Inc. in 1984. (LDDS). The organization eventually grew into the second largest telecommunications holding company in the United States. Ebbers’ closest business partners were the pizza delivery guy and the DJ.…

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Steps to Organize Your Small Business

When you operate a small business, there’s a lot that you’re juggling at any given time. You may feel like you have your hand in a little bit of everything, even if you have employees.

It can quickly get overwhelming and be tough to keep up with everything unless you have a system for organization in place.

Tidy and clean office

An organized business is important for several key reasons. First, when your business is organized you’re going to be operating at a peak level of efficiency, which will improve productivity. You’re also likely to see higher revenue because you’ll be better equipped to build long-term relationships with your clients when you’re organized.…

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Why Brand Safety Must Be Addressed in Your Digital Marketing Plan

Business owners put great effort into establishing and building their brand image. From the initial decision of what to name the company to the advertising strategy, all decisions help create an image that consumers associate with a brand.

Brand image safety

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett

Mr. Buffett is spot on in his observation regarding how quickly hard work can be ruined. Brand safety, or lack thereof, is an ever-present risk in today’s digital marketing world. Business owners who engage in digital advertising must ensure that their team and agency, if applicable, keep brand safety top of mind throughout the campaign.…

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