Bryan REO CarGuard Is Changing Auto Protection Plans

It is not long ago; I was heading to California for a vacation with my family on the holidays. We decided to take the road because of all the fun that comes with it, all the singing in the car and the excitement of road trips.

Driving in turns, resting, and the motel nights.


We all know the weather during the Christmas holiday can be very chilly and unbearable. All the snowing and the snow blocking the road, we still took the road anyway. On the way, we had a significant breakdown. We stood for a while, hoping the vehicle will come by and save us.…

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Learn Your Options for How to Monitor Snapchat

Social media has definitely caused a lot of headaches for parents over the years that it has come to dominate the lives of youth. Probably the chief perpetrator of these headaches has been Snapchat. This is because of the unique approach which the Snapchat app takes; it is the only social media application which automatically deletes the messages which are sent between users. This approach causes so many problems for parents who want to monitor Snapchat.

Family snapchatting

Other applications make it much easier to track message which are exchanged because it is always possible to go back and view them. However, Snapchat removes this approach as an option.…

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4 Steps to Reinvigorating Your Content Marketing in 2020

“Starting is easy; persistence is an art.” It’s an old German proverb, but one that fully encapsulates what often occurs with content marketing today. You start out publishing one piece after another — maybe daily, weekly, whatever. Then, the tides slowly turn, and the frequency lessens so much that you’re lucky if you put out content once a month. Come the second year of the endeavor, you find yourself unfortunately having abandoned it altogether.

Get started with content marketing

Content marketing works best when there’s a consistent cadence. If you can produce content on a regular basis, the effort will likely be three times more effective than some random ad.…

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Is Travel THE Reward Scheme Your Company Is Missing?

The influence of employee reward schemes on increased job satisfaction and workplace productivity is well documented. Perks and benefits can drive your staff to excel; inspiring them to maximise their performance to qualify for rewards. Rewards schemes can also make your team feel appreciated and valued, which can support the development of loyalty and a sense of worth within your company.

Colleagues traveling together in a employee travel reward scheme

Put simply; there are a lot of reasons to incorporate reward schemes into your company culture.

When it comes to the deployment of rewards, there are many types of incentive structures available. Common programs include personal recognition — such as employee of the month — and financial bonus schemes for hitting objectives.…

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How To Create An Effective Postcard Marketing Campaign

Postcard marketing is one of the most effective forms of direct mail marketing. Brands use postcards to achieve a variety of advertising goals. Marketing professionals like yourself can generate sales leads, promote special offers and introduce new products with a single piece of card stock. Many companies even use postcards to drive foot traffic to their brick-and-mortar locations.

Holding vintage postcards

In order to reach these common marketing goals, you need to implement the most promising postcard strategies. Read this post to learn how to create an effective postcard marketing campaign.

Acquire Target Audience Data

In order to build a successful postcard marketing campaign, you need to acquire target audience data.…

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How Task Management Tools Can Save Your Business a Big Cost

Managing business is no different than fighting a war. In these tough economic conditions, this war is much more difficult to fight and win. Winners will only win if they have the right set of tools, but wisdom is better than tools. Having said that wisdom plus tool is the combination of what business executives need to be successful.

Using task management tools

Saving time, energy and money will increase your chance of becoming more successful than your competitors. Managing your everyday task will decide how well you lead to the destination or goal you are running after.

Today we are going to explore how task management tools can save you thousands of dollars if not millions.…

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The Ultimate Guide to Bitcoin Trading Robots

The Bitcoin (BTC) market has been growing since its inception in 2009. The surge in price has seen everyone try cryptocurrency as an investment option. Others are still hesitant to buy and invest in BTC coins.

Bitcoin trading

Unlike other financial markets, cryptocurrency trading is available 24/7. It doesn’t close at any time of day or night. It’s available for traders to invest and trade. However, it can also get stressful for these traders as it requires them to be awake at all times.

But that’s not all, the BTC price fluctuations give two results; pleasant or not so pleasant outcomes. For instance, you might wake up to large profits or losses.…

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Simple Ways To Reward Your Employees

One of the most powerful tools to use for employee motivation is rewards. According to the Havard Business Review when you reward top performers in your company effectively, this ensures that you keep employees and make certain they’re happy working for you.

Recognizing employee using award

Rewarding employees does not have to include grand, expensive gestures. Simple, creative, and well-thought-of rewards are great and will go a long way in making sure that your employee feels special, appreciated, and valued.

One of the most common ways of rewarding top performance in the corporate world is by giving Awards Plaques. This is a sure-fire way of igniting feelings of appreciation in the beneficiary and ensuring the person being awarded has a physical representation of the hard work and sacrifice they put in to deliver the best.…

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WCAG 2.1 Overview: Updates in Accessibility

Accessibility on the internet has been long overdue for an overhaul. One of the most undervalued audiences on the web is that of disabled people (who use the internet just as much, if not more, than “non-disabled” people). That’s why up until recently, it was kind of shocking that there hadn’t been an update to WCAG (the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

WCAG updates on accessibility

Back in 2018, W3C (the World Wide Web Consortium) finally updated WCAG to its newest iteration; WCAG 2.1. With the long overdue update came a lot of changes to web accessibility standards. WCAG 2.1’s main focus is on improving the web experience of disabled people (not just making sure they have access to web content).…

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5 Advantages of Getting a Forklift Ticket

A forklift is a powerful industrial machine. Without proper knowledge and training on how to operate it, a forklift can easily cause personal injuries and damage to property.

Forklift driver

Whether you’re a job seeker looking for an employment opportunity or a manager wanting to enhance your team’s skills, getting a forklift ticket offers distinct advantages. Here are just a few of those benefits.

Decreased Risk of Injuries

Accidents are part and parcel of almost any job. Even desk workers can be at risk of getting injured; what more if you’re working with machines like a forklift? By getting a forklift ticket, you’ll be trained not just how to operate a forklift properly, but also, you’ll receive instruction on how to identify hazards, how to safely move loads, and even the proper way of shutting down and securing the forklift.…

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