6 Reasons Skipping That Concrete or Asphalt Repair Will Cost You More Than Money

Concrete has a strong history of being a reliable foundation for construction projects, including bridges, houses, curbs and sidewalks. Reinforced concrete was created in 1849, and the first concrete bridge was built in 1875.

Arched concrete bridge

While concrete is made to last, it won’t necessarily last forever. Like all manmade materials, concrete is subject to damage over time. Damaged concrete presents a major safety hazard to employees and customers walking around your property.

Have you recently checked for cracks and uneven concrete around your business? As a CEO, you’re responsible for making sure somebody makes those checks. Maintaining safety should be part of owning the business’ vision.…

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Everything You Must Know About the Paycheck Protection Program

The pandemic has done its best to bring America to its knees. We can see this in the way it has worsened political divides, created a housing crisis and is preventing many schools from functioning normally this fall semester. However, the federal government has tried to put certain programs in place to help during these difficult times.

Writing paycheck

The Paycheck Protection Program is right at the top of that list. If you’re a business operator or owner, then you need to know all about it, since it might be part of what’s keeping you running in 2020.

Let’s go over some program details right now.…

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Navigating These Trying Times: How Has COVID-19 Impacted the Accounting Profession?

When 2020 got started, people in the accounting profession had a lot to be happy about. Many CPAs were looking forward to a busy season, especially considering the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, P.L. 115-97. The financial markets were off to a good start, and everything looked rosy.

Accounting services

Then, along came the coronavirus. Several vital industries tanked, virtually shutting down and disappearing overnight. Millions of Americans are doing what they can be working from home. There probably isn’t a single aspect of the CPA business that hasn’t been dramatically impacted, but new opportunities to help clients navigate these turbulent times have popped up overnight.…

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Simple Steps to Keeping your Employees Safe in The Workplace

Whether you own a small business with a handful of employees, you’re a contractor with a huge team of skilled workmen or you run a busy office when you’re an employer, the safety of your employees is your responsibility.

Maintaining workplace safety

It’s easy to think that accidents in the workplace don’t happen very often, however even the most insignificant of accidents such as a slip or trip can land your employee in hospital and you in hot legal water. The safety of your employees should always be taken seriously. The safer your employees feel the more productive they’ll be in the workplace and the more respected they’ll feel.…

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Considerations for Growing Your Online Store

When you first start an online store, you want to find ways that you can grow it faster. You have a number of ways that you can successfully do this.

Online store

You can accelerate your progress through learning from the mistakes and successes of others. In this way, you will see success early on to enjoy it more quickly. The sellers who control their own stores can control their own online experience.

Email Marketing

You have plenty of free online tools that you can use like email marketing to help yourself succeed. This also allows you to build a relationship with your clients for faster success.…

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How to Create Design Systems for Your Business

Having design systems means that you will have different components as a part of it. When this gets adopted across the board, you have a more cohesive and navigable customer interface that can increase sales.

Implementing design systems in website building


Usually, you will use one to three different primary colors with the color scheme. You want to choose this carefully because this will represent your brand. A number of colors and tints exist to where you can dive deep into the details of this. The visual style matters because if the customers don’t like it, they will go elsewhere. In addition, you can also choose colors so that it will be a more user friendly experience.…

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Vital Steps In Setting Up Your Business

One of the crucial phases in humans’ lives is when we decide what to do with our time and talent. That is one thing we have spent a lot of time, resources, and energy preparing ourselves. Some people get employed in established organizations, while others have to start up their business.

Setting up a business

Any form of business aims to make a profit. A business’ success can be determined from the point a plan is made and the establishment of that venture.

These essential steps that must be taken to set up a successful business will help you in many ways.

Create a Business Plan

Choosing the type of business is the first step to success.…

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Things To Assess While Getting A Car Insurance Quote

Buying things can seem fun, but it isn’t easy. One must diligently research about the product, its reviews, the way to use it, history about manufacturers, and every detail that might concern you. These rules of buying must be considered even when you are looking for a car insurance quote. However, it is essential to understand the market of insurance business thoroughly before getting car insurance quotes.

Choosing car insurance

One must consider all the available options before locking his or her decision on a suitable quote. You will have to consider several factors to get the best deal from the market because all insurance companies are there to enhance their businesses.…

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Ubersuggest vs. SEMrush: Head-to-Head SEO Tool Comparison

Properly implementing SEO requires a well-defined approach and tools to augment your strategies.

However, with the myriad of SEO tools available online, it can be challenging to figure out which SEO tool is perfect for your business.

SEO implementation and analysis

Image source: Unsplash

In this guide, we’ll compare two of the most reliable and widely-used SEO tools and their features to see which one is the best solution for you.

Ubersuggest vs. SEMrush: Which one will come out on top?

We’ll look at each SEO tool’s features, benefits, and pricing to give you enough details to make a good comparison of the two solutions.…

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How to Refresh Your Brand Image When Feeling Outdated

Creating a brand from scratch is a lot of work. And it is also a huge responsibility – once you launch your brand, you will have to stick to the brand identity and communicate through the brand’s main virtues of what it represents and the additional values that it provides.

Kodak outdated brand

photo credit: Flickr

Also, after launching your brand and starting your own business, you will start working on brand awareness. You will be making sure people hear about your brand and learn to recognize it by multiple elements – colors, style, tone of voice, and many other factors. But with time, everything wears off, and a change is always good but not always easy to deal with.…

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