9 Resources You Can Leverage to Build Your Personal Brand Right Now

If you’re being honest with yourself, your personal brand could probably use a spit-shine. Reputations don’t maintain themselves; like so much else, they demand constant attention and no small amount of work.

Personal branding

It’s fortunate that you don’t have to go about this work entirely on your own. While each and every one of us is ultimately responsible for the state of their personal brand, we all have a sturdy stock of resources at our disposal to make the job easier.

Those resources don’t look precisely the same for everyone. Those of us farther along in our careers have deeper personal networks and the advantage of a large body of work to point to.…

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Dry Van Shipping vs. Refrigerated Shipping

The debate between dry van shipping vs refrigerated shipping is highly situational. You can’t say that one is definitely better than the other because it depends on what you’re hauling. This will talk about both and then show which one is better in certain situations.

Reefer trailer

What is a Dry Van Trailer?

A dry van is exactly what it sounds like. This is a trailer that is dry inside and intended on shipping dry goods and items. This is a broad term that describes most semi-trailers that are enclosed and protect the good from the elements.

Since this is one of the most common types of trailers and you’ll likely be using it frequently, consider choosing new dry van trailers for your hauling needs.…

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Use These 6 Websites to Showcase Your Professional Achievements

Are you getting the notice you deserve for your professional achievements? These days, that’s no sure thing, no matter how well respected you are among the people whose opinions actually matter. Finding new clients, climbing the rungs of that career ladder — it’s not too easy.

LinkedIn on computer screen

You’re not entirely on your own, though. These six websites, user-friendly and all, can help you showcase your professional achievements and take the next step in your career.

1. LinkedIn

Of all the websites on this list, you’re probably most familiar with LinkedIn. Most professionals use LinkedIn, both because it’s a great tool for self-promotion and because, well, everyone else uses it too.…

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Ways to Motivate Employees

Motivating employees can sometimes be a difficult task. There are many reasons why staff may be feeling demotivated in their current employment. This may be due to staff turnover, a change in the methods of working, a change in management systems, or even due to pay cuts from a lack of funds. Instead of simply shrugging this off and repeatedly looking for new staff, it can be more beneficial to motivate your employees and retain their loyalty.

Business leader motivating employees

You might do this in a number of ways, such as using benefits, a reward system, or implementing an EMI scheme for businesses.…

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Examining Your Culture: Do You Live in a Glass House?

Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. This, of course, is an old proverb, but it applies to businesses who may be criticizing other companies’ cultures right now. Simply put, you shouldn’t condemn others who might have similar flaws to your own.

Company culture

After all, company cultures are tricky. They are living, breathing things — the byproduct of careful gardening and tedious attention to detail. Pointing out the shortcomings of another company is more than a bad look; it’s often hypocritical. Before you start pontificating about your superior company culture, you may want to look in a mirror.

A recent survey of 1,000 professionals by TopResume found that 68% of workers have thought about leaving their companies because of the poor treatment they’ve received during the coronavirus pandemic.…

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Why You Shouldn’t Miss the Chance to Study Internationally

Some say the best way to learn is through seeking knowledge, while others say it’s experience. One thing is for sure, and that is that the way you choose to learn, the way you gain more knowledge and experience, will determine the person you become and the infinite possibilities that exist in various parts of the world.

Studying abroad

Studying abroad comes with life-altering benefits that have the power to change the course of a life. Here are some reasons how studying internationally can improve the quality and outcome of your life.

Academic Prestige

When you open yourself up to the possibilities of traveling to another land to study, you open up a gateway for higher academia.…

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The Most Important Hard Skill Business Owners Should Learn in 2020? SEO!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of those terms that intimidates, confuses, and frustrates so many today. The acronym itself is strapped with misinformation and misunderstanding that convinces business owners and marketers it’s some kind of taboo, hard-to-understand digital marketing service better left to the professionals.

SEO consultant advising a client

The reality is that SEO is not complex, hard-to-understand, or impossible to tackle at all. However, as more companies refuse to explore the simple education behind SEO, they are harming their company’s online search engine rankings tenfold. In fact, 91% of pages never get any organic traffic from Google – due to the fact that they don’t have any backlinks!…

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How Can You Unlock Your Financial Potential? It Starts with Credit, According to Colin Yurcisin

We’re expected to pay taxes, make payments, take out loans, review interest rates, and manage credit cards the moment we’re thrust out into the world after high school. It can be a heavy amount of information we are expected to learn once we hit the age of 18, considering our basic education does not cover the ins and outs of financial literacy today.

Business credit financing

More important than loans or rates is one measurement of financial trustworthiness that can make or break your future, according to finance entrepreneur Colin Yurcisin. It’s known as credit.

When individuals fail to pay back loans, accumulate more debt than they can pay off, and make poor financial decisions at a young age, they impact their credit score in a damaging way.…

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How to Encourage Employees Back to the Office

The lockdown has been lifted for a few months now, and the country has, by-and-large, reopened for business. But while many of the country’s office workers might have the facility to work from home, the same isn’t true of everyone. Moreover, those that do work from home might need to occasionally pay a visit to the business’s premises, whether to collect paperwork, or for a face-to-face chat.

New normal workplace

Of course, workers are rightly concerned about the health risks of doing so. Simply forcing them to come back is going to generate resentment and ill-feeling. Few workers are going to work harder for a boss who doesn’t take their safety seriously.…

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8 Useful Tips To Start A Trucking Company

Trucking business is not meant for the faint-hearted. Entrepreneurs in the trucking industry constantly face barraging challenges and tough decisions. Yet the trucking sector presents the opportunities for high yielding businesses even for small operators.


It’s no secret that the market for trucking and work trucks is booming with every passing year. And trust us, if you get the fundamentals right there’s lots of money to be made in the industry.

Of course, you need to crack some nuts before you hit the jackpot!

Are you wondering how that’s going to happen? Follow our strategies, and you are sure to achieve the milestones one-at-a-time for your trucking start-up!…

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