What’s the Best Way to Preserve Wealth? Gold or Bitcoin?

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world in many ways. Many people are forced to stay at home, imposing self-quarantine and social distancing rules to contain the spread of the virus—but that’s only one of the effects of the virus.

Wealth preservation during the pandemic

The crushing effects of the pandemic on the economy

It’s no secret that the American economy is dealing with devastating repercussions from the spread of the virus. Industries are suffering heavily—entertainment, retail, travel, education, and hospitality, to name a few. Alongside the social distancing laws being implemented, what does an average American have to do to protect himself/herself financially?

As a result of the recent market crashes and downturn of the economy, some Americans are feeling insecure about the value of the U.S.…

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8 Ways to Improve Your Amazon Product Descriptions

Standing out on Amazon is becoming increasingly difficult.

Today, there are more than 500 million products for sale on the site, which means the competition is fierce. Getting products in front of as many people as possible is crucial for sellers that want to stand the test of time.

Amazon product description optimization

But getting visitors to your product pages is only the first hurdle. After that, you have to convince shoppers that your product is the product for them and provide everything they need to click “add to cart”.

This means optimizing your product descriptions so that they are clear and concise, giving shoppers all the information they need, and gently nudging them to transition from browser to customer.…

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5 Features To Include In A Dashboard Web Application

Today, almost everyone wants to have a dashboard representing their work because it is straightforward for us to understand and analyze your work’s progress. Well, creating a dashboard web application can be tricky and challenging.

Business dashboard web application

You must know and understand a few things before creating an interactive and practical dashboard web app because if it lacks some essential features, you’ll not get the expected outcome.

Well, in this article, we’ll be covering such 5 features that you must include while you create dashboard web application. But before we dive into these features, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of creating a dashboard web application.…

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A Definitive Guide to the Best Sales Tax Software for Small Businesses

Only five US states don’t have sales tax. If you operate in any of the other 45, then you’ll need to spend some time collecting and accounting sales tax.

Businesswoman using sales tax software

photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Today’s technology can make dealing with sales tax a lot easier for small business owners like you. The right software can make a world of difference.

Ready to get started? Use the guide below to discover the right sales tax software for your small business.

The Contenders

There are plenty of sales tax software choices out there. Some of them are geared at big businesses, while others are more focused on small business.…

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How to Create Effective Training Materials: A Quick Guide

Learning and development are essential to any business, big and small, and developing and utilizing proper training materials is extremely important.

Employee training material creation team

photo credit: Christina Morillo / Pexels

Plus, employees are more likely to be happy and stick with your company if they feel there is an investment in them as workers. In fact, 94% of employees say they’d stay with a company longer if there was an investment in learning.

Are you interested in finding out how to create the best learning and training materials you can? Maybe you feel your business is lagging behind by not pushing employees to excel?…

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Why Contingency Planning is Essential for Small Business Owners

As 2020 should have demonstrated, the future is an uncertain thing. If you’re running a small business, then you might have made plans for the world as it is today and made reasonable guesses as to what’s likely to happen. But, as we’ve seen, unforeseen circumstances can at any moment descend, and if you aren’t adequately prepared for them, your business could suffer.

Contingency planning for business

What is a Contingency?

Let’s begin with a definition. A contingency, put simply, is something that could happen.

A contingency does not need to be as epic as a global pandemic or a significant financial crisis. It might be something smaller, which hits closer to home.…

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Laws and Etiquette to Keep in Mind on a Business Trip to Singapore

Singapore is somewhere that is fast on the rise in the business world and a place quite unlike anywhere else in the world. On a surface level, you will notice the stunning skyscrapers, designer shops and futuristic environment, but Singapore is also somewhere that is deeply traditional with many different cultures and histories influencing the way of life here.

Marina Bay, Singapore

photo credit: Skyler W / Unsplash

There are many laws and cultural expectations here that you will not find elsewhere so it is important to brush up on these before a business trip.


Singapore is different when it comes to law as it is very liberal and progressive in some ways but also has some very strict laws, strong surveillance throughout and serious punishments.…

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Car Care Basics: How To Take Care Of A Used Car?

Buying a used car for your business always brings along unsolicited problems and the worry of unexpected breakdowns taking the maintenance costs high up to $800 a month. But, it largely depends on how the used car is being treated. If maintained properly, a used car goes a long way.

Used car for business

Regular maintenance prevents mechanical glitches, common car issues, and retains the overall health of your car.

You can keep your used car in its best shape by taking the below-mentioned tips into account. Read on to get grips with car care basics for used cars.

Basic Tip #1: Keep It Clean And Shiny

Let’s begin with the basics.…

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3 Tips For Hassle-Free British Business Travel

Despite a difficult exit from the European Union, Britain is still a major location for all sorts of businesses, from the bustling financial services hubs in London and Edinburgh to North Sea oil and gas, and unique food exports like Scotch whisky and Stilton cheese to digital and creative hubs that pepper the length and breadth of the country, and STEM centres at various world class universities.

London financial district

So if you’re a forward-thinking entrepreneur in almost any line of work, there’s every reason you might want to travel to the UK in order to meet with potential collaborators, seek funding or expertise or conduct some market research.…

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5 Tips for Better Retirement Planning

We all want to make sure that we are fully-prepared for retirement. While it can often seem so far away, retirement can soon come creeping up on you.

Retirement planning

So how can you plan for your retirement a little better? How can you make sure that when you’re 70, for example, that you have enough pension to survive? Don’t worry, this article will show you how you can plan for your retirement a little better.

Start Planning Today

If you’re worried about not having enough money for your retirement you need to start planning. The sooner you make a plan, the sooner you can start to contribute to your retirement.…

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