Important Considerations When Starting Up Your Small Business

So, after years of dreaming that you’ll set up your own business, you’ve finally taken the plunge and you’re making it a reality. Good for you! Now, nobody said it was going to be easy, so make sure you take the following considerations into account and think about what you truly want to gain from your small business…

Business people starting a business


Welcome to the digital age: in almost all business sectors these days, a website will massively propel your business to where you want it to be. People search the web for the things that they want and need, so you want to make sure that you are easily found.…

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How to Maximize the Productivity of Your Team

Businesses are successful when the head of the company creates an effective business model and then the employees buy in to the company strategy. That’s why every small business owner and operations manager wants to get the best out of their team and run their company like a well-oiled machine.

Productive business team member

All across the United States, businesses are trying to come up with ways to maximize their company’s efficiency and optimize their best practices in a bid to surpass the competition. But maximizing the productivity of your team isn’t all about money and competition — it should also be about company pride and regular improvement.…

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Legal Ramifications of Corona: A Lawyer’s Perspective

Last year, the global economic growth was roughly 3.0% and the global GDP was estimated at around $86.6 trillion, according to statistics published by Statista. At the moment, the global GDP growth is down to 2.4%. It can potentially go even further down before 2021.

People wearing mask in public place

While this percentage may seem insignificant, it certainly isn’t. That’s because this less than-than-one percentage drop in global GDP amounts to $3.5 billion in lost economic output.

The coronavirus outbreak hasn’t just affected us financially. There are certain legal consequences many people aren’t even aware of. But that’s what we’re here to discuss.

To get a unique perspective on the situation, we talked to Bobby Gill, lawyer and wealth manager.…

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Different Working Models

With the modernisation of business comes many different working models. Depending on the type of company you run, different ways of employing and managing staff and workforces may work better for you. Likewise, different working models may also be preferred by your employees themselves, as this can offer them more for their efforts than you might be able to provide on your own.

Staff management

In addition to this, the working models of your company may not always be based within your company itself. You can outsource some of the work that, again, provides more benefits to either yourself or your employees.


Many companies claim to use this, but what does PEO stand for?

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How Event-driven Architecture Can Drive Sales

Event-driven architecture, also known as EDA, is proving to be an ideal model for application design. This architecture pattern relies on certain event triggers, that can help different businesses and enterprises achieve both flexibility and scalability, for real-time adaptation and decision-making. While this may sound simple, it gets fairly complex.

Event-driven Architecture (EDA)

EDA also differs from event notifications in several significant ways. EDA requires the transmission of events between event producers and event consumers. To better understand how EDA works and how it can drive sales, here’s what you need to know.

EDA is defined by several key components

Event-driven architecture (EDA), as mentioned, relays state changes from the event producer or event source, to the event consumer.…

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5 Tips for Buying Jewelry Wholesale for Resale

If you are setting up a jewelry retail business, you’ll have to partner with suppliers and vendors that support you in delivering the right product to your buyers. Working with a wholesale jewelry seller is in your best interest.

Woman wearing fancy jewelry

photo credit: Pixabay

Nevertheless, wholesale jewelry suppliers are not created equal. There’s wide variation in product, quality, customer service, and consistency. Apply the following tips if you are keen on having your wholesale supplier help your business succeed.

1. Find a Reputable Wholesaler

The wholesaler’s reputation is the single most important factor in your choice of one. A wholesaler you cannot depend on is a sure path to business ruin.…

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3 Actions That Make CEOs Better Leaders

CEOs have a reputation for being decision-makers, yet ultimately, CEOs are leaders. Even so, decisions and leadership are intertwined. Being a strong leader requires making decisions that create transformation within an organization. Whether it’s transforming company culture, improving policies, or strengthening client relationships, CEOs are the leaders that put everything into motion.

Successful CEO leading a meeting

If you’re a CEO who wants to make an impact on your company, here’s a list of 3 actions that will make you a stronger leader.

1. Hire dedicated IT support

To understand the impact of your decisions, put yourself in the shoes of your employees.

Imagine you’re an employee trying to make a copy of an important document that must be mailed to a client that day.…

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How to Encourage Growth in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

In the business world, it is often the bigger brands and corporations that capture the attention. Global names dominate the landscape and benefit from significant recognition from consumers and the public at large. It is, however, underestimating the crucial role that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) perform in both established economies and developing countries.

SME growth

Even so, SMEs can often find it tough to grow as a business – not least in times of uncertainty. For business owners, this is nothing new. But the difficulties that smaller business owners now face due to Covid-19 is putting the fortunes of SMEs into the spotlight.…

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The Benefits of Guest Blogging for Businesses

Business owners are always on the lookout for marketing and PR strategies that can boost their reputation and brand visibility without costing too much in terms of time or money. Most of the time, more effective strategies end up costing additional time and/or money, but there’s at least one tactic with a ridiculously impressive cost-to-benefit ratio: guest blogging.

Guest blogging

What exactly is guest blogging, and how can it benefit your business?

What Is Guest Blogging?

Let’s start with a basic explanation of guest blogging. Blogging, of course, is the act of writing “blog” posts regularly—in other words, written articles on the internet.…

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From Rideshare to Freightshare: A Look into Uber’s Latest Service Offering

The ride-sharing app known as Uber has set its sights on shipping and logistics in recent years. In the same way that Uber has disrupted the taxi industry, the app is looking to do the same to freight shipping.

Uber Freight app

A new service known as Uber Freight pairs truck drivers and independent fleet managers with suppliers and retailers that need to move large shipments around the country, helping drivers make more efficient use of their cargo space.

As promising as this logistics model may seem, Uber Freight remains a work in progress. Learn more about this new service and how it could impact the shipping industry going forward.…

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