5 Proven Ways to Gather Important Feedback From Your Customers

Your team might think you know what customers want, but if you aren’t gathering feedback directly from them, you’re probably missing something. And blind spots like this can be costly for your business and your ability to satisfy customers.

Gathering customer feedback

Here are a few ways you can gather important feedback from your customers to improve your processes and/or enhance the quality of your products and services:

1. Website Surveys

If there’s any group of customers you should be targeting for feedback, it’s website visitors. They’re already on your page and are showing a willingness to interact with your brand. Why not leverage that by making a small ask in the form of a website survey?…

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14 Tips to Improve Your Small Business Branding Efforts

Branding is essential to the success of a small business. With the right kind, you can more easily build strong relationships, show customers what you believe in and stand out from the crowd.

Small business branding

A good branding plan can be tough to pull off — but the right approach can make a significant difference.

Here are 14 tips that can help any small business improve its branding efforts.

1. Know Your Audience

Most branding strategies begin with market research. Know your customers — who they are, what they need and what they’re not getting from businesses right now. This can help you tailor-fit your branding to the audience you have and the one you want to build.…

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CEO Spotlight: Chad Price of Mako Medical

Chad Price is a consultant and successful business owner that has worked hard to develop his passion for helping people into lucrative ventures. The serial entrepreneur started Mako Medical back in 2014 with no understanding of the medical industry but a desire to fill a need. Working through a number of challenges, he has developed Mako Medical into one of the top US health care companies.

Chad Price Mako Medical

In 2019, Chad Price started Bride Genie to give vendors a free way to connect with the brides they want to target for future gigs. In 2015, he invested in Trill A.I., becoming a board member for the company that disrupted the investment community with machine learning predictions for analysts.…

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Starting a Business at Home in 2021? Consider Home Production

Starting your own business during the COVID era seems to be a good idea. In this article, we are going to discuss, why it is profitable to open a manufacturing facility as a business at home.

Furniture home production

photo credit: Ivan Samkov / Pexels

The Advantages of Home Production

There are numerous advantages of running a home production – here are some of them:

  • You save on rent. You can work in your home workshop or garage, and the savings can be invested in other needs – for example, in the purchase of materials or advertising.
  • Ability to defer registration. Such production at first may not be formalized.
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Start-ups: How to Get The Best Value Electronic Components for Your Business

As a fledgeling business, you’re already facing some difficult challenges. From winning the trust of your customers and meeting client expectations to managing your finances and, of course, handling fierce competition from the more established enterprises in your industry.

Electronic components

Another challenge that is often overlooked, is being able to offer a high-end service for your clients, deliver exactly what you’ve promised and all at a cost that is beneficial to you and your bottom line. It’s a difficult balancing act to get right and many start-ups find that trial and error is the best approach. However, those who want their company to excel within these crucial, early stages should take a shrewder approach.…

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VPNs and The Law

A Virtual Private Network can be used by a number of people for a number of reasons. Contrary to popular belief, individuals don’t only use VPNs to access untoward content or partake in illegal activity.

VPN laws

As long as people are using them for legitimate purposes, there is not a problem with using a VPN. You also want to make sure that you are using one that, itself, is abiding to the law. Finding a company that operates in line with the US laws in relation to the internet, media, and service providers can help you to stay legal when using a VPN.…

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5 Simple Ways to Quickly Outrank Your Local Competitors

Whether you already had a website dedicated to your local business before the pandemic happened, or are now preparing to build one, local SEO will play a critical role in your success.

Local SEO

So what makes local SEO so much better than regular SEO? To put it simply, it is easier to rank for location specific keywords than ranking for generic keywords. This is because in most cases, only small, local businesses, that are limited in number, are ranking for a location specific keyword. On the other hand, everyone from local businesses to multinational conglomerates are working relentlessly to rank for generic keywords.…

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What Types Of Businesses Actually Use Private Jets Most Frequently To Travel

When we think of private jets, we imagine businessmen, superstars, government officials and industrialists. Private jets certainly are a symbol of luxury and grandeur.

Private jet travel

But for many businesses it is more of a necessity than you can imagine. Do you know what kind of businesses use private jets most frequently? The business and finance industry might be your top bet, and you are not too far off. Read on to find out more about these businesses.

1. Small Businesses

In 2018, The National Business Aviation Association which promotes the use of private jet charters carried out an analytical report that looked into the types of businesses that use private jets to travel and found that companies with over 500 employees accounted for over 70% of American private flights for businesses.…

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Moving to Mexico For Business? Here’s What You Should Know

Mexico is renowned for its rich culture, delicious food, legendary music, and deep historical roots. However, Mexico is also making a name for itself in the world of business.

Mexico City, Mexico

photo credit: Carlos Aranda / Unsplash

Now more than ever, Mexico is finding its place on the list of global competitors and its economy is quickly growing to become one of the most powerful in Latin America. So much so, that PWC published a study predicting that, due to the strength of its emerging market, Mexico will become the world’s seventh most powerful economy by 2050.

Given that Mexico is an emerging economy, there are many entrepreneurial opportunities to build strong partnerships and establish a presence in the national market.…

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Which Businesses Should Consider Investing in a Truck and Why?

It’s no secret that trucks are expensive vehicles to buy, own, and maintain. That’s why most businesses don’t actually own any trucks, but rather rent them as and when they need them.

Pick-up truck

photo credit: Earthswell / Unsplash

However, the word “truck” doesn’t necessarily have to refer to a massive, eighteen-wheeler truck. A pickup truck is also a type of truck, so you can always opt for that. Both options have their pros and cons. There are various trucks to suit your business needs – even international trucks. But the big question remains: is it really necessary? Which businesses need trucks and which can go without?…

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