How Can Technologies Prepare the World for the Next Health Crisis?

The current health crisis took the world by surprise. Less than two years ago, it was hard to imagine that some virus can spread all over the globe, changing the lives of millions of people. The level of disaster preparedness had been shallow, and, naturally, a public health system collapsed. But, today, the lesson is learned, so it’s time to improve our ability to deal with similar situations.

Doctor with a sthetoscope

photo credit: Unsplash

Since technologies have played a fundamental role in the battle against COVID-19, healthcare software development companies should become crucial participants in most preparation initiatives.

Exoft has successfully completed a number of health-tech projects.…

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Top 10 Email Marketing Trends for 2021

2021 is when the world slowly recovers from the damage done by COVID-19. Businesses that have been affected by the lockdowns and changed scenarios need to refocus on marketing. With more people working from home, digital forms of marketing are more likely to succeed. One of the trusted ways of online marketing, namely email marketing is likely to be used more often.

Email marketing trends

There would be more than 4 billion email users by the end of this year. Reaching out to them through email is a great way for marketers to try to boost business.

The article tells you the trends in email marketing that we are likely to see this year.…

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Why Companies Ditch QuickBooks for Cloud Financial Services?

QuickBooks is one of the most popular software products and has been used by thousands of businesses to automate their accounting operations. There used to be a time when companies refused to look beyond QuickBooks. This has changed now. Companies are now looking at cloud financial services as an option and are ready to ditch QuickBooks.

Businesswoman using cloud financial service

Why is it that companies are willing to ditch an accounting tool that was used to be their prime choice? What do cloud financial services offer as an alternative to QuickBooks? The article looks at the answers to these questions.

Companies grow out of QuickBooks

QuickBooks is a product meant for small and medium businesses.…

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How Do Personal Injury Lawyers Select Their Cases?

While you might think a personal injury lawyer would take on any case involving personal injury, that’s not the reality.

Personal injury lawyer studying cases

There are a few reasons they might turn down a case as there are certain criteria that must be met. This type of attorney, as defined on The Balance Careers, is a professional who assists people who have been hurt mentally or physically by a third party due to negligence or an intentional act. If they don’t feel like they can make a good case with their time and resources, they won’t take on the work.

However, here are a few reasons that they would likely take a case on without much or any hesitation.…

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A Step-By-Step Guide In Sales Funnels

If you want to accelerate your business in the digital world, having a quality product isn’t just enough to get buyers that will last you long. The opener in every successful entrepreneur that’s been flourishing in e-commerce is marketing.

Sales funnels

One of the core foundations of making yours successful is getting involved with your potential customers until you get them. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur and you’re just starting, you must know the basics of marketing to let your business grow from scratch to a booming pursuit in e-commerce.

Let’s take a step back.

What Is E-commerce?

Electric Commerce or e-commerce is a field where entrepreneurs can sell, buy, or trade products over the Internet.…

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3 Cybersecurity Threats to Look Out for in 2021

Cybersecurity threats have been around since the internet was first launched but they’re far more sophisticated than they once were. Small businesses represent a lucrative opportunity for hackers, as their systems are usually relatively easy to gain access to.

Trending cyberattacks in 2021

If you want to protect your company and your customers, take a look at the three cybersecurity threats you need to look out for in 2021:

1. DDoS Attacks

A distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack disrupts the flow of traffic to your website. In fact, it drastically increases the volume of traffic being directed towards your site, so much so that the server gets overloaded.…

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What are The Benefits of Using a CRM for Your Business?

CRM (or customer relationship management) tools are a mainstay of modern business practice – an essential component for keeping customers happy. Yet, there are still many companies out there that are not using them. And this is a problem. Those that aren’t engaging with CRM software are missing a simple and affordable trick to improve their customers’ experience and grow their brand.


The benefits of CRMs are quite extraordinary. Data suggest that using CRM boosts sales by more than 29 per cent and can increase productivity by more than 34 per cent. Furthermore, companies that invest in them get back more than $8.71 for every dollar they spend.…

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How to Protect Your Business with Vendor Risk Management

The vendor risk landscape has evolved rapidly over the last few decades, with third-party relationship risk management becoming more and more difficult to manage as technology advances and the supply chain evolves into more of a supply web encircling the globe. A failure in one area of the web could mean failures all over the web, as happened when, in 2011, a tsunami devastated Japan and seriously rattled the global supply chain.

Management meeting discussing vendor risk management

Now more than ever, it’s vital that you keep tabs on the risk levels of each of your third-party vendors. Without prudent vendor risk management, your company could find itself the victim of a vendor-related security breach, or liable for the criminal conduct of a vendor overseas.…

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The Future of Cobots in Business

With massive technological advancements always coming thick and fast, we can expect more incredible things every day. When we think about the future of technology, we often think about robots. Whilst we might not have flying cars yet, there’s definitely a future for robots within business.


photo credit: YouTube

With the long term worry that the advancement of robots will mean a loss of jobs for human beings, many companies are developing collaborative robots (or “cobots”) designed to work alongside and in close proximity with humans to make our lives easier and help free up the workforce for jobs only humans can do.…

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5 Tips for Concluding Business Contracts

Almost every business enters a written contract sooner or later, and they only grow in importance as your business grows too. The future of your business relationship is defined the moment you draft the contract, which oftentimes represents a daunting task.

Business contract negotiation

Whether you turn to professionals or draft contracts yourself using legal document software, a well-crafted agreement can help you secure your business and avoid potential breaches of contract and business disputes. Here are five tips that will make the process of concluding your next contract a walk in the park.

1. Write out your contract using a simple language

Even though verbal agreements are binding and are enforceable in most courts, they can end up creating a disaster for you if you do end up in court.…

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