5 Reasons Why Pilot Production and Test Kitchen Rentals Work So Well

If you’re a restaurant owner or operator, you might want to rent a pilot production and test kitchen. You also might choose to rent one for a time if you’re going to set up a food truck. You’ll find this business model makes sense for several reasons.

Rental kitchen for food test production

Let’s talk about some of those right now. When we finish, you might decide that the time is right for you to locate and rent one of these workspaces.

You Might Want to Develop Your Restaurant’s Menu

Maybe you’re going to open a new restaurant soon. The pandemic has forced some restaurants to close permanently, which is unfortunate.…

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Tips on How to Turn Your Hobby into an Actual Business

There used to be a time when most hobbies were relegated to being just exactly that, which are hobbies. However, these days, you can monetize almost anything. All it takes is creativity, dedication, and a plan to succeed.

Artist creates painting

photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Here are some tips on how to do just that.

Don’t Quit Your Day Job

If you want to turn your hobby into a full-time career, you’re going to have to be realistic about things. First, you’re going to need to save up around 6 months’ worth of living expenses to give you time for your business to get its footing.…

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The Fabulous Perks Of Being A Female Entrepreneur

So, you’re a woman in business or a woman who wants to enter the ring? We’re sure you’ve gotten lots of advice – some downright disheartening and some pretty encouraging. Just know; there has never been a better time for women to close deals in the world of business than now.

Female entrepreneurs

photo credit: Alexander Suhorucov / Pexels

It makes sense: women are well-suited for entrepreneurship. Just think – even though society still has a long way to go before reaching gender equality, women are prospering as entrepreneurs.

In light of the aforementioned, more female business owners are cropping up. Most of them have experienced the type of success you’ll want to follow.…

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Resources and Knowledge for the Small Business CEO

Are you the CEO of one of the 30 million small businesses in the USA?

If you are then you likely know all about the hard work and discipline that being a CEO requires.

If you want to continue to improve yourself and your business’s products and services, what can you do?

Small business CEO

Why not check out some of the most important resources available to CEOs today? You might just find the information that can take you to the next level.


Inc.com is a real gift and a source of very beneficial information for all small business CEO and business directors.…

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Why Car Decals are Such an Effective Business Marketing Tool

While their materials and formats have changed and improved over the years, car decals have long been a primary method many businesses use to advertise. As one of the simplest and most affordable types of visual marketing, quality car decals are one of several real-world advertising methods that have remained extremely viable even as the rise of online marketing has changed much of this landscape.

Car decals advertising

photo credit: Pixabay

As a business owner or marketing specialist, car decals should absolutely be one of the avenues you explore as you’re looking to craft or expand an advertising campaign for the business. There are several business types and industries that find success from this form of marketing due to how simple and reliable it is, and you can be among them.…

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5 Tips For Choosing The Right SEO Company

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most crucial tools that you should be leveraging when it comes to boosting your website.

SEO company

Any business looking to maximize exposure, boost lead generation, and enhance the perception surrounding their brand must integrate effective SEO strategies into their marketing mix. That being said, choosing the right SEO provider and the right SEO package can be difficult with so many to choose from. To help you figure out the right provider to pick, we’ve come up with guidelines that you should use to identify the right one.

How Does Hiring An SEO Company Help?

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Do You Need Commercial Auto Insurance For Your Small Business?

As a small business owner, you have a million balls in the air at any given time, but there are some you definitely can’t drop — like making sure your business is fully insured, including protecting your business travel, company vehicles, and drivers.

Commercial auto insurance

If you’re about to open up a new business, or you are going to list a vehicle under your business or add commercial driving or drivers to your operations, you need commercial auto insurance.

And while it’s a requirement, it’s also just a good idea. If something happens to one of your work vehicles (or if the worst-case-scenario occurs and one of your employees is hurt in an auto accident on the clock), commercial auto insurance will protect you and your company from the fallout.…

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7 Tips To Make Your Business Function Better

Consistent improvements to make your business function better are crucial for its sustainability and success. Unfortunately, no matter what adjustments you’ve done for your business, you can’t always ensure that your business will run efficiently.


Keep in mind that efficiency is what makes your business profitable. If there are instances that your business doesn’t make money and costs you more instead, it’s wise to fine-tune everything to make your business function better.

If you don’t know where to get started, consider the following:

1. Combine Various Communication Methods

Without transparent and effective communication, conflicts among your staff, misunderstandings, and other miscommunication between you and your clients may happen.…

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Why Invest In A Lash Franchise?

If you are thinking of investing in a business venture, one of the things you could look into is that of a Lash Franchise. The market for this type of business is actually increasing as more people are becoming interested in enhancing their eyelashes to become more lush and dramatic.

Lash franchise business

photo credit: Shiny Diamond / Pexels

Eyelashes seem to be a not so common beauty enhancement but the difference in how your face would look with thick and lush eyelashes is huge. It can dramatically transform the way you look, and everyone deserves to look at their best even without an occasion or a reason to.…

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Online Marketing Tips: Four Reasons to Focus on Video

As a small business owner, online marketing can be the greatest growth tool at your disposal. Younger generations don’t respond well to traditional marketing. And running a traditional marketing campaign is often significantly more expensive than running an online campaign. Moreover, in the digital world, creativity is just as useful as capital, which is an important aspect for small businesses.


However, with the rise of social media, online marketing has become more fragmented. Today video production attracts most of the attention.

In this article, you’ll discover four reasons why you should focus on video when it comes to your online marketing strategy.…

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