Marketing Strategies to Increase Your Blog’s Traffic

While blogging is an amazing way to express ourselves and make some extra earnings, it undeniably has its peculiarities and needs. Blogs have been around almost as long as the internet, and this means that there are tried and true tactics that can help any blog increase its traffic and become more successful.

Blog marketing

And with that in mind today we’ll go over some of these strategies one at a time. So you can bring your blogging to the next level and make the most out of your efforts.

Promote your blog with Social Media

While blogs were the main source of content back in the day, that no longer is the case.…

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Passwords: The Key to Protecting Your Business

Did you know that the average password contains eight characters or less? That’s not secure—far from it! And yet, 90% of internet users are in fear of having their accounts hacked. If that’s the case, why aren’t people using more secure passwords?

Password protected

The topic of passwords is a difficult one, especially when it comes to business. It’s not uncommon for employees to take the easy route and use the same one-or-two passwords across all their work accounts; they may even use the same passwords they use for their personal accounts.

Weak passwords are among the quickest ways to have your business hacked.…

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Converting JPEG Files Into PDF Will Reap Many Benefits

There’s no running away from the fact that there are plenty of image formats available these days. So when PDF is concerned, it is chanted as the most suitable format out of all the options available.

Image conversion

For your information, the PDF is known as the most suitable format due to its incredible benefits. Especially when a JPG file has to be converted into PDF format, people rest assured about the quality of the image. If you don’t know, most of the images are in JPEG format and are of high resolution. This means you will eventually have a lot of problems when converting the images unless you utilize a PDF converter.…

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The Science Of Video Marketing For Small Businesses

Statistics of recent years speak volumes about the active transition of both users and marketers to a separate type of content – video. Netizens give about 70% of their traffic to watching videos and other media.

Video production for marketing

Given this attractive figure, small businesses are also turning to video in the race for consumers’ attention. Today we’ll take a look at how video marketing is driving the exponential growth of projects, how it improves Google rankings, and how to professionally create and edit marketing videos for small businesses.

How does video marketing affect small business growth?

Along with influencer marketing, the transition from statics to dynamics is a new trend that every self-respecting company must follow.…

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How to Boost Your Relationship With VIP Customers

VIP customers are a blessing for any business. VIP customers are akin to assets that appreciate in value over time. One of the biggest benefits of having—and leveraging—existing relationships. In fact, studies have shown that it’s 6 times more difficult to acquire new customers than to keep existing customers. To make sure your customers treat you the same way the business thinks about them, you have to make them feel special.

Customer retention by nurturing relationship

Maintaining the relationship between the business and the VIP customers is crucial. Businesses do that by creating incentives and reward programs that are exclusively available for VIP customers.

Best Relationship Boosting Techniques for VIP Customers

There are a number of ways in which your business can make your VIP customers feel loved and privileged.…

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Tips for Training Your Team Effectively Despite Social Distancing

Everyone wants to feel safe at work. People who feel safe will come to work more reliably and stay with the company longer. Covid-19 makes safety more important than ever. However, according to Envoy, 42% of employees noted ineffective protective measures or protective measures that superiors don’t enforce.

Employee training during the pandemic

It all starts with training. Here are some tips on how to train new employees in a socially distanced world.

Know the Law

Stay up-to-date on recent CDC recommendations as well as laws in your state about training employees. CDC recommendations change regularly, but they remain the best guide for keeping people safe and healthy.…

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10 Things All Frequent Business Travelers Should Have

Business travel is a way of life for many, and at times, it can get a little overwhelming. You’re constantly living out of a suitcase, catching multiple flights, and rushing to important meetings. However, while it can be stressful, there are ways to make it easier. By having the right things packed for every trip, you’ll not only be comfortable but organized.

Business traveler on the move

Below we are going to take a look at ten things all frequent business travelers should have.

Sound interesting? Then keep on reading!

A pair of comfortable shoes

You probably know by now that business trips are anything but relaxing.…

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3 Finance Options That Are Better Than Saving

Having enough money to achieve your financial goals requires patience for many people. Putting away what you can afford to save each month and keeping track of any growth. However, whilst many people will focus on a savings account alongside their pension pot, other finance options could help boost your savings much more quickly and provide a different approach.

Developing smart financial habits

Here are 3 different options to consider if regular savings aren’t working for you.

Short Term Borrowing

Saving can take time, especially if you need money quickly and you can only put aside a small amount each month. If you have been saving for a while, you may have built an emergency savings fund just to cover any unexpected expenses when they crop up.…

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Tips for Starting a Successful Business

Recent years have seen a big surge in the number of people starting their own businesses, with countless individuals deciding to be their own bosses, putting their own ideas, visions, and dreams into practice and sharing new products and services with the world.

Starting a successful business

There are plenty of different benefits to starting a new small business, but there are also drawbacks. Statistically speaking, the majority of startups do unfortunately fail, with many struggling to survive longer than a few years.

There are lots of possible explanations for this. Some startups fail due to a lack of experience on the part of their founders, while others fail due to a lack of preparedness, or when those involved don’t know how to react adequately to unforeseen challenges.…

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How Much Money Should I Save Before Looking to Rent?

Looking to get your own place for the first time? While you’re probably excited to reach this major goal that you’ve been thinking about for much of your life, to enjoy quiet, freedom, and no one telling you what to do, if you aren’t prepared you could find yourself having to move back in with your parents before you’ve even unpacked all the boxes.

Rental costs

Just because you have enough cash in your bank account to pay the rent on one of those enticing Dallas apartments or an apartment anywhere else doesn’t mean you have enough to move out. Of course, you probably know that already which is why you’re asking how much money you should save first.…

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