3 Steps to Forge Collaborative Teams

Creating collaborative teams is one of the best approaches to build a successful business. According to research from Slack, “trusting colleagues to do good work is a top collaboration concern.” The research also found that a majority of surveyed employees agree that ease of communication makes for great collaboration. Although collaboration does not guarantee success (it can fail), without it, your organization is at a disadvantage.

Building a collaborative team

To understand how to build collaboration, let’s first discuss the characteristics of an effective team and the differences between collaboration versus cooperation.

In cooperative teams, work is compartmentalized. Tasks are divided and assigned to team members to work on independently. …

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Roland BN-20a for T-Shirt Printing

T-Shirt printing businesses are popping up all over America. According to reports, the digital printing market is valued at a CAGR of 6.45 percent over the forecast period 2021- 2026.

Roland BN-20A printer

photo credit: Colman & Company

The Roland BN-20a is poised to be the biggest winner amongst the start-up companies in 2022. Here’s a look at whether the Roland VersaStudio BN-20a is a suitable machine for starting print-on-demand or your own custom t-shirt printing business.

Why Is This Printer Cutter Right For Start-Ups?

Entrepreneurs know that a successful new business walks a fine line between specialization and generalization. The BN20a gives you the ability to pick a niche like Sports Teams or High Schools.…

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Getting A Forbrukslån: 8 Tips For Choosing Lenders

No matter how hard we try to avoid it, we all find ourselves short of money at one point or another. And, no, I am not talking about the fact that you might run out of money a couple of days prior to your salary and that you will be impatient to get paid for your work.

Man finds online lenders

That’s also a completely normal situation, but it is simply not the one I am referring to here. What I am referring to is the idea of needing money to cover some expenses or to buy something, such as a car for example, and simply not having it.…

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Everything You Need to Know About Hedera Hashgraph

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology. It could be a game-changer for any enterprise looking to transform itself and its services. Blockchain allows ease of transactions, transparency, and a trusted and reliable exchange platform.

Hedera Hashgraph

In addition, Blockchain is a part of the distributed ledger technology. Therefore, it has been more desirable for many businesses. But since technology keeps evolving with every passing day, the current Blockchain is not the end of the solutions for businesses.

Blockchain technology has helped individuals create innovative platforms. These platforms can be used for trading cryptocurrencies and exchanging coins. For instance, you can convert HBAR to BTC on such platforms or vice versa.…

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Unique Career and Business Choices for Lawyers

Going into law is a dream come true for many people. They love looking at all the miniscule details that go into legal issues. They might even enjoy helping other people get out of legal trouble.

Lawyer turned into real estate conveyancing

While many people think that becoming a trial lawyer is the only solid career path for someone with a law degree, there are many great businesses and careers that don’t require the 80-hour weeks that most lawyers put in early in their career. Owning a business or having a solid career path is important, but more than making money, finding an option that suits the lifestyle you want is critical as well.…

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Feeling Extra Tired Lately? What It Might Mean

All of us need a little rest and relaxation sometimes, as general wear and tear to our systems and mind can happen just going through everyday life. However, in some cases, that sense of being worn out can be something else entirely, and there are a few things to examine and think about before writing that tiredness off as just needing a vacation.

Tired businesswoman

There could be a number of reasons why you are feeling extra sluggish, and many of them have simple solutions such as lifestyle changes or a visit to a doctor.

Sleep Apnea

The first thing to question is if you are getting an adequate amount of sleep and good quality sleep.…

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3 Ways to Increase Your Small Business Productivity

Running a small business is not easy. As well as keeping an eye on profit margins, you must consider things like quality control, customer satisfaction, and a host of other things that could make or break your business.

Productive employees with high morale

Another area that needs monitoring is productivity. If your business isn’t running as efficiently as it should be, or your employees lack motivation, it can severely affect your business operations.

Here are 3 ways to increase your small business productivity.


One of the best ways to ensure your employees are as productive as possible is to ensure that they receive adequate training.…

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Growth Plans for Small Business

Marketing is an integral part of business, with various strategies employed by organizations to grow their customer base. This holds true for small businesses as well which need to build brand awareness and market reach.

Growth planning

When you are a startup, the first thing to do is make your presence felt in your specific industry by implementing proven marketing strategies. This might take time as well as money, but such interim steps will help you establish a strong foothold in the business space that you operate.

There are many small businesses that successfully implement off-line and online marketing techniques to grow their customer base.…

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7 Possible Reasons Your Law Firm Isn’t Obtaining New Clients

Starting your own small law business doesn’t guarantee that people will be lining up to become clients. You might provide excellent legal services, but you may have failed to take all necessary steps to make yourself as visible as possible.

Obtaining law firm clients

If dwindling clientele is a problem you’re currently facing, these might be some of the reasons why:

You Don’t Have a Website

In a small town with very few legal services on offer, you may not see the need for a website. However, websites developed by performance-focused attorney website design agencies can be required when you’re competing against several other experienced law firms in your area.…

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Tips for Cultivating a Cohesive Company Culture

The times are strange for business. There are many vacancies and companies who need hard workers. The culture in companies is changing. Between teleconferences and remote work, cultivating a cohesive and productive company culture is more difficult.

Company culture

Still, it is imperative to create an environment that is both effective and pleasant. This is true even for a digital environment.

Below are some tips to help owners and management alike create a cohesive company culture that will lead to success and happiness in the staff.

Hold Weekly Meetings

Whether you are in the office or are working remotely, holding weekly meetings is important to create a cohesive company culture.…

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