Can Multi-Level Marketing Offer a Viable Career Opportunity?

Given the current economy more and more individuals are seeking multiple avenues to generate additional income. Flexible home-based and internet opportunities have provided a new way in which to earn cash, shunning the traditional 9-5 grind.

Whether you’re a millennial saving to buy a house or travel, or a stay at home parent who still wants to earn money, the potential is endless. Plus you get to enjoy the freedom of being the master of your own schedule!

Multi Level Marketing prospect meeting

Many of these home-based jobs lie within multi-level marketing, which has received varying viewpoints – often based on misinformation. Multi-level marketing can offer an extremely rewarding and flexible way in which to work, but it does pose questions from some.…

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Why Your Business Needs a New Credit Card Terminal Immediately

When it comes to overseeing transactions in one’s place of business, it’s integral to keep up with the latest technologies and methods of payments. By now, most self-respecting business-owners have taken advantage of all the perks that credit cards and credit card terminals have to offer, but this isn’t always the case.

Credit card payment processing at a store

The following, then, will discuss the benefits of buying a credit card machine – as we shall see, the pros certainly outweigh the cons, which is to say, get ahold of a new terminal essential for any entrepreneur to flourish.

Less And Less People Are Opting For Cash Transactions

Cash is not only inconvenient in its awkward tactility – it is an absolute liability.…

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10 Tips for Protecting your Business When Selling on Amazon or eBay

There’s no question that as millennials become a larger segment of the workforce and enter the world of consumerism, there is less and less demand for brick and mortar stores. But, we’ll go a step further and say most consumers have already become digitally clients of buying products online.

Selling products at online marketplaces

This mega shift from brick-n-mortar to a B2C economy has every business from the smallest artisan to the largest manufactures eyeballing a distribution relationship with Amazon and/or eBay. But, there’s still a big question a lot of vendors and manufactures still ponder about taking the plunge: Is it really worth it to make the transition to an online store, or does moving to a big online marketplace put my business at jeopardy at all?…

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Is Cold Calling Dead or Should It Still be Part of Your Sales Activity?

Cold calling for sales appointments has for decades been the foundation that successful sales careers were built on, but no longer according to some in the sales industry.

‘Cold calling is dead,’ state the many obituaries on social and business media. ‘Long live the new electronic, multi-channel approach,’ proclaim the adverts, articles, email shots, and media posts.

Cold calling - dead?

So is it true, do sales people no longer need to make cold calls to arrange sales appointments with prospects?

If it is true there will be a huge sigh of relief from the multitudes of great presenters and closers that hate making cold calls to get in front of buyers.…

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How to Ensure Your Shop Makes a Great First Impression

As a retailer, one of the most important things you have to do is make your customers feel welcomed.

That’s why you have all your staff in pristine matching uniforms and train them to greet every customer with a smile.

Store employee

But it’s not enough.

First impressions matter. Before your customers even enter your premises and come face-to-face with your friendly employees, they’ve already been given all the information about your business they need to know.

From the shop exterior to the window display and interior decorating style, there are plenty of little things that can instantly put them off.

To ensure that’s not the case with your business, here are a few budget-friendly styling tips and finishing touches that are guaranteed to help your shop make a great impression on every customer.…

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4 Pricing Strategies That Can Boost Your Online Sales Fast

When sales are low there are various things that can be done. You can use many strategies and make so many site modifications. A part of the strategies that can be used are connected to pricing.

When your storefront is attractive and sales are slow, although traffic is good, you can use various pricing strategies to increase sales. It does not matter if you sell textbooks online or if you sell something more expensive like refrigerators.

Try these strategies.

1. Cover All Price Ranges

The customers that visit the online store have different price points and objectives. This is why you want to offer both the low end products and the high end products.…

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Complimentary Products Boost Sales and Company Revenue

Without healthy and consistent sales, there is no sustaining a business. Companies often explore every marketing and pricing technique they can, until they find what works best for their business model and their consumer markets.

Complimentary products drive sales

One very useful way to boost sales for many industries is by offering complimentary products or services. It may seem counter-intuitive to give away product for free as a way to build revenue, but it can work very well when done effectively. Think about the last time you went to see a new movie. Did you buy your tickets, popcorn and drink together as a package or separately?…

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Making Your Market – How to Find Your Lead Generation Unicorn

Everybody wants something for nothing.

It’s human nature to want free stuff, but free doesn’t necessarily need to mean it’s ‘cheap and hasty’. In the world of lead generation, there are a variety of options for you to choose from when attempting to get ahead and build your business on the back of another company’s system. If you’re a company looking for those leads, it’s important for you to restrain your enthusiasm, and make a calculated decision on whom your partner in growth should be.

Lead generation

Too often, we get excited about finding a lead generation company who’ll say yes, that you forget what you’re looking for; the consumer.…

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What is Deal Registration – and Why Does it Matter to You?

Anyone who has ever worked in a sales environment knows the frustration and disappointment that comes when a big sale falls through — especially when a competitor swoops in and seemingly snatches the customer right out from under your nose. Despite your anger, though, there’s usually not a whole lot that you can do about it.

Deal registration

Unless, of course, you registered the deal that you were working on. In industries that rely on channel partners and resellers, such as IT, some vendors engage in a process of deal registration that protects their partners from losing sales to other resellers and even the vendor’s own sales team.…

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Top 5 Ways to Increase Customer Satisfaction

With increasing competition for consumer attention and new substitutes entering the market on an almost constant basis, the demand for customer satisfaction has never been more important. Companies must be able to not only consistently acquire consumers, but also be able to retain them for as long as they possibly can.

Happy customer

If companies are not capable of effectively managing customer satisfaction levels, it is only a matter of time before their sales drop and they take their business elsewhere. The primary reason for this is the increase in review websites that have advanced controls to filer authentic reviews, increasing the transparency of online business.…

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