5 Ways SMBs Can Fetch High-Quality Leads Without Spending a Fortune

Sales are the lifeblood of a business as they keep the revenues churning and boost profits in the long run. Achieving sales targets is, therefore, crucial for all organizations. Everything boils down to generating high-quality leads as you can close them with minimal time and effort. But finding them is nothing short of a daunting challenge. Expect it to get even harder if you run a small or mid-sized business with a shoestring budget.

Qualifying sales leads

Luckily, you can fetch quality leads with high conversion potential without spending a fortune. But you must follow viable tactics to achieve the same. Here are the tactics you can rely on.…

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Best Resume Tips For Sales Director

As a sales director, you will have to draft innovative and strategic plans to reach your sales goals. Similarly, you will have to write strategic content in your resume to increase your chances of getting the job.

Resume writing

A sales director job is an executive and responsible role in a sales team. You will be entrusted with creating plans and schedules for sales and overseeing the team’s performance. Since it is a prime role, the recruiters look for candidates with more skill, knowledge, and experience. The first chance to create a good impression is your resume.

Making a perfect resume will go a long way in securing your dream job.…

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5 Tips to Supercharge Your Online Store Sales

Your online store thrives on consistent, dependable sales. But there’s always room for more! How can you increase your online store sales to be busier and more profitable than ever?

Online store video promotion

We’ve got you covered with 2022’s top tips to supercharge your online store sales.

1. Write Compelling Product Descriptions

Your product description is your chance to separate your products from your competitors. Give the buyer an idea of what the product is really like. Use keywords to help you appear in search results. Don’t just talk about product specs. Help the reader picture what life will be like if they purchase.…

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4 Tips to Improve Your Company’s Sales Performance

In sales, profitability requires quality leads, better prospects, higher conversion, consistent revenue, and general high sales performance. It also needs consistent visibility to your customers and prospects. However, many businesses struggle to get the visibility that improves sales performance. Yet, better sales performance is a combination of visibility, consistency, and the right tools.

Flower store owners

Here are four tips to help you improve your sales performance.

Hire the Right People

You can’t achieve any business success without the right people. Hiring the right talent is different from hiring the right people. In sales, talent is a combination of skills, confidence, and great training.…

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How to Start a Lead Generation Business: Belkins’ Tips and Life Hacks

In modern business, staying put and resting on your oars spells stagnation and dramatically lagging behind your rivals. It is also true of the B2B sector where competition is especially acute because of the limited number of agents who are very often powerful players in their realm.

Lead generation business

That is why for a forward-looking management of any B2B enterprise, getting new leads and turning them into prospects and then into loyal customers is a chief priority. Many of them prefer buying business leads to lead generation efforts of their in-house teams – and this is where lead generation companies step in.

Given the growing need for B2B sales lead generation services, launching a lead generation venture is a profitable business idea promising substantial revenues.…

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Are You Leveraging Sales Data To Grow Your Business? 

One of the main objectives of for-profit businesses is to sell products or services. So, when customers start making purchases, it’s easy to assume that you’re on the right path to accomplishing your goals. However, most novice entrepreneurs fail to understand that generating sales is not the same as turning a profit. Similarly, making a few sales today doesn’t mean that you’ll make the same or more sales going forward.

Discussing sales report

The most successful small business owners realize that turning profits and increasing sales over time requires continual evaluation, informed decision-making, and effective change. More than checking how much money you made, entrepreneurs must evaluate sales reports to get a detailed picture of their company’s success (or lack thereof).…

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8 Essential Elements of a Sales Training Video

Employees spend an average of 8 hours per week on company-sponsored learning and development. If you’re like most sales organizations, you might be wondering what tools and channels to use for your employee training and development efforts. Video has emerged as a leading tool for content delivery since it’s now accessible everywhere with the proliferation of high-speed internet networks.

Sales training video

Video is also an effective sales and  sales leadership training tool for your salespeople. It has already been written about the benefits of using short videos to drive sales effectiveness, but how can you create a sales training video? Here are eight essential elements that go into any successful corporate video.
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Five Tips for Small Businesses to Sell on Amazon

Are you running a small business? Do you have an online store that isn’t bringing you enough revenue? If you want to start selling on platforms like Amazon, there are clear steps for getting started. Whether you’re selling clothes, technology, or something else, you can sell internationally on Amazon, but you need to know what you are doing.

Amazon package

photo credit: Wicked Monday / Unsplash

Businesses can use platforms to bolster their revenue and promote their brand in a fba small and light program. Below are five tips for small businesses to sell on Amazon.

Decide What Are You Selling

The first thing you need to do is decide what you will sell on Amazon.…

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Your Crash Course in S&OP (And It’s Important for Your Business)

No matter what industry you’re in, supply chains are all over the news. There have been big changes in global supply chains that have happened over the last year and there are more supply chain changes on the way.


This means our companies need more robust responses to supply chain problems. S&OP is one way to create a responsive and adaptive operations plan that will allow your company to weather any supply chain storm. Let’s take a look at how S&OP works.

What is Sales & Operations Planning?

Here’s what everyone gets wrong about S&OP. Many executives see S&OP as a new way of managing their supply chains, but it’s actually so much more than that.…

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Inside Vs. Outside Sales: Which Is Right For Your Business?

Setting up a business might seem easy for many, as you’ll only need funds and a good plan. However, to survive in the cutthroat world of commerce, you’ll need more than just these two.

Inside sales vs. outside sales

photo credit: Fauxels / Pexels

Making sales every day is what will keep your business running, and this is where most companies struggle. While others have a marketable product, some lack the skills to sell it, or they just don’t know the best way to approach a customer. Will they rely on cold calling or do direct marketing?

In the business world, there are two types of salespeople: inside and outside.…

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