5 Reasons to Exhibit at a Trade Show

Compared to direct marketing and online advertising, exhibiting at a trade show is far from cheap. From renting floor space to developing a great booth, the high cost of exhibiting at a trade show makes this form of marketing one that many small to medium-sized companies ignore solely due to its expense.

Trade shows are great places to generate fresh sales leads for your business

While exhibiting at a trade show can be expensive, the rewards can match – and in many cases, vastly exceed – the cost of developing a booth, renting floor space, and travelling to and from the event itself.

We asked trade show experts Display Wizard about the benefits and rewards of a great trade show exhibit.…

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3 Tips for Managing Keyword Match Types in Google AdWords Campaigns

By dominating the world of keyword match types, the PPC advertiser can learn to make his or her advertising budget go a lot further. The careful management of keyword match types in any PPC campaign is essential. Using the available platform-specific tools can help you with that. For example, if you run AdWords campaigns, using AdWords management tools can help you a lot.

Indeed, it’s one of the best ways of saving on advertising costs and generating a much higher return on investment.

PPC management

Those new to PPC management should try implementing the following three tips as part of their general approach to keyword match type optimization.…

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3 Ways to Take Advantage of Thanksgivukkah and Other Opportunities

It just so happens that Hanukkah and Thanksgiving both happened to be on November 28th this year. To celebrate this phenomenon, many decided to call this day ‘Thanksgivukkah.’ You can bet there was a huge marketing frenzy surrounding this day.


For example, there was a 9-year-old boy in New York City that created a “menurkey,” a turkey-shaped menorah, and actually got the funds to created it from a Kickstarter campaign. Or Dana Gitell, who decided to trademark the word after snapping up the Twitter handle and creating a Facebook page. Even Los Angeles geared up to create a festival around this holiday.…

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PPC Advertising is Not Just About Keyword Match Types

Novices to PPC Advertising might very well believe that managing a PPC Advertising Campaign is all about selecting the right keywords and attaching those keywords to appropriate advertisements and their respective landing pages.

Even though this is the basic idea behind PPC Advertising, without a doubt, and one of the reasons why Google AdWords Advertising is one of the easiest to get involved in, this is not the be all and end all to PPC.

pay-per-click advertising

The possibilities for getting really creative with your PPC Advertising are endless. The types of PPC Advertisements available to the average online marketer are expanding all the time.…

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Google Hummingbird and its Impact on SEO and Content Marketing Strategies

The new Hummingbird update from Google has hit the online marketing world by storm, much like every other update they’ve ever done! Site owners, marketers and search engine enthusiasts alike seem to go into frenzy-mode every time Google changes something. And rightly they should, every update makes a significant leap forward for the actual users.

google hummingbird algorithm update

While it usually sets most marketers back a few, or several steps – where they have to head back to the drawing board to figure out a game-plan to fight their way back to the top of the search engines for terms like “Test fit black elastic underpants sizes 1-20”, or “prefabbed concrete slabs in Glendale”.…

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PPC Advertising is the Perfect Marketing Solution for New Startups

PPC advertising is the best marketing strategy for startups and business entrepreneurs for a number of reasons, three of which are outlined clearly in this post.

pay per click advertising

All businesses need an online marketing strategy, but it’s important for new businesses to understand why PPC advertising would be so incredibly useful for their needs. It’s important for startup entrepreneurs to recognize why PPC advertising campaigns are the perfect marketing solution for a young business.

1. PPC advertising is about testing and tracking

All new businesses benefit from a very tight system of testing and tracking in all areas of business because everything is fresh and unknown.…

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Three Reasons Your Business Needs a Blog

With the emergence of social media sites that keep you instantly connected, blogging has become increasingly neglected by small business owners. Most business sites have a tab to their blog; however, that tab often brings customers to an outdated page that hosts a handful of articles that are irrelevant to both the customer and the business. The incredible return blogs offer should make them the number one priority of small business owners looking to increase their sales and customer base, though.

business blogging

These three reasons should provide plenty of incentive to start – or restart – your small business blogging efforts:

Work Your Way Up Search Engine Rankings

Any business owner with an online presence knows the importance of search engine rankings.…

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How to Do Surveys for Your B2B Demand Generation Strategy?

These days, B2B marketing is experiencing dramatic change. The marketing experts are finding themselves under enormous pressure to convey results and validate important program and head-counts investments. Moreover, products and service sales are the core of any business and without generating lead as well as clients it can not continue to exist. Although, there are several techniques to generate leads, surveys are among the most effective techniques for performing an exclusive lead generation.

b2b demand generation survey

Furthermore, conducting market research is really essential in order to understand the market behavior, customers, characteristics, etc. Today, there are numerous lead generation companies that promise to bring quality and effective leads and it becomes confusing which one to choose.…

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4 Ways to Boost Your Business Using Custom Signs

Gaining customers and increasing the productivity of your company is a goal that almost all businesses have. If you are looking for a way to get your company’s name out there in the public eye, having a custom sign made is a great option to increase visibility without much effort. Here are four ways that using custom signs can help to boost your business.

custom store sign

1. Visibility

Getting your business information out to the public is going to increase growth. But how do you go about doing that without creating too much extra work for yourself? Having custom banners or signs in locations where passersby can see them is going to allow you to put your information out to the general public.…

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Mistakes to Avoid When Creating Online Content

Content marketing is the rage. It’s so talked about the debated these days that even huge brands like Pepsi and Coca-Cola are devoting resources in terms of both time and money to create customized, interesting and sharable content.

content marketing

All that being said, there are some pitfalls when it comes to content marketing. Here’s a few to avoid:

Know your target market

A major SEO company based out of San Diego called Covario is running a workshop titled SEO for Hispanic Markets. Here’s the problem, the word Hispanic is increasingly being thought of as both derogatory and generally, should be avoided. You might be wondering why.…

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