How to Start a Company in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a top business destination in Europe. Its connectivity, high quality of life, business ecosystem and access to talented workforce from around Europe make it a prime location for investors looking to open a company. Regardless of the chosen business field, starting a business in Netherlands is a straightforward process that will involve a few administrative procedures.


The process can be reduced to a few key steps, which are briefly detailed below.

1. Choose a business structure

Once you have your business plan ready, it is time to choose a suitable business structure. This is an important decision because the chosen legal form will influence the degree of liability for the founders of the company and will require a certain minimum share capital.…

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The Advantages of Digital Compliance Archiving

According to recent studies, nearly 47% of business owners claim data growth is one of their biggest challenges.

If your business operates in the financial sector, then you have to take data compliance archiving seriously. Failing to put the right archiving solutions in place can lead to you having large fines levied against.

Digital compliance archiving

In the past, business owners had to rely on paper files and file cabinets to house this type of important data. As technology has advanced, so have the convenience of digital compliance archiving. Read below to learn about the benefits that come with handling all of your compliance archiving online.…

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Trying to Keep Your Delivery Vehicles Safe? Check Out These Essential Maintenance Tips

The damage caused by car crashes cost American businesses nearly $230 billion a year.

Keeping the delivery vehicles you have safe is something you need to view as a priority. Neglecting to provide these vehicles with the care they need can lead to accidents occurring. For years, The Clark Law Office has handled car accident claims that are caused by fleet maintenance issues.

Delivery vehicle safety

Rather than waiting until a lawsuit is filed against your company to change your fleet management policies, you need to take a good hard look at them now. Here are some of the things you need to consider when attempting to keep your delivery vehicles safe.…

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Legal Liability in the Workplace

America is a fairly litigious society, although we’re not quite as bad as our reputation suggests. The truth is, there are good reasons for many of the civil lawsuits that are currently winding their way through the court system.

Harrassment in the workplace

There are far fewer frivolous lawsuits out there than it may seem. When we think of “legal liability,” we often think of in terms of someone slipping and falling on a wet grocery store floor because the employees didn’t put out a “caution wet floor” sign. Or we might think of it as someone suing for medical bills after a texting driver plows into their car at an intersection.…

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Why Every Service Business Should Offer an Unconditional Guarantee

Trust is the most important thing when trying to bring in new customers, especially in the services industry. Customers have already heard nightmare stories about fly-by-night contractors, plumbers who never show and HVAC technicians who make the problem worse.

How can you win over customers when they view you as untrustworthy before they even use your service?

Offer them a guarantee.


Many service providers never think to offer a guarantee. They assume that services cannot be guaranteed. After all, you can’t send back bad catering or a bad haircut for repair.

When we say “guarantee,” we’re not talking about the service itself, but rather, customer satisfaction.…

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Superannuation Solutions for Every Size & Type of Business: Find the fund that is right for you – no matter the business you are in

Choosing the right superannuation fund for your employees can be a complex process regardless of the industry you are in or the size of your business. The number of superannuation fund options is vast and, even though you may already be an experienced employer, the laws and requirements concerning employers and super are not always easy to master. From 1st July 2018, new legislation regarding super will be coming into effect – adding further considerations to the existing rules. Therefore, it is crucial to have a clear strategy for selecting super for your employees.

Superannuation solutions

This article will discuss different sizes and types of Australian small businesses, the common superannuation problems that employers in these businesses tend to encounter, and what superannuation strategies these businesses could employ to solve these common problems.…

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Business Taxes That Small E-Commerce Businesses Should Be Aware Of

Managing taxes for your business is, well, taxing. It involves a lot of paperwork and several receipts, all of which you need to properly sort out and file. Even if you’re running a small business, taxes are still part of your responsibility, and this same goes for small e-commerce businesses.

Calculating taxes

Are Online Businesses Required To Pay Taxes?

One common misconception is that selling online does not involve paying taxes. Some e-commerce store owners may not know this, but paying taxes may be required in the area where your business market is operating.

In some places, taxation includes Internet marketplaces – that is, e-commerce websites like Amazon and eBay whose products are sold by individuals and not by the websites themselves.…

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3 Ways to Maintain a Respectable Safety Record (plus 5 Issues to Address)

Safety in manufacturing should not be perfunctorily performed just to comply with government regulations; it should be taken seriously, but because the absence of safety exposes employees to serious workplace accidents. Human suffering and loss arise if there is an injury or death in the workplace. It affects everyone—the worker’s family and friends, his or her community, and fellow coworkers and the company’s reputation.

Welding aluminum

Fortunately, all it takes are a few simple measures to maintain a company’s respectable safety record, while addressing several issues in the process.

3 ways to keep workers safe

Here are three ways to keep your employees safe and keep your safety record at the highest level.…

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How to Find a Reliable Asset Protection and Living Trust Attorney

A living trust refers to an estate-planning document with a list of instructions about what will happen to your assets after you die. Most people opt for living trusts instead of wills because they help avoid unnecessary expenditure and time wastage. It might be a good idea to sort out your living trust in case of something unexpected happens.

Asset protection and living trust attorney

Probate proceedings involve many complications and are tiresome, so you should consider setting up a living trust. If you are looking for a reliable asset protection and living trust attorney like a Garden Grove CA asset protection attorney, here are some tips that will come in handy:


You need to exercise caution when looking for a lawyer to help with your living trust.…

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Business Visa Interview Tips for Those traveling to the United States

If you’re a businessman and you wish to travel to the United States of America, you probably know that a business visa is required and, for the same, you need to clear the interview round. When we talk about the interview around, there are many assumptions made by people such as grammatical activity on a particular accent will be tested but this is not true.

US visa

All you need to know is that you should demonstrate your purpose of entering the United States and your financial stability, along with your strong ties with your home country. Apart from this, the following tips will help you in getting through with the interview.…

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