Small Business. Big Passion.

As a small business, you can have many benefits. You just need to realize and take advantage of some of them. Passion is one of the most important qualities you attempt to seek in every single one of your employees. Especially in a small business, passion is what takes your business to the next level. With passion comes an array of positive effects. You are more motivated, more supportive, and more engaged.

Passionate staffs

One typical route to take is changing the workspace as we’ve seen in many start-ups nowadays. This is a great feature, but most small businesses frankly don’t have the opportunity and capital to construct the next Google workspace.…

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Welcome Spring with a Spectacular Office Party

As winter winds its way down, so does office morale. Cold weather, short daylight hours and frayed tempers can all take their toll on everyone in the office. However, as we begin to count the days until spring begins, there are some great ways to celebrate the season and brighten outlooks at the same time.

spring time

If your office has not already implemented an annual spring party, now is the time. We’ll look at several fresh and unique ways to celebrate the season, get your staff engaged, and replace glum moods with brighter ones. The best part is that many of these ideas need not be limited to springtime functions; you may find yourself using them for several different occasions.…

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Improving Front-Office Efficiency: Take a Long, Hard Look at Your Back Office

A bag of popcorn in one hand and your favorite person in the world in tow, when you sit in front of that giant screen, you know what you both will be seeing – the movie, the finished product. Depending on the film’s genre, you can end up screaming your head off in fear, laughing like you’ve never laughed before, or falling in love all over again.

There are four truths at play in the scenario above:

  1. You came to see the movie, and it was what you paid for – on the surface, at least.
  2. The time, effort, technology and talent it collectively took to bring what once was a figment of the imagination to the big screen are what makes or breaks the success of a film.
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8 Great Tips on How to Effectively Manage Generation Y and Z Employees in the Modern Business Landscape

Managing the modern employee pool is much different from what it was back in our parents and grandparent’s time. Gen Y (a.k.a., “Millenials” estimated 71,000,000 people) workers are now fully steeped in the work force, and Gen Z (a.k.a., “The New Breed” estimated 23,000,000 people and growing) workers are coming up through the ranks every day. This makes for a major changes in personalities and skills. And consequently, major changes in the way that an employer or manager has to deal with their employees in order to be successful.

young employees

Generation Y was a new breed when they entered the professional workforce in the late nineties and early two-thousands, with less tolerance for the traditionally aggressive, uncompromising “Devil may care” management style that most managers had utilized since the start of the Industrial revolution back in the nineteenth century.…

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Telecommuting – a Sure-fire Way to Reduce Productivity and Effectiveness

I read with interest the recent, excellent article on telecommuting.

It argues that telecommuting reduces a company’s costs, increases its productivity and furthers the green agenda. Well-argued as it is, I disagree. My belief is that it hinders teamwork, fosters resentment, reduces flexibility and makes it difficult to support your employees or identify true talent.


I should state, early on, that I don’t have any problem with occasional telecommuting. If my employees are flexible and are prepared to work late when needed, then as an employer, I’m more than happy to let them work from home to let the plumber in, or to see a school play.…

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Telecommuting: The New Green Business

Telecommuting is becoming increasingly popular, with currently more than 29 million U.S. workers telecommuting at least one day per month. This is a growing trend too, as more companies see the positive impact telecommuting can have on the environment, while helping reduce operating costs and increase productivity for their businesses. This green strategy can also help to improve a company’s brand, and if done properly, can be a great sell to shareholders.


Going Green with Telecommuting

An important benefit to telecommuting is in how it reduces gas usage and helps disseminate rush hour traffic. According to a recent whitepaper compiled by Kate Lister and Tom Harnish, the 29 million workers who are currently telecommuting have been able to save more than 390 million gallons of gas throughout the year.…

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5 Ways to Keep Your Employees Happy

5 Ways to Keep Your Employees Happy

True and successful team management involves more than just the time and effort you invest once you step into your office or workplace. Naturally, you need to keep your employees as happy and comfortable as possible. Most employees would rather choose a great work environment with high employee morale than a bigger paycheck. Let’s take a look at some ways you can do that.

Allow Them Free Will

Don’t give employees the illusion that their work and decisions are linear. Offer them a chance to influence a decision or two. A good example would be to provide an opportunity for them to choose their incentives and rewards for a job well done.…

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10 Reasons Why Brand Training Is Important For Your Employees

10 Reasons Why Brand Training Is Important For Your Employees

Most companies provide initial orientation training, where employees learn about the company’s brand. After this, they get few opportunities to form a cohesive bond with the company’s brand.   In this article, we explain why ongoing brand training is important for your employees.

1. In-house Brand Ambassadors

If you want your employees to sell your brand to clients, you have to first sell your brand to them. Arm them with the knowledge, skills and expertise to represent your brand the way you want it represented. Watch them transform them into whole-hearted brand ambassadors for your business.

2. Greater Involvement

Your employees will feel greater loyalty towards your brand and feel more involved when you personally train them on your brand.…

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Some Digital Signage Solutions That Can Streamline Company Communications

“I didn’t get the memo.” This is one statement that you often hear from employees – a possible excuse for not dressing up in formal corporate attire on a supposedly casual dress day, or not being able to attend a meeting, or not preparing a report or document that needs to be submitted ASAP.

In traditional company practices, memos are either tacked onto corkboards on one corner of the room or slipped into each employee’s desk – two tactics which, quite honestly, does not guarantee that every individual will be able to receive an important message or pass on an urgent announcement.

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How Conference Calling Aids Your Business’ Success

How Conference Calling Aids Your Business' SuccessBusiness conference calls simply put, is a phone call which involves three or more people. Regardless of the geographical locations of the participants, they are enabled to participate at an arranged time via the telephone whether it’s to resolve an urgent business issue or to brainstorm.

Conference calling is now a crucial factor in a business’ success as most businesses are always on the search for effective ways that will enable their employees to finish as much work as possible in the least amount of time and money.

One of the most important benefits of conference calling is that it allows businesses to save time and money.…

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